android - ImageAdapter and ListView (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget) -

I am using ListView to display the images that I provide through an ImageAdapter class. It works great on my device (and many other devices which I have tested it), but in some way when I am using emulator and I am pressing the button up / down - I get one after 10 Getting outmare error - 15 seconds.

I tried to clear the cache, cancel the cache, etc. - did not get any help.

I know that this accident is very rare (I call it any "real" device), but I can see on DDS that "GC free" is getting bigger during that long press and I There can be no way to clean them.

Any help would be appreciated, Tnx

You should decode with the inSampleSize option to reduce memory consumption.

Another option in the JudicodeBox can help you find the right sample value

You should consider using the enabled option. This allows the system to free your memory to avoid out-of-the-camera.


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