
Showing posts from March, 2013

c++ - "The application has failed to start because cxcore210.dll was not found". Why would this happen? -

I'm having trouble running the original opencv script on my new machine I have installed opencv2.1. I am connecting these files with Linker: C: OpenCV 2.1 \ lib \ cv210.lib C: \ OpenCV 2.1 \ lib \ cvaux210.lib C: \ OpenCV2.1 \ Lib \ Cxcore210.lib C: \ OpenCV2.1 \ lib \ highgui210.lib I run the program, it compiles. However, it gives me the error described above why is this? I tried to connect it to DLL, and it does not like it. Need DLL somewhere, otherwise the loader will not be able to find it. The two easiest options are to copy the DLL to the directory located in your executable or in your executable directory, or to add the directory in which the DLL (S) is located in the path.

MySQL: fetching a null or an empty string -

I know that a NULL value and an empty string ( "" ) value, but if I want to get a value using the keyword or , then I can not find any results for NULL value is. I want to ask that the table looks like this: titles_and_tags + ---- + ---------- + ------ + | ID | Title | Tag | + ---- + ---------- + ------ + | 1 | Title 1 Faucet | 2 | Heading 2 | Tag 1 | | 3 | Title 3 Tag 2 | | 4 | Edit | Faucet | 5 | Roudata | Div | + ---- + ---------- + ------ + The use of my query looks like this: Select * by selecting the name "and" Tag "=" Tag 1 "or" Tag ") * Select * by name So I get one here Do the rows (id: 1,2), but this result is 0 rows. What have I done? Edit Sorry, I Forgotten that my main problem is: select 'Titles_and_tags` from WHERE' title 'such as "title%" and "tag` =" tag1 " '%' Like 'tag' then it is more like a closed subject, sorry Try heading ...

search engine - SEO: It's recommended to upload and put live a beta / non-finished version of web site? -

I am working on this big website and want to do it online before it's completely over ... I am working locally and the database is actually getting bigger, so I want to upload the website and continue to work on it on the server, but allow people to enter I am so I can test. The question is that it is good for SEO, I mean, there are many things related to SEO that are incomplete .. For example: there is no friendly URL, no sitemap, no files There are a lot of 'in-constructions' section ... Will Google penalize me forever? how does it work? Is Google indexed and the site structure just checking once or continuously updates and changes? Using robots.txt in User-agent: * Disallow: will prevent Google from indexing it completely? Can I change the robots.txt file later and change it to Google index again? What DP do you recommend? Unless your security Google indexes its site from time to time, and more often increases the PageRank as an index that makes it ...

web services - question on web development lanaguages -

I have just finished college and have worked with Java language for the past few years. I want to change, Do you think that the most useful web development language to use? We say that I would like to create a file sharing web service, if I had the client side How can I use a different language server side to develop in a language? How can I interact with them? Javascript - You have to work on the client side. I suggest the book because of its prototype nature due to Javascript There is an interesting language. If you want to JavaScript on the server side, then see, the code that is interesting due to the possibility of reusing the code. Python - Multilanguage language with great web toolkit. Not as expressive as other languages ​​(does not match ruby's DSL capability), but clean and expandable. Look at Pylons, Django, CherryPy. Pearl - Pearl web applications work well, even if the language is not "cool". Mason, Template Toolkit is the claimant. Ruby - Rail is...

java - Passing binary blob through a content provider -

I have a content provider that is custom in the set of my Android applications, and it needs to expose anything The URI for the small (20-30KB) byte array these blobs looks like this: Content: //my.authority/blob/# Where # is the row number; As a result the cursor has the standard _id column and a data column. The provider's query () method: byte [] byteData = getMyByteData () I am using matrix concert ; Matrix Cursors MC = New Matrix Concert (COLUMNS); Mc.addRow (new object [] {id, byte data}); Later, in the application consuming data, I do: cursor c = managed (uri, null, null, null , Null); C.moveToFirst (); Byte [] data = c.getBlob (c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ("data")); However, the data does not contain the contents of my original byte array; Rather, there is something like [B @ 435cc518 , which looks like an array address compared to content, I wrap the byte array in the implementation of java.sql.blob Tried, it is finding out that the Co...

JQUERY, appending an LI to a UL, and then animating that LI -

मेरे पास एक उल है: & lt; ul id = "news-feed" & gt; ; ..... & lt; / ul & gt; मैं सूची के शीर्ष पर एक लाई को संलग्न करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं और उसमें संलग्न आइटम स्लाइड डाउनॉउन को जगह में रखना चाहूंगा। $ (" समस्या मैं कर रहा हूँ (# & gt; & lt; li & gt; यह मेरा आइटम है & lt; / li & gt; ')। ऊपर वाला कोड समाचार-फ़ीड आइटम को नीचे स्लाइड कर रहा है, और संलग्न आइटम नहीं है। किसी भी विचार? यदि आप इसे एक साथ मिलाने की उम्मीद कर रहे थे, तो आप इसके बजाय appendTo () का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह नया ; li & gt; तत्व लौटाएगा ताकि आप इसे नीचे स्लाइड कर सकें । $ ('& lt; li & gt; यह मेरा आइटम है & lt; / li & gt;')। अनुलग्नक ("# समाचार-फ़ीड")। छुपाएं ()। स्लाइड डाउन (); संपादित करें: जैसा @ सेलेटस ने नोट किया है, आपको .prependTo () का उपयोग करना चाहिए क्योंकि उसने अपने कोड के बजाय .appendTo ( ) । यह नया आइटम सूची के शीर्ष पर लाएगा।

groovy - replace XmlSlurper tag with arbitrary XML -

I am trying to replace specific XmlSlurper tags with arbitrary XML strings. The best way is that I have been able to do this: #! / Usr / bin / env groovy Import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder def page = New XmlSlurper (New org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser ()) parseText ("" ". & gt; & gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; a ATTR1 = 'VAL1' & gt; asdf & lt; / a & gt; gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; "" ".trim ()) import groovy.xml.xmlUtil DEF closed off = {Tie, node- & gt; If ( () == "REPLACEMEWITHXML") {bind.mkp.yieldUscaped "& lt; replacement xml> shortly before & lt; / replacexml & gt;" } Else {bind. "$ { ()}" (node ​​attributes ()) {mkp.yield node.text () node. children (). Every child [child-> Close (Tie, ​​child)}}}} println XmlUtil.serialize (new StreamingMarkupBuilder () bind {bind-...

