mvc - ActionLink Problem with Client Template Telerik MVC grid -

I am using the Telerec grid to present the memo obtained by the user

 . & Lt;% of the HTML.Telerik () grid & lt; UserManagement.Models.SentMemos & gt; () .Name ( "ReceivedMemos") .Sortable (sorting = & gt; .OrderBy sorting (sortOrder = & gt; sortOrder.Add (o = & gt; o .MemoDate) .Descending ())) .DataBinding (databinding = & Gt; databinding // Ajax binding is a .jax () action method that will return JSON .Select ("_AjaxBindingReceivedMemos", "OA")) Column (colums = & gt; {colums.Bound (o = & gt; o.MemoID) .ClientTemplate (Html.ActionLink ( "Reply", "ReplyMemo", "Oye", new {MemoID = "& LT; # = MemoID # & gt ( "North"). Tostring ()). The title ( "North"). Filtryogy (false) Ksetebl (false); colums.Bound (o = & gt; o. Memoid) Kclainttamplet (HTML .exe link ("accept" "preview" memo "," oy ", new {id =" & lt; # = memoID # ",}}, tap) .tostring (). Title (" accept ") Filterable (false) .sableable (wrong); colums.Bound (o => gt; o.Subject) .ClientTemplate (Html.ActionLink ("k  HTMLActionLink (o. shoes, "Purwavloknmomo", "Oye", new {id = o.MemoID}, null) .ToString ()) title ( "subject") ;. colums.Bound (o = & gt; o.FromEmployeeName) ; Colums.Bound (o = & gt; o.MemoDate);}). Sortable (). Filterable (). Rove Action ((line) = & gt; {line.HTML entries (Add "style", "Background: # 321211;"); }) .Pageable (pager = & gt; pager.PageSize (6)) .PrefixUrlParameters (wrong) //.ClientEvents(events = & gt; events.OnRowDataBound ( "onRowDataBound")) .Render (); & Gt%;  

Where I am compelling third column (my subject), my intent is to create an app, where the topic is the display text and I want it to be a dynamic id and < Lt; # = MemoID # & gt; . The memo id is working fine and gives me a link with the dynamic memo id. The problem is with the subject ie ( "# lw; # topic =>" ) provided Because it is on the screen without mapping the actual subject of the memo. I have also tried ( "<% = # topic =>" ) but no use.

It may be late now, but anything for you has been greatly appreciated, but It may help others:

I do this through templates, as follows:

  columnss.Bound (c => ). Clainttamplet (Html.ActionLink ( "& Lt; # = SomeTextValue # & gt;", "Kucakshn", "Kuckantrolr", new {id = "& lt; # = ID #",}, null) Kostring ()) .tetal ("");  


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