- Cannot find System.Web.Script.Service namespace error after upgrading to Visual studio 2010 -

I have just upgraded the VS 2010 project to VS 2010, changing the project, but the goal is net 3.5 (SP1). Is installed). My project works on another machine without issuing VS 2008.

I system Web extensions. Reference is added to Dll but I am still getting errors from the code in the App_Code folder:

1) System.Web.Script.Service can not get the namespace.

2) Type 'System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService' is not defined.

3) Type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer' is not defined.

Does anyone have any idea what can be the problem because I am very stumped? In Visual Studio 2012, make sure to add context to System.Web.Extensions: (

As the system should be Web.Script.Serialization .


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