c++ - Festival TTS showing SIOD:ran out off storage message -

I'm preparing front end using festival C + + API for TTS Everything is fine in my work program but I have a problem that I drop down option to select the other languages ​​when the user chooses a language from the drop down The festival shows a message on TTS console saying: SIOD: storage has expired This message only shows when the text given to the festival TTS is more than 5 or 6 lines. I think so please let me know the solution to this problem. Thanks (from the festival mailing list, 2007) suggests that you can increase the heap in that size, in which all Languages ​​can be included, one can be selected. I do not know how they ended up solving this problem. D) After this email, does it freeze memory or does it keep all the voices around ... My guess is later. Alternatively, if you can kill the festival (I do not know your program structure) and start it again when it is selected from a renewed, which can avoid setting too large a heap is ...?

where is peopleresults.aspx page in sharepoint search? -

I define my contact list, and it has created the searchable trough SSP-> search settings. Now, I find people who are out of the box web part right? But when I search for any keyword, I redirect to the peopleresults.aspx page. With the message "404 not found" or some time ago I was showing that "page can not be found" error, what's the reason? How do people configure "peopleresults.aspx" with the search box? Please guide me to this very important guide. You can create your site and under the configuration of userprofile -> Setup

php - best JavaScript Editor and debugger -

जावास्क्रिप्ट संपादकों अर्थात् (यदि कोई है) जो सबसे अच्छा या अनुभव प्रोग्रामर द्वारा प्रदान किया गया है, मैं पूरी तरह से जावास्क्रिप्ट और पीएचपी के लिए नया हूँ, इसलिए मुझे इसकी कोई जानकारी नहीं है Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> मैंने डेवलपर्स के बहुत सारे डेवलपर्स के साथ वीआईएम या ईएमएसीएस प्रयोग किया है। एक मुट्ठी भर ग्रहण या Aptana का उपयोग करें, लेकिन वे पुराना जावा परिवर्तित हो गए थे ताकि वे IDE के साथ फंस गए कि वे सबसे अधिक आरामदायक थे। मैं उन्हें दोष नहीं दे सकता। कुछ अन्य जैसे पाठमाइट, या नोटपैड भी। मैं व्यक्तिगत तौर पर ईएमएसीएस पसंद करता हूं, लेकिन अंत में ऐसा नहीं है कि मुझे वास्तव में परवाह है कि किसी के साथ विकसित करने के लिए क्या उपयोग करता है, वे उतना ही उत्पादक थे। > मैंने एक वेब डेवलपर नहीं देखा है जो कुछ क्षमता में फायरबग का उपयोग नहीं करता है, हालांकि जावास्क्रिप्ट डीबगिंग के लिए मुझे अधिक मजबूत लगता है। क्रोम का जावास्क्रिप्ट समर्थन भी बहुत बुरा नहीं है।

repository - How to get notified of updates to public maven repositories for new plugins? -

Is there a tool that lets you access public maven repositories (like Epache | CodeHouse | Jbys | Sourceforge Maven repository ...) is not an automatic solution but you can use it to use in your project Will examine all the plugins and reports to be made and will display a list of those plugins along with available new versions Sending: [INFO] ----------------------------- ----- -------------------------------------- [INFO] Building - Organization. Parent: pom: 2.0 [INFO] Work-Segment: [version: display-plugin-updates] [INFO] ------------- - ------------------------------------------------- - -------- [INFO] [version: display-plugin-updates] [INFO] [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: [INFO] Maven-checkstyle-plugin ........ ........................ 2.1 - & gt; 2.2 [INFO] Maven-Clean-Plugin ............................... 2.1 - & gt; 2.2 [INFO] maven-deploy-plugin ..................................... 2.3 - &...

ajax - How to call an action from input component's onchange? -

For example, seeing a SelectOneMenu, I can trigger the valueChangeListeners or reproduce the piece of the page f: Ajax: & lt; H: SelectOpenMenuPageElector = "..." ... & gt; & Lt; F: Ajax render = "@form" execution = "@ form" /> & Lt; / H: selectOneMenu & gt; This is good, but when I change the box (if verification is passed) then I want to do some more complex stuff. Are there any chances to call the action method on any bean? Ajax is not connected to the UI command component? Or, if not, how can I call the bean method in the "selection application" phase when the value of the selection box changes? & lt; F: ajax & gt; A listener's attribute is an attribute of the listener, with API docs: The method used to refer to a method that is called when an Ajax-wide event has been broadcasted for the listener

Leaks in passing the request using URL at NSString, Objective-C -

I am getting a leak in this method, even the assigned NS string is also issued. Now I have received the string format, but still it is showing leakage on the line "NSDT * returndata = ...." - (BOOL) getTicket: (NSString *) Username Password: (NSString *) aPassword isLogin: (BOOL) isLogin {NSString * str = @ ""; If (isLogin == YES) {str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "AGNT = true & LOGIN_ID =% @ & PASSWORD =% @", [auto_encodeString: userName], [auto_encodeString: aPassword]]; } Else if (isLogin == NO) {str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "AGNT = true & LOGIN_ID =% @" and PASSWORD =% @ ", [auto_encodeString: userName], [auto_encodeString: aPassword] ]; } NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: [NSURL URLWithString: str] Cash Policy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData Timeout Interval: 25.0]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; NSDT * return data = [synchronous request sending NSRR conne...

wpf - How to access the DataTemplate of a DataObject that has the DataTemplate with DataType assigned? -

I have DataObject and DataTemplate in which Datatype = x: Type DataObject I have a content control in which the contents Datababage is I. On the content control of the content control, I need to reach smtg from the new data datatymeet which is a data object. How can I do this? Inverted, if I have a UIBaze and I need to get the data then I take this data content, but I do not know how to get it. Please help, Daniel Danielle, Looks like you're going wrong here. What needs to be done in DataObject , then DataObject to reflect the correct status of DataTemplate inside Triggers, Attached behaviors, styles and whatsnot Use, The less-recommended solution would be VisualTreeHelper , but using it you are asking for a problem.

