objective c - UISplitViewController, animating views -
I'm trying to enlarge my detail view controller for transition with a page curl (top / bottom) . I'm trying to get the same effects on the iPad as the Notes application, this transition was also republished in the app by its enhanced code in its Things app for iPad
My problem is that the animation has been cut to the extent of the detailed view controller, it is not live in the Master View Controller, so limiting the effect I see that Apple and the Enhancement Teoxed succeeded in doing this, but I'm getting stumped.
I have tried the following solutions:
self.splitViewController.view.clipToBounds = False; Self.view.clipToBounds = False; Self.tableView.clipToBounds = False;
I can think that the only other solution is to completely cancel the UISplitViewController and to create its own VC program that will copy the UISVC behavior so that both views (formerly different view controllers) Will share the same super view
Thank you in advance, any advice will help you.
just set it to from the clip to-borse
to not < / Code> and see the front in supervision in its view. Like:
detailsView.clipsToBounds = no; [DetailsView.superview bringSubviewToFront: detailsView]; [UIView startup permissions: zero reference: zero]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView: detailsView cache: yes]; ... [UIView commitAnimations];
Where detailsView
is your container for the details panel, this should do the trick and animate the master view to see the details Now my page transition will be like the Notes app Looks.
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