no such file to load -- yet file is config.gem in environtment.rb file in rails -

I keep this error for different gems, Not to load such a file - actions_as_reportable

However, I have the following line in my environment. RB:

config.gem 'acts_as_reportable'

And I also did the following:

  & gt; Install Gem works_as_reportable  

This output:

  & gt; Mani install__s_reportable install_as_reportable-1.1.1 1 gem is installed Installing the re-documentation for works_as_reportable-1.1.1 ... Installing the RDoc document for actions_as_reportable-1.1.1 ...  

What should I do?

  config.gem 'acts_as_reportable',: lib = & gt; 'Rupert / Arts_s_Reportable'  

Correct documentary is necessary. Rail API: Explanation of lib option.


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