regex - Regular expressions in a Python find-and-replace script? Update -

I'm new to Python scripting, please forgive me already if the answer to this question is naturally obvious . I am trying to put together a largely search and replace script with Python. I am using a code similar to the following: infile = sys.argv [1] charenc = sys.argv [2] outFile = infile + 'output' findreplace = [('term1 ',' Term2 '),] INF = Open (Infel,' rb ') s = Unicode (, Charanak) inF.close () to find in pairs: outtext = s.replace (couple [0], pair [1]) S = Outtext Out F = Open (Outfile, 'WB') Out F.Lelect (Outtext.Incode ('UTF-8')) Out F. Close () How do I go about finding and replacing the script for regular searches? Specifically, I want to find some information (metadata) specified at the top of a text file. Example: Title: This title is the author: It is the date of the author: this date is and it is converting it into Latex format. Example: This is the date Maybe I'm dealing with it inc...

c# - Are static members of a generic class tied to the specific instance? -

This is more than a real question. It does not seem that so far (unless I miss it), then it goes here: Imagine a common square with a stable member: square fu & lt; T & gt; {Public Static Ent member; } Is there a new instance of member for each specific class, or is there only one example for all Foo-type classes? This can be easily verified by code like this: Foo member); What is the result, and where is this behavior? A static area is shared in all instances one The same type . foo & lt; Int & gt; and foo & lt; String & gt; There are two different types that can be proven by the code of the following code: // This prints "wrong" console. WrightLine (type (fu ) == type (Foo gt;)); Where it is documented, the following C language specificity (for C # 3) has been found in the 1.6.5 field : A static field identifies exactly one storage space, how many instances of any class are being created, no static is only...

Integrating Facebook and -

I am creating a web site where you can add ideas and comment on it. Last week I was searching for Facebook integration. You can post thoughts from Facebook or You should also be able to comment ideas from Facebook and Two interfaces, one result is it possible? And is the Facebook application the only solution? What about the Facebook group wall? - UPDATE I have Facebook and I want to have complete integration between them. Messages and comments sent from Facebook appear on and vice versa. Is this possible? Yes. And is the Facebook application the only solution? If you are trying to connect with Facebook, then yes. What about the wall of the Facebook group? Not sure what you mean by it. mvc 2 - Display PDF in Html -

I want to show the PDF in a scene in MVC, following the function return file Public Action Rachel Takeoff Plans (String Projed) {Highmark. Bl.models.projectproject = gateproject (progeid); & Lt; File & gt; Ff = proj.GetFiles (Project_Thin.Folders.CompletedTakeoff, Incorrect); ViewData ["HasFile"] = "0"; If (FF! = Null & amp; FF.Count> 0 & amp; amp; FF. Where (P = & gt; P. File Extension == "PDF") Calculation ()> 0) { ViewData ["HasFile"] = "1"; } ViewData ["ProjectID"] = Prozed; ViewData ["folder"] = Project_Thin.Folders.CompletedTakeoff; // Return View ("UCRandDDDF"); String filename = Server.MapPath ("~ / content / project list update 2. pdf"); Return file (filename, "app / pdf", server.HTMLncode (filename)); } But it shows some bad data in view, please help me at Will the following controller method work for you? I am currently using this contr...

sql - Restore DB — Error RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. -

I have backed up SQL Server 2008 db on the server, and downloaded them to the local environment. I am trying to restore that database and it gives me the following error. Exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ Additional Information: Media family on device 'C: \ go4sharepoint_1384_8481.bak' is incorrectly created. SQL Server can not process this media family Restoration headphones are abnormally terminated (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3241) For help, click: I have tried to make a temporary db on the server and tried to restore the same backup file and it works. I have not even tried to download the file from a local PC file Scope of the use of different options on Failjila (auto, binary) of But it does not work then I tried to execute the following command on the server. > Back up database go4sharepoint_1384_8481 TODISK = 'C: \ HostingSpace \ dbname...

objective c - Problem with value of SIngleton in iPhone app -

When I try to print NSString in a textwave, I call my methods and the value of the string in the singleton class (invalid) (I have tested it with debug). Can you help me with code solutions? My code: #import "unchecked viewer." #import "Singleton Controller." @Visual Controller @ Untitled Reset Synthesis Reset Taste Event; @ Synthesis buttonsweeppress; - (IBAction) ticket {textEvent.text = [name of shared controller]; } - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; Shared Controller = [Singleton Controller Shared Circulating Controller]; } - (zero) did the Reciever Memory Warning {// See if there is no Supervisor then it releases [Super Dareceywamari Warning]; // Use any cached data, images, etc. which are not in use. } - (zero) viewDidUnload {// Release main view of any maintained subviews // eg. Self.myOutlet = Zero; } - (zero) Delok [[Super Delooc]]; } @and # Imports "Singleton Controller. H" @ Application Singleton Controller @ synthes...

ABAP native SQL cursor -

I'm trying to write some basic SQL abap but there are some problems. Here's my code: method GET_SOMEDATA data: Elti_tebl tape table / BIT / Tisiitiomiar, C1 Type / BI 0 / Tisiisomiar. Statistics: Y, client type / Bi 0 / Oaisiotiomaar, Tiaipiiarstiakstisac, Tistimdi type Arstimtimdi, Tistielji type Arstiakstielji, heralded the end of Y & A Aksisi Open C1 to SQL select * FROM / BI0 / TCUSTOMER where customer '22 9 'ENDEXEC . Tax. In Aksisi SQL FETCH NEXT C1: WA- customer ,: WA-TXTMD * Error: CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR ENDEXEC if sy-subrc = 0. * & lt; Process Data & gt; end if. ENDDO EXEC SQL C1 ENDEXEC endmethod "After calling FETCH next c1: wa-Client,: w-txtmd" I'm getting a "CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR" - I feel that nothing is right with my cursor - But I have no information. Some help would be great. Do not use Rule 1: Basic SQL. Rule 2: Do not use the original SQL Rule 3: Do not use the original SQL. ... Rule n: Don...

c# - How to fix table's column empty space in firefox? -

यह .aspx पृष्ठ का इनलाइन कोड है: - & lt; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; कुछ स्थिर डेटा & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; टेक्स्ट बॉक्स नियंत्रण & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; div id = "div1" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; तीसरा & lt; td & gt; एक div 'div1' है इस डिवेल में उस पेज पर अधिकांश समय डेटा नहीं है लेकिन कभी-कभी मुझे कुछ गतिशील डेटा प्रदर्शित करने की आवश्यकता है)। अब समस्या यह है, अगर div 'div1' में कोई डेटा नहीं है, तो फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स इसे एक जगह के रूप में मानते हैं और लगभग लेता है। ब्राउज़र में 5px स्थान (लेकिन IE8 में संगतता दृश्य ठीक है) फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स के लिए यहां काम क्या है? मैं विचार करता हूं कि क्या वास्तव में div की आवश्यकता है - मुझे लगता है कि आप ID को लक्षित करके कुछ खास परिस्थितियों में डेटा के साथ इसे भर रहे हैं, इसके बजाय सिर्फ तालिका सेल को क्यों न लगाएं?...

android - Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager -

If I play a sound, then it's running fine. By adding another sound, it crashes Anyone know what the problem is? Private Sound Manager mSoundManager; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.sos); MSoundManager = New SoundManager (); MSoundManager.initSounds (getBaseContext ()); MsoundManager.addSound (1, R.raw.dit); MsoundManager.addSound (1, R.raw.dah); Button SOUNDBUTTON = (button) Find VBID (RID Sodabutan); SoundButton.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {Public Zero onClick (see v) {mSoundManager.playSound (1); mSoundManager.playSound (2);}}); } "itemprop =" text "> msoundManager.addSound (1, R.raw.dit); You need to change the second line to: m.soundManager.addSound (2, R.raw.dah); To run multiple voices together, you must first tell the soundboard that in the announcement of SoundPool notice that...

c++ - boost::unordered_map is... ordered? -

I have a boost: unordered_map, but it appears in the sequence, "I'm doing you wrong". Why is this output in order? I was hoping for the built-in hashing algorithm to make this order random: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / unordered_map.hpp & gt; Int main () {boost :: unordered_map & lt; Int, int & gt; I am; For (int i = 0; i First & lt; & Lt; "," & Lt; & Lt; I-> Second & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } Return 0; } ... gives me ... 0, 0, 1, 2, 2 ... 47, 47 48, 48 49 , On promoting source code check: inline std :: size_t hash_value (int v) {return static_cast & lt; Std :: size_t & gt; 49 , (v); } ... who will explain it. Below are the answers at the higher levels, which I found useful. While speaking with the intern who encourages me because I'm not a C + + man, I can offer some high-level questions that can reduce your worries: 1) What is the guarantee of t...

perl - RegEx - Indexed/Arrayed Named Capture Groups? -

I have a situation where some form might appear in the format: - - AD-H - Header: Data other header: more data message: sdasdasdasd Message: asdasdasdasd Message: asdasdasd There may be a lot of messages, or just a couple I step out of Regx I would not want to, because I'm using regx to parse certain header information over messages and send messages with maser They are part of parsing. The text contained in the text can be many. I would also like to use the named capture group, something like this Message: (? & Lt; Message [Mail's index] & gt ;.) Where this match matches many times because it can fill in the index. Is anything similar to RegEx? (I will eventually use it in Perl.) Each group is being separated from the empty line , It can take you closer: Use strict; Use warnings; # "Line" separator use two lines as local $ / = "\ n \ n"; Whereas (my $ line = & lt; data & gt;) {my ($ id) = ($ line = ~ / ^ --- id - (\...

database - Implementing Transparent Persistence -

Transparently, you can use regular objects instead of databases. Objects are written automatically and written from the disk. Examples of such systems are gems and rockscocks (for general lispie). Simplified version of what they do: If you reach and the bar is not in memory, it gets loaded from the disk if you click = baz , then the update to the foo object is on the disk. Most systems have some types of transactions, and they may have support for programs and even sharing an object in a network. My question is, what are the different techniques for implementing these types of systems and what are the business dislikes among these implementation methods? I have used such system (objectstore) on many projects, most notably a commercial credit A system to optimize the flow system, and the oil pipeline network. The question about implementation is very complex to discuss here, but for trade-off between such systems and relational databases: Object DB be...

c# - Verify that email domain exists -

Does anyone check the domain of an email address as part of their verification steps? like. Confirm that exists if the user has specified as his address. I should keep in mind that an existing user can invite their friends to my webpad. There is no need to invite them all. Instead, I just want to warn my user if the typo can invite the wrong person. Is it also suitable to do? You can search a DNS on here Here's an example in code project: This should answer your question as asked, but as a side note, I agree with the @ Persian that the old standby is a verification There is a better position to send messages if someone has done everything to fool your verification, then you actually check the domain Affairs are not.

Live Mesh has screwed up my file permissions -

I got a brilliant idea of ​​using live mesh to sync my development directories between my laptop and desktop machines . It appears that any new file to be added through Live Mesh is not allowed on the parent directory. Now I can not overwrite permissions on those files. When trying to do this, I keep receiving an "Access Denied" error, even though I'm running Windows Explorer as an administrator. I have two questions: How can I modify file permissions to allow them to inherit again? Does anyone use Live Mash to talk like this? Or should I use foldershare? See order to retrieve Access to your files gives you access to your files Depending on the situation, the command may need to be used. In my experience, Windows Live Mash does not synchronize files between multiple user accounts. The Windows Live Folder Sync looks better this.

objective c - Why can't I create an variable in an switch block? -

अजीब: स्विच (प्रकार) {case NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert: int x = 5; // त्रुटि: "इंट से पहले अभिव्यक्ति की अभिव्यक्ति" ब्रेक; } इसलिए स्विच-केस-ब्लॉक में एक स्थानीय चर बनाने के लिए संभव नहीं है? क्या आपने घुंघराले ब्रेसिज़ जोड़ने का प्रयास किया? स्विच (प्रकार) {केस NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert: {int x = 5; // त्रुटि: "इंट से पहले अभिव्यक्ति की अभिव्यक्ति" ब्रेक; }}

gcc - C inline assembly of x86 fbstp instruction -

How to inline the use of fbstp on a 32-bit I86 architecture. I tried to do something like this int main () {double foo = 100.0; Long times = 0; Asm ("pushl% 1; fbstp% 0": "= m" (bar): "r" (af)); ... but the bar is unchanged. I have tried to read anything I can get it on, but most examples work only by adding two integers. I'm not getting any thing about pushing the indent on the stack and when I write an instruction like FBSTP back into 80-bit data (i.e. to use C) and how to specify it in ASM syntax Go. Besides, there is no push and no push at x86-64, but FBTP is still present, whereas FBST is not there. There is some other magic for 64 bit. Here's an example: Which is suggesting doing something like this : Unsigned low BCD [5]; double A; Asm ("fbstp% 0": "= m" (BCD [0]): "t" (a): "cents");

apache - SSL Certificate Mismatch in IE 7+, OK in Firefox 3.6+ -

We have site for which we have successfully created and implemented an SSL certificate. We then added another site,, and looking at some weird behavior in IE7 and IE8 (surprisingly!). Actually, IE 7,8 we report the mismatch of the host name when we go to serve me. When I add and view this certificate in IE for this domain, the host name is incorrect, but it is related to the old host name, that is, This is not the issue in Firefox, and raises the right hostname for the second site without the problem. Any ideas why IE is wrong (for different people (-): Thanks! KM Your problem is that Internet Explorer (and possibly other software) on Windows XP SNI is not enabled. I 've settled in the same problem - basically Firefox and chrome are fine and get the correct certificate, but there is no Internet Explorer. Then I saw a bit of it and wikipedia Other things have been seen with: ...

