
Showing posts from January, 2014

javascript - Websites that archive cross-browser, cross-platform css/js bugs? -

I am about to develop my own browser inconsistency / bug addendum site, but I am thinking that I really Need to - Do we get a wiki of sites which are already done? I know a lot of them but I hope I am not missing on some key people. I wanted to be more intuitive and social to more people, powered by tags and screenshots and test-case pages. non-mobile: / li> P> Mobile:

html - How do I call a JavaScript function every 60 seconds? -

So I'm trying to work on a canvas demo, and I want this class to be from one side to the other But I can not understand how Javascript can be called, which repeats every 60 seconds. Even so far away from me: & Lt; Link href = "/ bms / style.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; Style & gt; Body {text-line: center; Background color: # 000000;} canvas {background-color: #ffffff;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var x = 50; Var y = 250; Function Updates () {Draw (); X = x + 5; } Function draw () {var canvas = document. GetElementById ('screen1'); If (canvas.getContext) {var ctx = canvas.getContext ('2d'); Ctx.fillStyle = 'RGB (236,138,68)'; Ctx.fillRect (X, Y, 24,24); }} & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onLoad = "setTimeout (update (), 0);" & Gt; & Lt; Canvas ID = "Screen 1" width = "500"...

c# - CSharpCodeProvider - Is it abusable? -

Apologies for the lack of question, though I do not think it needs too much detail. Any security related cause can be caused by using CSharpCodeProvider and can any server open for attack? It depends on how you use it. Here is a safe solution that is used safely, which you definitely do not want to allow (when code is running on a server or some environment that you want to control): If you use the CSharpCodeProvider to create the C # source code, you only allow to save files generated in some directories or to note all Is required It is possible to have a memory stream generated in the code) If you use it to prepare from the C # source, then you have csc.exe is required to run (which may be available in some limited environments such as shared hosting). If you only have file & amp; Compile them, then it will probably not be harmful (although some might misuse your application, causing many files to be generated and attacking the server using some types...

actionscript 3 - Packages name conflicting with getters and setters? -

People, I've come to this compilation error some time ago. As is an easy decision and I did not get relevant at that time, I finally let it go. I remembered it and now I am thinking that is it really a part of the grammar of language (which I am very skeptical) or if it is a compiler bug I am purely curious about it I - it does not really affect the development, but it would be nice to see if any of you have seen it already. Package view {import flash} display.Sprite; Public class provides main sprites {Private var _view: Sprite = new Sprite (); Public work chief () {this.test (); } Private Function Testing (): Zero {trace (this.view.x, this.view.y); // 1178: Static Type View tried to use inaccessible property X through context: Main // 1178: Stable type view attempted to use inaccessible property y through context: main / / Note that I found this because of the package name. // If I change the name of the package or the guestster then it runs fine. See the public event ()...

iphone - If I CFRelease() an image in core data, how do I get it back? -

My iPhone app plays a slide show made up of 5 user images. These images are stored using core data. I was not seeing that a different slide show was played every time and it was not releasing any of the previously played slideshows. These images are shown in the Object Alocations as CFData. So I tried to release this data in the delok method CFRighase (slideshow. IG1); CFRelease (slideshow.image2); CFRelease (slideshow.image3); CFRelease (slideshow.image4); CFRelease (slideshow.image5); This releases the last slide show great ... but when I go back to see that slide show again, it crashes. I'm guessing that these images need to be allocated again, but I'm not sure how? Or maybe I should manage this memory in some other way? It looks like you CFRighs data not what you should not do , And since you are roaming with NSManagedObject , then the core data "WTF?" You will crash when you're on "It was not releasing" Do you see memory leaks ,...

python - Interpreter more strict -

Today, I have lost a lot of time to fix a stupid error in my code. Very simplified, the problem was: def f (): return 2 2 == f I forgot to write parentheses in sentences, so I Comparison of an indicator function with numbers OK, my question: Is there any way to translate the interpreter more with the code? For example, show more warnings ... thanks ^^ of these The disadvantage of working with a dynamically typed language is that there is little information in the language environment or there is no information about some kind of thing when it sees a statement, so when any statement is executed , Then it can not issue any warning. For various reasons it is very convenient to be able to compare with all other people for all types of similarity. It makes tying a contrasting container much easier, so comparing a function to an integer is a defined thing, and since it can be in such a very useful case, the interpreter can not really warn you about it at runtime. And w... - disable or hide scroll bar in textarea -

