c# - Image Viewer application, Image processing with Display Data -
I am working on the Image Viewer application and I am planning to create WPF. My picture size is usually more than 3000x3500 After searching for the week, I received the sample code from MSDN but it has been written in the ATL COM
so I can work and make image viewers as follows Planning: After reading this image, I will come down in the size of my audience, around 1000x1000 is around. Display data to this image data. After displaying this data, I will only perform this performance data. For all image processing operations, I will use this display data and when users choose to save the image, I will apply all operations to the original image data.
My question is, it is ok to use and display data for initial image processing operation.
Yes, this will speed things up. There are only drawbacks:
- To repeat the action on the actual bitmap, and
- User zooms on editing when the quality is lost.
These are, you want to lose weight against the better performance of small bitmaps.
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