hyperlink - jQuery cut link -

यहां html है: & lt; a href = "Http://"> जाओ और जीत & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "" & gt; जाओ और जीत & lt; / a & gt; a href से सभी डेटा को कैसे कट जाए, picture_name.jpg को छोड़कर? लिंक की कोई भी लम्बाई हो सकती है, हमें अंतिम / से अंतिम " और किसी को भी कम से कम रास्ता पता है तुलना करें, यदि वर्तमान लिंक के alt और शीर्षक समान हैं? धन्यवाद। यदि आप वास्तव में href से picture_name.jpg और some_other_name.png क्रमशः, आप एक फ़ंक्शन पास कर सकते हैं और / का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जैसे: $ ("a")। Attr ('href', फ़ंक्शन (i, href) {return href.substring (Href.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1);}); वैकल्पिक रूप से यदि आप .each का उपयोग कर रहे हैं ( ) आप इस तरह मान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं / उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ ("a")। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var new_href = this.href.substring (this.... - Cant create 2nd textbox -

I have problems with this code and I do not know why it works properly for the first time but together Accidents "Parameters are not valid" error on this line 2 times through: Dim TBX text box = New Windows.Forms.TextBox The full code is as follows: Dim TBX text box = New Windows.Forms.TextBox tbx.Name = tbxName tbx.Size = As New System.Drawing. Size (as 55, 12) tbx.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None tbx.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center font = tbx.Font tbx.Font = new Font (f.FontFamily, 8, FontStyle.Bold) tbx.Location end use select using f = new System.Drawing.Point (xCords, 44) Case tbx.Name episode "tbxBulk01": tbx.Text = Bulk01Label episode "tbxBulk02": tbx.Text = Bulk02Label end select Me.Controls. Add (TBX) here is the stack trace: System.Drawing.Font.GetHeight (graphics) on System.Drawing.Font.GetHeight ( ) On System.Drawing on. System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_FontHeight (Font.get_Hyight (on System.Windows.Forms.Te on)) xtBoxBa...

Hidden Features of Java -

After reading, I wonder, what are some of Java's hidden features? I was surprised a few months ago when I first searched it, never heard before. Generally not so widely known as a way to store per-thread status. Because JDK 1.5 Java has been implemented very well and strong concurrency tools are just beyond the locks, they live and are a particularly interesting example sub-package that has thread-safe priorities Implement and map these campaigns to the actual networks-supported versions.

swt - Set Controls with arbitrary positions on CTabItem -

I'm new to SWT, and I need to control control conditions on CTABItem. I have used the following code, but it seems that it has no positioning effect, it just adds component (0, 0) label User name = new label (folder, SWT.NONE); UserName.setText ("user name"); UserName.setBounds (10, 200, 200, 50); Item.setControl (username); You have to set the layout manager on the folder , example: folder. Saleout (new gridlate ()); If you want to give a certain dimension to the control, consider giving it the layout data, eg: GridData gd = new GridData () ; Gd.height = 50; UserName.setLayoutData (GD); I'm not sure that items is in your example, but this is not necessary.

url - routing mvc on the web -

I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on how I (and / or architecture) I can improve the 'section' of my application (I am writing in PHP5, and trying to use strict MVC). Actually, I have a generic index page for the app , And it will remove boilerplate accessories such as jquery and CSS etc. It also generates the main newbie for the entire site, but I am not sure about the best approach to linking 'main menu' item (hyperlinks) with its respective controllers. So far, I am adding the string to the URL and the 'Switch' statement has been inserted in the branch to exclude '$ GET []' for the correct controller (and see) so that it cororossoonding action. For example, if I had a basic crude system for customer data, the URL would look like '' to edit customer details . > I worry that this is a security concern in this way, and I am not sure about the option of bran...

actionscript 3 - Detect if camera is capturing in Flash -

I'm having trouble with the camera in Flash AS3 (getCamera). If there are many camera drivers, then it is not necessary to choose the right one. If the default is correct, then the program works fine; However, if the other driver is selected as the default then the webcam does not come in the LED and no video is captured. I can cycle through available cameras and make an arbitrary selection. However, to determine whether the selected camera is right, I do not know. It is not returning empty I thought of using the camera currentFPS, but it is not clear when it updates, I'm really dynamically fighting to determine what the camera will have to do ! See this, this may be to use what you are trying to do. I remember that I used this class some time ago, because in Mac there were problems in finding the right webcam in an app that I was working on. However, this problem has never been experienced for Windows or Linux at any time. Then I was on a relatively tight deadline...

c# - Type casting Collections using Conversion Operators -

Change the user-defined conversion from the code given below, while the snippet # 2 does not. It seems that what are my options? Clear operator as extension operator? anything else? Public stable clear operator observable collection & lt; ViewModel & gt; (Observation selection model collection) {var viewModelCollection = new Observeable Collection & lt; ViewModel & gt; (); Select foreign currency (diverse models in the model) {see Model (see new modal () {model = model}); } Return viewModelCollection; } snippet # 2 public steady clear operator ViewModel {model model} {new view model () {model = model}; } Thanks advance! I recommend you to convert a collection using: var viewModelCollection = New Observation Collection & lt; ViewModel & gt; (ModelCollection.Cast & lt; ViewModel & gt; ()); If you prefer Exstans you can define some (to avoid new ones in the previous code): Public stable supervisory collection ...

android - Drawing random circles -

I am trying to attract a kampala circles on random posts in the Android application. I draw them on a bitmap and then draw that bitmap onto the canvas. This is the task to draw a circle: Private zero-less linear cycles (int number of orchcrints) {canvas c = new canvas (b); Paint cPaint = new paint; CPaitn.setColor (Color.RED); {Int x = Math.Random% 100; for int (i = 0; i & lt; numOfCircles; i ++); Int y = Math Random% 100; C.drawCircle (x, y, 20, cPaint)}} Bitmap B is global and after calling this function, I simply draw a bitmap in the otra method. Now the problem is that I have just drawn a circle on the screen, no matter, size of numOfCircles. Any clue what's going on here? This code also does not compile. For example, what's new paint? I recommend that you log your logic to drawCircle to ensure that you attract them to different places. For example, if Math.Random is a field, it reads, which will circle the circle at the top of each other. If y...