कैसे textarea में स्क्रॉल बार को अक्षम या छुपाएं यह टेक्स्टरेज़ के लिए सभी स्क्रॉलबारों को छिपाएगा। textarea {अतिप्रवाह: छिपा हुआ; } आप इसे केवल उस एक बनाने के लिए टेडटेरा के आईडी या कक्षा का उपयोग भी कर सकते हैं: textarea # txt {overflow: hidden; } ध्यान रखें कि ये अत्यधिक बिना अनुशंसित हैं! अगर कोई उपयोगकर्ता आपके टेक्स्टरेया के अंदर फिट होने से ज्यादा टाइप करने की कोशिश करता है तो वे यह नहीं देख पाएंगे कि वे क्या लिख ​​रहे हैं। आपको पता नहीं है कि किसी फ़ॉर्म में कितने लोग लिखना चाहते हैं।

UITableView style set to "Grouped", but program uses "Plain" on iPhone -

I have changed I style XIB made UITableViewController based class with XIB "grouped" Unfortunately, when I Application I create, the table goes to "plain" What can be the problem? I have tried to "clean all targets", no success. Edit: The problem is resolved. As you know that you have to add view to the parent controller xib, at this time the type of controller type was not sufficient. I also had to provide the xib path. This problem solves the problem. Try resetting the simulator and restarting SIM and Xcode.

c# - ASP.NET MVC Cookie loses value when page is changed -

When a user logs in to my site, I create a cookie with some information in it, however, whenever If they change from entering the page, then the cookie loses its value. The cookie is still there, but it is empty. I have checked my code and the cookie has not been rewritten by anything I have made. public static void CreateUserCookie (long user ID, string username, Balls Meme) {HTTP Cookie cookie = new HTTP cookies ( "cookies"); Cookie.Value = string.Format ( "{0} + {1} + {2}", user ID, username, security utils. Kretehask cookie value (user ID, username)); If (Remember ME) {cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths (1); } And {cookie} Expiration = date time.minual; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add (cookie); } When you call this method, do you call the "meme" parameter ? If not, the cookie will expire instantly. You have not shown your calling code, so it is possible possible by you.

asp classic - entering data in sql database through asp -

पास = सत्र ("पासवर्ड") सेट करें objIns = server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") objIns। ओपन सत्र ("Psrconnect") इनपास करें = "पासवर्ड में प्रवेश करें (पास) मान ('& amp; पास & amp;;')" objIns.Execute (inspass) मुझे पता नहीं क्या होना चाहिए वैरिएबल में संग्रहीत मान को पारित करने के लिए सिंटैक्स इस वाक्य रचना के साथ, डेटाबेस में दर्ज मान & amp; पास & amp; क्या कोई मेरी मदद कर सकता है? मुझे लगता है कि यह पंक्ति "पासवर्ड" में प्रवेश करें (पास) मान ('& amp; पास & amp;;') " होना चाहिए inspass =" पासवर्ड में डालें

postgresql - Symmetric ds issue -

I am using postgresql8.3 and in my application I am including Symmetris DS 1.5.1. But the replication is done to the customer but the server has not been replicated from the server to the customer. I am new to using symmetric DS. Do anyone know the checklist of using Symmetrical DS to revolve me whether my symmetric DS is well configured or not. Thank you very much Your description is very common, and based on it It is not easy to come up with any suggestions. It may be that you have set up a duplication of only one way, maybe you have set the route to push and pull, but manually created a row for the customer and it is not created in NODE_SECURITY. Or it might be something different. I suggest that you first confirm your configuration by looking at the SymmetricDS User Guide. From there, I keep an eye on the log files (symmeticodes usually give some kind of sensible signal, though not always) and see if they say something. After all, I will try the Simetricus Forum becaus...

multithreading - java Thread class run() method -

Thread class has introduced a way to implement business logic that can be executed in parallel. But I want to have a single run method and walk together. How to get this feature Thanks I think that the best course of action to do two different - There will be different threads. You should (and possibly, want to) write a new class which implements Runnable and its logic inside it. If there are general activities between two business arguments that you have to implement, then you can use this class as a base class for two "Runnables". Each runnabel must be created in a separate thread. You can find a great argument on this post for thread vs. runnable :

