reporting services - SSRS - Oracle DB, Passing Date parameter -
Using SSRS with an Oracle Database To give a user a prompt on running a report to enter a date for the report What is the best way to add parameters to the parameters in my SSRS report is having trouble finding the right date format. Under the "Report Parameters" menu, I have set the report parameter using the datetime datatype.
Keep this error "ORA-01843: Not valid one month"
Thank you for your help.
one OPR, AOPR, A. TransDCC, A. Choose Transaction_start_date, cast (as SD date), as SDAT, from B (A), from T (US_F.OPR_Name, ITH_F.OPR, ITH_F.ITH_RID, ITH_F.TRANSACT, Trans_Desc, TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time Transact.DESC_1, 'DD-Mon-YY') Trans_Start_Date, TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time, 'DD / YYYY Selection as DD / YYY'), substr (TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time) In 'HH24: MI'), 1,6) START_TIME, TO_CHAR (ITH_F.End_Time as 'DD-Som-YY') Trans_End_Date, as substr (TO_CHAR (ITH_F.End_Time, 'HH24: MI') , 1,6) end_time, as cast (case when TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time, 'DD-Som-YY') = TO_CHAR (ITH_F.End_Time, 'DD- (TO_CHAR (ITH_F.End_Time, 'SSSSS') - TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time, 'Sssss') / 60)) / 60 otherwise ((86,399 - (TO_CHAR (ITH_F.Start_Time,' Sssss')) + TO_CHAR (ITH_F.End_Time, 'Sssss') / 60) / Elite_76_W1.ITH_F 60 times as the decimal from the left (3,1)) where ITH_F.TRANSACT does not contain US_F.OPR = Transact.Transact = ITH_F.Transact Left at ITH_F.OPR Join Elite_76_W1.Transact at Elite_76_W1.US_F ('ASN', 'QC', 'LGOT')) where AASTT @ Ever_date, b.I.A. (A) and lieutenant; & Gt; 0 group a.OPR_Name, a.OPR, a.Trans_Desc, a.Trans_Start_Date, a.OPR_Name
Oracle parameters are indicated with a leading colon - @Event_Date should be: Event_Date.
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