In CMake, how does CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX work? -

निम्न कोड प्रिंट कुछ भी नहीं CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX (glog / logging.h GLOG_INCLUDE) IF ( GLOG_INCLUDE) संदेश ( "YY") endif (GLOG_INCLUDE) लेकिन मैं निम्नलिखित वातावरण चर सेट है: निर्यात CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH = / usr / स्थानीय / और, "ls /usr/local/include/glog/logging.h" फ़ाइल को रिटर्न देता है। मैं include_directories ("/ usr / local / include") लेकिन GLOG_INCLUDE अपरिभाषित रहता है (logging.h नहीं रहता है।) CheckIncludeFileCXX.cmake पर एक नज़र डालें। यह आपके सीएमके स्थापना में एक निर्देशिका में होना चाहिए (मैं इसे /usr/share/cmake-2.8/ मॉड्यूल में है)। यह फ़ाइल कहता है: # निम्न चर से पहले # करने के लिए इस मैक्रो बुला रास्ता जांच चलाने के संशोधित सेट किया जा सकता है: संकलन आदेश की स्ट्रिंग # # CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = लाइन झंडे # CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = मैक्रो निर्धारित करने की सूची (-DFOO = बार) # CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = की सूची में शामिल हैं निर्देशिका # तो क्या आप आदेश caling, इस तरह से पहले इस चर सेट करने का प्रयास...

jquery - OCS presence in SharePoint AJAX-based web part -

I am currently implementing AJAX-based Web Parts that show search results. And contrary to each name, I am representing the OCS presence index. This indicator works well in IE6 but I can not do it for working in IE 7/8 Actually the problem in IE 7/8 is that the OCS is provided but when you do not show any mouse over it, if you try to scroll down the page, then the mouse is called the OCS icon By clicking on the bottom of the page you will see the OSCS action menu instead of the opposite of the username. My AJAX-based web part uses the jQuery Post method to request the server and receives Jason, which is render in the device. My HTML looks for the user name as & lt; Nobr & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt; A target = '_ blank' href = '/ viewExpert.aspx? UID = 4 '& gt; Some experts & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Img height = '1' width = '3' border = '0' alt = '' src = '/ _ layout / image / empty. Gif...

html - How to get rid of white space between css horizontal list items? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब 32 उत्तर मेरे पास निम्न परीक्षण पृष्ठ और सीएसएस हैं I प्रदर्शित होने पर, प्रत्येक सूची आइटम के बीच एक 4px अंतर होता है। मैं एक दूसरे के पास कैसे आइटम प्राप्त करूं? & lt;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD एचटीएमएल 4.01 फ्रेमेसेट // एन" http: // www / TR / HTML4 / frameset.dtd "& gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; link type = "text / css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ stylesheets / test.css" / & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; ul class = "nav" & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "नव" & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "एवल्यू" href = "#" & gt; वन 1 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "नव" & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "एवा" href = "#" & gt; दो & lt; / a & gt; & l...

Fiddler and flash? -

I'm trying to upload swf In some cases, I have a strange behavior. So I would like to inspect flows received and received by the flash component. And I have tried to use intelligence to do this, but I am not going to flash from the flash coming from flash. Note, I am working with php) Thanks in advance for any help Your answer is in the FAQ. FWI: I'm not sure that Wireshark will work, because when you're killing, most network bypass stops.

python - When I m starting to develop Java Applications What is required to do? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: हाय, मैं मूल रूप से एक पायथन प्रोग्रामर हूँ और मैं एक जावा आधारित अनुप्रयोग विकसित करना चाहता हूँ। मुझे विकसित करने की बुनियादी आवश्यकताएं क्या हैं? बिना नेटबीन्स इंस्टॉल करें स्थापित करें सूर्य के माध्यम से अपना रास्ता कार्य करें । सब कुछ जानें अब आप तैयार हैं।

Connect facebook in iphone -

I'm new to join Facebook So can anyone tell me that the Facebook app? Can anyone tell me how to add a Facebook Book with our applications? ? Facebook can

c++ cli - Is it possible to get a pointer to String^'s internal array in C++/CLI? -

लक्ष्य जब मैं const wchar_t * की आवश्यकता होती है तो स्ट्रिंग डेटा की प्रतिलिपि से बचने के लिए है। जवाब हाँ लगता है, लेकिन फ़ंक्शन के पास अपनी MSDN प्रविष्टि नहीं है (यह केवल KB और ब्लॉग में एक चाल के रूप में उल्लिखित है)। इससे मुझे शक हो गया और मैं तुम्हारे साथ लोगों को देखना चाहता हूं क्या उस फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करना सुरक्षित है? हां, कोई समस्या नहीं है। यह वास्तव में कुछ हद तक मुश्किल है लेकिन मिलना मुश्किल है सी ++ लाइब्रेरीज़ के लिए MSDN दस्तावेज़ महान नहीं हैं I यह एक आंतरिक सूचक देता है, जो कि कॉन्स्ट wchar_t * के रूपांतरण के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है I आपको पॉइंटर को पिन करना होगा ताकि कचरा कलेक्टर स्ट्रिंग को स्थानांतरित नहीं कर सके। ऐसा करने के लिए pin_ptr & lt;> का उपयोग करें। आप स्ट्रिंग की एक प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए मार्शल :: स्ट्रिंगटौहोग्लोबलयूनी () का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। उस जगह का उपयोग करें यदि wchar_t * को समय की एक विस्तारित अवधि के लिए वैध रहने की आवश्यकता है। पेइंग ऑब्जेक्ट्स बहुत लंबे समय तक कचरा कलेक्टर के लिए बहुत स्वस्थ नहीं हैं।

.net - How can I remove the current cell focus from A Windows Forms datagridview? -

