TextMate can show definition of a function or a class easily? -

I am using TextMate on Ruby on RailM project and if you can put the mouse on link_to, and then one Press the key and it will show the definition of link_to, or does it for any other supporting functions or model definition?

Or, open a box and type in the name of a function and it will show you the definition?

  1. Ensure that you have the file set in ruby ​​with grammar grammar or

  2. Then highlight the name of the function you want to define (for example, before you w / your The cursor will always bring a menu of characters: shift-option-right arrow )

  3. Ctrl-H Option "R B: Document for selection "and" ROR View demo help ", which you can choose by pressing" 1 "or" 2 "

  4. " 1 "will bring in Ruby Docs Definition of found function


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