sql - insert a time-stamp value in my db by php -

I am using Oracle Express and in my application, I will include a time-stamp value in my table:

  $ marca = date ('ymd H: i: s'); $ IN = $ ID = $ ID = $ ID = $ id = $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ($ Conn, $ query); oci_execute ($ stid);  

But after executing it back:

Warning: oci_execute () [function.oci-execute ]: ORA-01843: Mass is illegal ... and say

Current_timestamp should work for you.

If MARCA is not already field TIMESTAMP, then I I suggest that you make it one.

  $ query = "IN_SECTION IN_SECTION IN_IDC (), testo, pharma, mdico) value ('$ id', current_temestamp, '$ testo' '$ Ferma', '$ medico') ";  


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