How can I remove cell focus from an existing Windows forms datagridview? I have a dialog with some datagridfirmes and initially I do not want to select cell. Actually, cell [1] is selected in every gridview I have already searched in some forums, but the available solutions do not work. For example, it is often set that there is no effect on CurrentCell = null -> at present. Is there any other solution, which actually works ;-)? I think this will work: if (datagrid View Roucount> 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; DataGridView & # this.dataGridView.CurrentCell.Selected = false;}

c# - filter results quarterly -

I am writing a simple C # application which is in handling bank savings, either annual, monthly or quarterly basis But I want to be able to show results how can this be done? How can I loop through a set of results and for example only if I show the third post (if I'm using quarterly). In Python I have category (1,31,3) but how is it done in C #? UPDATE 1 I have to loop 12 times (annually) and calculate the interest of each loop, but I only get the result every third loop ( Quarterly) want to print. How can I get it? Show only every third item? {// show list [i]} Div>

c# - WinForm for creating ADO.NET Entities that have relationships with other entities -

I am very new to the ADO unit framework, and I am looking for the best practice here The scenario is: I have a database with a person table and a address table. In person , there is a foreign key that refers to the primary key of the address , an auto-expand int first, I have the VS. 2010 has prepared an ADO unit model, and it is certain that the relationship is understood by the IDE. Now I want to create a Windows form that gives the user the basic information of person and address . Normally, I can simply drag the person unit to blank windows form, and VS 22010 will automatically create required fields with the binding. But when this form fills by the user, I have to do extra work to ensure the following: Form address is part address table has saved the person information, with the primary code saved in the person table address Made in 1. The user never touches / looks at the primary key. I think my illusion is coming from the fact that I expect...

.net - software distribution and patch management -

Software such as Microsoft or Anti-Virus companies, How do the patches / software update their home? Anti-virus companies do not send full executability; Only new virus signatures I think, similarly, I have seen that Microsoft sends some files in the '$ NtUninstallKB ...... $' folder, which runs it as a Windows Update program. I think there is an installer in every such folder that only changes the DLL which needs to be updated or fixed. Question Is there a universal method of doing this or does each house employ its methods? I do not want to send the whole application again in every individual client. Suppose that only a few DLLs have to be changed or if something extra is added, then I plan to plan my final compilation How should I go about Do I need to separate my application into several assemblies? If so, is there some compilation method that allows specific classes to be packaged in a special dell? What I have put here is my thoughts on this subjec...

python - Django: Update order attribute for objects in a queryset -

I have a feature to order objects on my model. I have to update the order of the element based on a list , In which the object ID is included in the new order; Right now I am running on top of the whole search and after the second I am setting up an object. What would be the easiest / fastest way to do this with the full query? def update_ordering (model, order): "order" [id, id, id, id] For example: [8,4,5,1,3] "" "id_to_order = Dict ((order [i], i) for class (lane (sequence)) for model.objects.all in x (): x.order = id_to_order [] () This can not be done in a single quarantined operation. As far as I know That this can not be done in a query with the raw SQL, so you always need to update each The update will require an update call, so both of you and Colin Anderson's solutions are very well suited for your description. However, what are the issues with your use? Do you really change the entire list every time? In most cases this ...

Hibernate Save Parent Only -

I'm having a problem with Hibernation 3.2.5, where I only get one original object from one- Many relationships For example, I have flowers, which can have many details. First of all I want to save only the flowers, and the details will be added later. throws an exception in this process: tap-tap property returns a zero or reference transient value: Com.juflora.bean.JFlora._floraSetBackref This is my code: Jefflora flora = new jfllora (); Flora.setTypeId (Integer.parseInt (type)); Flora.setDescription (description); Flora.setName (name); Flora.setImage (image); Flora.setFloraDetails (new hashset ()); (vegetation); Committed to session.getTransaction (). This is my mapping: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; DOCTYPE Hibernate-Mapping Public "- // Hibernate / Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0 / N" ""> & Lt; Hibernate-Ma...

Why do I get so many errors building my Android project with Ant? -

Now that I know my way around SDK / API, I have switched from Eclipse to my favorite text editor , Which means that I have to use ant to build my project, though: It seems that I compile the project every time, many coaches get corrupted, resources Lose their id (as a result) N in N.E.), or classes throw "validation errors". The only way to fix this is by removing bin and gen folders, and re-compiling, which is obviously upset. Is there any way to avoid this? BTW, I'm using Ant 1.7.1, Java version "1.6.0_20" It seems that every time I compile the project, many coaches become corrupt, the resources lose their id (resulting in NPE in the code), or classes" verification errors " Throw them. Resources "lose their IDs" are relatively common, when you change something about a roster of resources (a plus, remove, etc.). You may want to consider adding an ant target that clear before your debug / installed . I have nev...

mysql - What does ‘?’ stand for in SQL? -

मेरे पास एक प्रोग्रामर द्वारा यह SQL है: $ sql = "INSERT IN '{ $ डेटाबेस} `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` "; मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि वह मानों से पहले ? का उपयोग क्यों कर रहा है? मैं कैसे देखूं कि मूल्य क्या आ रहा है? मैंने गूंज किया और यह ? XType जैसा ? XType दिखाता है? कोई मूल्य नहीं क्या करता है ? एसक्यूएल में खड़े हैं? यह मेरे लिए एक जैसा दिखता है

actionscript 3 - AS3 function running before variables are defined! -

I am trying to add an init () function to a movie clip, but when I see the function running from View 1 Set in movie clips are not yet defined ... Movie clips were drawn from the library to the stage. scene1: mc.init (null); Movie Clip: var _default = 5; Function init (num) {if (num == null) {trace (_default); } Else {trace (num); }} This is "undefined" tracing rather than "5"; Is there any way to fix this problem? The problem is that any code is placed directly into the headline, the timeline will always contain code directly in the movie clip Will run before. The way to move around this will be the first time the Flash plugin will end and call the first movie clip, and then call the function Timeline: addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME) , OnEnterFrame); Function Centerframe (E: Event): Zero {myObject.init (faucet); RemoveEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } In this way, the timeline will wait for the first frame to ...

windows - MDI Document taskbar thumbnails with no decorations -

Is it possible to remove close window decorations from the MDI document taskbar flyout window? That is, remove the red "x" to prevent the user from switching through the taskbar. Try it in your window: CMNU * pSysMenu = this -> GetSystemMenu (FALSE); PSysMenu- & gt; RemoveMenu (SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMMAND);

