javascript - How to return $(this) -

I am using jQuery and have created a plugin for some in the work of the house, which is basically our internal API Makes url for Anyway, I want to return $ (this) and I'm not getting the right thing and I'm getting a manufactured documentframement error?

Plugin Code:

  $ Get (base_url, {Agenda_id:, verb: defaults.action + defaults.Type, output: defaults.output}, function (html) {defaults.callback (html);});  

It works fine, but I want to add obj the return like this:

  $ Get (base_url, {agenda_id:, action: defaults.action + defaults.Type, output: defaults.output}, function (html) {defaults.callback (html); return obj;});  

Obj is set to start at the beginning of my plugin and works fine during the OGJ plugin


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