perl - Match any GET path with Mojolicious::Lite -

I want to match any GET request in Mojolicious :: Lite. The code looks like this:

  get '. * '= & Gt; Sub (my $ self = shift; $ self-> render (text = & gt; 'nothing to see here, go along.');};  

MojoX :: Routes :: dies at line 301 with "modification of non-compositionable array value." I tried other arguments for matching , such as qr // works for / , but does not match / foo . I also tried to peek at the source, but I'm not intelligent Am you?

I think you want:

  get '/ (* restepath)' = & gt; ...  

( restofpath is a name that will allow you to get the actual pathname later, you will need it ...) For more information, see the documentation.

< / Div>


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