Ruby on Rails on Windows: gem install fails, no output at all -

I'm installing ruby ​​today via the windows installer. Everything seemed fine. Today, I was installed like rmagick win32 gem: c: \ ruby187 \ bin \ gem rmagick installed -2.7.1-x86-mswin32.gem In the directory with gem. It was also seemed to work fine, got familiar installed 1 gem installed ... [all ri and other docs] But after that, I'm trying to: c: \ ruby187 \ bin \ gem install --version = 2.3.5 \ rails It has returned immediately without any output, maybe nothing is doing. c: \ ruby187 \ bin \ gem rails c: \ ruby187 \ bin \ gem install --debug rail c: \ ruby187 \ bin \ gem install --debug - -version '= 2.3 .5 'rails is exactly the same. What is a wrong idea? I am a ROR novice, although I already have some experience on Linux - but not on Windows. Can anyone help? Really appreciated, now it has begun to be worried ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I have already installed The only problems are on t...

java - How to design authentication in a thick client, to be fail safe? -

यहाँ उपयोग केस है: मेरे पास एक डेस्कटॉप अनुप्रयोग है (ईक्लीपीस आरसीपी का उपयोग करके बनाया गया है) , उसमें 'यूज़रनेम' और 'पासवर्ड' फ़ील्ड के साथ एक डायलॉग बॉक्स खोलें। एक बार अंतिम उपयोगकर्ता, अपने उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड को इनपुट करता है, एक सर्वर से संपर्क किया जाता है (क्लाइंट की तरफ़ एक वसंतः httpclient: स्प्रिंग रिमोट-सबलेट, इसी तरह।), और सर्वर पक्ष पर प्रमाणीकरण किया जाता है। उपर्युक्त परिदृश्य से संबंधित कुछ प्रश्न: अगर यह प्रमाणन सेवा नीचे जा रही थी, तो अगली कार्यवाही को संभालने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या होगा? प्रमाणीकरण कुछ ऐसा है जिसे मैं दूर नहीं कर सकता डेस्कटॉप क्लाइंट को "सीमित" मोड में चलाना अच्छा विचार होगा? उदाहरण के लिए, महत्वपूर्ण विशेषताओं / मेनू / दृश्य अक्षम हो जाएंगे, शेष एप्लिकेशन पहुंच योग्य हो जायेगी? क्या मुझे बैकअप के रूप में काम करने वाली एक अलग मशीन पर चलने वाली प्रमाणीकरण सेवा चाहिए? इस परिदृश्य में सामान्य सर्वोत्तम प्रथाएं क्या हैं? मुझे Google गियर के बारे में पढ़ना याद है और यह आपको ऑफ़लाइन संपादित करने और काम ...

http - sending binary data via POST on android -

Supports a limited edition of Android apache's http client (v4) Generally if I type content type = application / I want to send binary data through POST using octet-stream, so I do the following: HTTP Client Client = getHttpClient (); HttpPost method = new HTTP post (""); System.err.println ("Send to server" + s); If (compression) {byte [Compressed = compressed (s); RequestEntity unit = new bytererentity (compressed); Method.setEntity (unit); } HttpResponse resp = client.execute (method); However ByteArrayRequestEntity is not supported on Android. What can i do I think you want 3.x to

vb6 - Naming Optional Parameters in Visual Basic -

In Visual Basic, I have work with several alternative arguments. I want to be able to pass some of these alternative arguments into the function without using many commas and spaces to reach those options. Somewhere I saw the way the parameter name like OptVar: = val , but it does not seem to work just by thinking that there is a way to do this. This will help in readability function foo (optional val1 = 1, optional val2 = 2, optional val3 = 3) last function foo To use the only the final argument of this type is required: fud = foo (, 4) slightly It would be better if it was done in such a way: fud = foo (val3: = 4) but it does not work is. It actually works: function foo (optional val1 = "val1: 1 val2: 2 val3: 4" and each other will be output as a first message box foo (val3: = 4) end sub Returned with foo: 4

objective c - UISplitViewController, animating views -

I'm trying to enlarge my detail view controller for transition with a page curl (top / bottom) . I'm trying to get the same effects on the iPad as the Notes application, this transition was also republished in the app by its enhanced code in its Things app for iPad My problem is that the animation has been cut to the extent of the detailed view controller, it is not live in the Master View Controller, so limiting the effect I see that Apple and the Enhancement Teoxed succeeded in doing this, but I'm getting stumped. I have tried the following solutions: self.splitViewController.view.clipToBounds = False; Self.view.clipToBounds = False; Self.tableView.clipToBounds = False; I can think that the only other solution is to completely cancel the UISplitViewController and to create its own VC program that will copy the UISVC behavior so that both views (formerly different view controllers) Will share the same super view Thank you in advance, any advice will help ...

windows - Packaging an application that uses the ImageMagick C API -

I created a little Windows app that uses the ImageMagic C API but is run in a brick wall. The app works fine and I am willing to share it with some other people in my organization but I have not received documentation on distributing such app without installing imaging on the target machine. Anyone here is information, or a link to the information, how to package this description for distribution? What is the need of DLL and which one is required to register with Windows? The target user will be on a mix of XP and Win 7. I had to do something like this, though I made myself an imageric so that I can trim the fat. What you can do on your machine, install it using DLS. In the established process, make sure that you check the box which installs C and C ++ development headers and libraries. After this, there will be headers in the directory included in the install directory, and in the entire tree, DLL will get you the LIBs that you have to link against Lib. Although there is ...

objective c - steps to fix a project that won't compile -

Trying to get a simple window-based project to compile, pulling out my hair out I'm running both the Xcode 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 versions. The latter is installed in a separate folder. Basically I used it later to create and compile my project against new 4.0 sdk. It compiled right then I made a mistake to remove some SDX, I thought that now I do not want to. Since I can not compile now Now I get errors for a dozen or the following: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CATransition", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-CATransition in ViewTransitionsAppDelegate.o My active Executionable Iphone Simulator 4 and Base SDK iPhone Device 3.0. I tried to install the Xcode 3.2.3 installer again, there was no difference. I am totally disruptive, because my project is working with both the simulator and the external device and compiling it properly. Post text "itemprop =" text "> Ensure that your app is associated with Quartzcore.remourweaver work and y...