.net - Future of the SAP RFC SDK -

क्या एसएपी आरएफसी एसडीके (wdtfuncs.ocx, wdtlog.ocx क्रमशः interop.SAPFunctionsOCX.dll, Interop.SAPLogonCtrl.dll) है एसएपी के साथ आरएफसी के माध्यम से कनेक्ट (माइक्रोसॉफ्ट) अनुप्रयोगों का स्वीकार्य / अनुशंसित तरीका है? क्या भविष्य में एसडीके का समर्थन और रखरखाव हो सकता है (विशेषकर ईसीसी 6.0 में)? क्या ऐसे लोग हैं जो। NET अनुप्रयोगों में इन नियंत्रणों का उपयोग करते हैं? मुझे आपके लिए अच्छी खबर है एसएपी एक SAP.NET कनेक्टर के नए संस्करण को रिलीज करने की योजना बना रहा है देखें

php - How can I change a form's input value with javascript -

Based on the Witch Combo box item, how can I change the input value of a form with javascript? I have a form with some imported values, and there is an area of ​​imported value that can be changed through comppage in my case: print ("& lt; input type = 'Hidden' name = 'issue_array [[$ issue [nr]]}] [\ "supplier \"]' value = '{$ issue ["supplier"]} / / ""); I have a combobox, if I change its value then the value of the input above should be changed. This is what I have done: print ("Choose name = 'supplier_combo' onchange = 'setSupplierInputValue (this.value, $ {issue [' NR ']}' 'gt; "); and script: echo" \ r \ n ".' & Lt; SCRIPT TYPE = "Text / JavaScript" & gt; '.', '\' \ '\' Function SetpluginInputValue (value, issue_nR) '' \ r \ n "; echo" {'"\ r \ n"; echo "issue_array [issue...

internet explorer - CSS: float:right not working properly -

मुझे इस वेबसाइट पर IE के साथ समस्या है: ... जब आप धन्यवाद P> क्या आपने एक "स्पष्ट: दोनों;" जोड़ने की कोशिश की है; फ़ील्ड पर छवियाँ युक्त (या छवि के सामने एक "" सम्मिलित करना है? यह आपकी समस्या होगी।

zend framework - Register view_helper zf 1.10.3 -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I think my name is named My_View_Helper_SpecialPurpose, this is the name of the class created in /library/My/View/helpers/SpecialPurpose.php Public Function is SpecialPurpose () This Some HTML registers this path in bootstrap.php $ view returned = Zend_Layout :: getMvcInstance () -> getView (); $ View> addBasePath ('/ my / view / assistants', "My_View_Helper"); When I specialPurpose () tring;?> In any view .phtml this Trow Exeption Message: By name 'plugin' special Not found in the registry; Used path: My_View_Helper_Helper_: / my / see / assistants / helpers / Zend_View_Helper_: Zend / View / Helper /; DS: / www / zends / application / module / default / ideas / helpers / ps PS I have read many posts in StackAverflow, but a solution has not helped if it is possible So how does it work with Bootstrap and application.ini zf version 1.10.3 rename : My / View / He...

NHibernate WCF Rest IIS7 Fails with Security Exception -

यहाँ त्रुटि है: System.TypeInitializationException: 'NHibernate के लिए प्रकार initializer Cfg.Environment 'एक अपवाद फेंक दिया --- & gt; System.Security.SecurityException: कॉन्फ़िगरेशन अनुभाग 'हाइबरनेट-कॉन्फ़िगरेशन' तक पहुंचने का प्रयास करते समय विन्यास के लिए अनुरोध विफल हुआ। इस कॉल के लिए सभी कॉल करने वाले डेटा को एक्सेस करने के लिए, कॉन्फ़िगरेशन फ़ाइल में अनुभाग विशेषता 'requirePermission' समान 'झूठी' सेट करें, जहां यह खंड घोषित किया गया है। --- & gt; System.Security.SecurityException: प्रकार 'System.configuration.ConfigurationPermission, System.Configuration, Version =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a' की अनुमति के लिए अनुरोध विफल। System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check पर (System.CodeAccessPermission.Demand पर सिस्टम ऑब्जेक्ट मांग, StackCrawlMark और StackMark, BooleanPermSet) System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand पर) System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.CheckPermissionAllowed (स...

