iphone - Save UIView's representation to file -

What is the easiest way to save UIView representation to file?

My solution is,

  UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (someView.frame.size); [SomeView drawRect: someView.frame]; UIImage * image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); NSString * path ++ "@ sample.png"; NSDTA * imageData = [NSDATA DataWithData: UIMJPNGREPNation (image)]; [ImageData writeToFile: Prepare the path atomically: yes];  

But it seems difficult, and I think it should be a more effective way to do this.

You can also use the layer like this:

  UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (someView.bounds.size); [SomeView.layer renderInContext: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ()]; UIImage * viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext ();  


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