cakephp - Looking for a way to get HTTP Digest Authentication headers from incoming http requests -

I am working on a fresh implementation with my existing cake installation, and it looks good except that I Digest authentication for all requests I want to use HTTP (original proof will not be deducted) Very good, I will generate a header in the client app (which is not a cake) and will send it to my cake install. The only problem is, I can not find any way to remove that digest from the request ...

I have seen something through the KP API that I can use to get digest headers . You thought the handler would be able to catch it, but I could not find anything like this.

Another way to get that digestion should be what I see?

In the meantime I am writing my own regex to parse it by request ... Once I am doing it, I will post it here, so that someone is more interested in hunting for it. Do not waste time. Understand this already it is already used in PHP by $ _ server ['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']

, you can pass parseDigestAuthData ($ _ SERVER ['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']);

& lt; The head bangs against the wall & gt;


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