c++ - Reducing template bloat with inheritance -

Is anyone experiencing reducing the template code bloat using inheritance? I would hesitate to rewrite our containers in this way: square vectorbase {public: integer size (); Zero clear (); Int m_size; Zero * m_rawData; // ....}; The template's & lt; Tinnamam T & GT; Square vector: public vectorbase {zero pus_back (constant t & amp;); // ...}; I should have maximum exposure while reducing compilation time I also wonder why SLL implementation does not use this approach Feedback Only a few operations are understood on the vector, if you do not know how Have the stored elements of For example clear () method that you add to your base class, you need to call the recipients of the elements removed from the vector, so they need to know their type and They should be templed. There really is not much, you can not even know about a few things inside a zero * m_rawdata , basically all of that on it The types of tasks to know at least the size of the coll...

Minimum scroll amount when programmatically selecting ListItem in android ListView -

is referring to this question: Changed state 2 to 3 of listitim clicked But its increase has been shown to show more information if the clicked item was the last one on the screen, then the extended list is not fully visible because the new content flows to the bottom of the screen. My current solution is to call "setSelection (index)", if the last visible list was clicked in. This is the result in a state that the selection is brought to the top of the screen. This is annoying because the listitis goes up from the bottom. Is there any way to avoid this? This means, there is something to know about the list, which should scroll only the minimum amount of pixels, so that the clicked inmates appear completely? Or do I have to program this functionality on my own? Click on the Add Custom OnItemClickListener in the list view: Public void onItemClick (last adapter scene & lt ;? & gt; parent, see final view, integer position, long id) {see hidden content {...

java - How to resolve issue of loading web application in OC4J ( that err and says - can't find the class oracle.jbo.JboException? -

How to solve the problem - Application server does not class Oracle when loading web applications in OS4J (101.3.5) Can Find .jbo.JboException? oc4j was the most promising link after searching for JboException on the web (Google) Hope this helps in solving your problem.

image - Handling 16 bpp tiff file in C++ -

I need to open 16 BPP grayscale tiff image in C ++ program. I try to do it with GDI + image class Is doing, I get an out-of-office match (GDI + 16 does not support the BPP format). Standard Windows tools, such as paint and picture viewers, can not open such an image, they probably use GDI or GDI + ImageJ program successfully opens an image like this. Is there any SDK that can open such images and image Can access raw data? If not, then I need a TIFF file specification, and apply it to my code.

.net - UUID collision risk using different algorithms -

I have a database where 2 (or maybe 3 or 4) are entering different application information. There are GUID / UUID ID types, but using different algorithms to generate each ADS ID. For example, someone using NHibernate's "guid.comb", is using another SQLServer's NEWID (), others may want to use the .Net Guid.NewGuid () implementation. Is there a general risk above ID collision or duplicate? Thank you! The risk of collisions has increased, but still small, consider it small: Both comb and NEWID / NEWSEQUENTIALID contains a timestamp with some MS with precise below . Thus, as long as you are not generating a large number of IDs from these different sources at exact same time period , then it is really impossible colliding for the ID. The part of the GUID that is not based on the timestamp can be considered randomly; The most GUID algorithm, based on one PRGG, is based on these points. Thus, the possibility of confrontation between these oth...

entity framework - EntityFramework: Access database-column using user defined Type -

I used an old database called "inherited" where the dates are stored as Int32 values ​​( Even the time, but dates for this example would be sufficient) i.e. 20090101 for the year 2009 I can not change the schema of this database because it is still used by older programs. Still I want to write a new program in the form of O / RM using OFR. Now I would like to consider the date time in my model Is there a way to write a custom type and use it as a type in EF-model A type of properties like "OldDate" with something like: Database Value: Int23 Value: DateTime (time-division is always 0:00:00 when specifying time-portion) Is it possible with some EF-models? Edit: I think what I got - but in NHibernate, so I'm lean: is there anything like EFI is possible with NHIbernates IUserType? A can manage this I have created a type LeagcyDate Which stores the int value in the DbData property and adds an underlying conversion from date to and after it. Th...

