java - Why isn't componentHidden called for my JPopupMenu? -
Text after "
I want to send notifications when my JPopupMenu
is hidden - regardless of the selection of an item The menu was dismissed, or the setvibal (false)
was called upon to it. Here is my test code:
import javax.swing *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Public Class A extended Kmponentadaptr Rnnbl, Akshnlistr (private Jebtn B; public static void main (String [] Arges) {EventQueue.invokeLater (new A ());} public void run () {JFrame f = new JFrame ( "test" ); b = new Jebtn ( "Click me"); b.addActionListener (this); f.add (b); Fkpack (); FksetVisible (right);} public void Kriyaprwartit (Akshnavent e) { JPopupMenu pm = new JPopupMenu (); pm.addComponentListener (this); pm.add ( "pop ..."); pm.add ( "... the menu!"); (B, 10, 10) ;} Visible public null component IES (Component Avant e) {System.out.println ( "component shows");} public void Gtkhinder (component Avant e) {System.out.println ( "Gtkhad");}}
How do I interact with the menu, two ComponentListener
methods are not being called too. Why is it?
pm.addPopupMenuListener ( New PopupMenuister () {@ Override Public Wide Popup menu was aborted (PopupMenuivEE) {S ystem.out.println ( "Cancel");} @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible (PopupMenuEvent e) {println ( "vanishing");} @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible (PopupMenuEvent e) {println ( "a" is displayed) ;}});
Edit: Whoops, it seems as if someone chose to reply in the comment. My bad
Edit2 :. is not sending events on the menu disappear, might explain it:
When component-hidden and component-shown events As a result of calls to the setVisible method of only one component. For example, without a window, a component-hidden icon may be small in the event the event is being removed
Source: (non-statutory) Probably, but from the horse's mouth.)
Consider that And you know how this can happen, but not In why this happens (it has written what is the rationale and where exactly?) is setVisible in conjunction with the implementation of JPopupMenu:
public Zero setVisible (boolean b) {// not supported for MenuComponents}
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