iphone - TTTabItem in three20 icon not working? -

I am trying to get TTTabItem to work with images and I dig that Can set in image file. This is my compliance:

  TTTabItem * tab1 = [[[tttabit alloc] initWithTitle: @ "item1"]  

autorelease]; Tab1.icon = @ "bundle: //icon_eat_min.png"; FilterBar.tabItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: tab1, zero]; [ScrollView addSubview: filterBar];

However, my icon is also not visible. I also search through this group:


Override the round style. But I'm just wondering why you can do that which you can set and it can not work? Or I'm doing it badly.

You get the tabStyle TT tabbar

  ttbabar * bank tabs = [[tttabstrip alloc] initwithframe: CGRactam (4, 80, 302, 40)]; [Bank tabs settab style: @ "LauncherButton image:"];  


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