AES Encrypting a Microsoft Access Field Via VBA -

I need to create a Microsoft Access database, but for one field one needs the one in my table strongly encrypted Since both the AES key and an initial vector are required, due to the need for a password to access the database as a keyboard (as the key), and to place SHA1 in the table in the table Has decided to solve Hash plain text Nkripted field. Does someone really know where to get the VBA-compatible code for encryption? Some options to write it from scratch; You can do this with native crypto (root api CryptAquireContext > You can use Microsoft for crypto API There is a commy cover. You can use a third party library, one of the finest, compact and free.

iphone - How to center a label's text in XCode -

I have a cell with two labels. How can I align the top labels to the program and touch another label? UITXElementement Center is deprecated You should use the following: / P> labelOne.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; mvc 2 - Solution to metadata.HideSurroundingHtml not working -

I have written a custom DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider that set dynamic HideSurroundingHtml public class :. DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider {Protected Override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata (IEnumerable & lt; Attribute & gt; Properties, type containerType, function & lt; Object & gt; modelAccessor, type modelType, string property) {ModelMetadata metadata = base.CreateMetadata (attributes, containerType, modelAccessor , ModelType, property); Metadata.Hydusurring HTML = True; }} But this editor did not seem to be picked up by templates. So IV labels that try to force HideSurroundingHtml to works created a new HTML extension method public static class HtmlCustom {public static MvcHtmlString CustomLabelFor. & Lt; TModel, TProperty & gt; (This HtmlHelper & LT; TModel & gt; HtmlHelper, expression of & lt; function & lt; TModel, TProperty & gt; & gt; expression) {if (HtmlHelperkViewDatakModelMetadatakHideSurroundingHtml) {...

c# - GetAdornerLayer mysteriously returning null -

I am using only one bit of code for many issues without any problems, but now I Mysteriously I am receiving NullRerefenceException s with the following: this.Loaded + = delegate {deleteBrush = new DeleteBrushAdorner (background); Edgar Lair al = Edner Laure.GateAdnerner Layer (background); Al.Add (deleteBrush); // blank ref here ?? }; background is just a border element. I have two ideas that this might be the reason). Switching to .Net 4.0, and b) In the above element (which is UserControl ), enter a ItemsControl Strangely it does not happen at all times, and it will be difficult to predict when it will happen, so it is not reliable. Docs to specify: If there is no adder layer If you meet, then the law does a reverse return. So my guess is that there is no anunderender layer .. do you have any reason to believe that this should not be the case? What is the guarantee that you are currently relying on that the visual tree will have a fluffy layer?

svn - Bitbucket, Assembla.. or what? -

So, after some time in research, which one should I use the SVN system, I create a project in Google code Want to Anyone can access my repository, and not what I want :) So, I'm hosting a "private Google code" code for web hosting. I found that BitBasket and Assemblia are good, but .. Have any opinions? Thank you! Keep in mind, does not use bitboots for source control, not prefix. Assuming, the use of mercurial can be a good step to learn and, but this is the discussion for another answer. I have used the assembly before and they are fine, especially Nothing Important. There is also the option to run your own Subversion server, which can be very easy, using Windows to sign up for a dynamic-DNS account, and you can easily add a hostname to your home computer Can return Finally, I just looked, but my hosting account comes with the ability to create sub-repository repository, and it comes with very cheap and a domain name.

windows - Application error: fault address 0x00012afb (Expert) -

I need some "light" to get the solution. Maybe there are many things that cause this problem , But maybe someone can help me. Scenario: A Windows Server 7/7 a PostGreySQL database and other server applications (for Database execution tasks etc.). ..). There are differents server scenarios (~ 30) with different hardware and Windows versions (XP SP3 / Winservor, etc ... all NT based). Some alkalies were written in Delphi 7, and were linked to DLL (also in D7). After a few days (sometimes in a week, in a few months), Windows starts acting weird, some buttons are missing in the dialog. And soon some applications do not open opening an event on eventware: Folting apps x, version y, module kernel32.dll faulty, version 5.1.2600.5781, mistake address 0x00012afb Meaning, while other applications are open, like Notepad, I explore, etc ... but some of my applications do not only do with the event log described above but if we do not restart the system In a few days Imdi.ak...

c# - Referencing a different project in the same assembly, different namespaces -

I have two projects: menus and modules and they are both in the same namespace Fobourg. i is currently referring to the module project from the menu project to open some controls on the tab control in my menu, although I need to launch a new control from one of my controls that is located in the module project is. When I try to reference the menu project, then when I try it does not appear in my intelligence, to use it, to give context, do I have to do something wrong I am doing here? Here is what it is: Project menu P> Project Module / P> // What I would like to do but work in using the menu does not; ... ... ... Private Zero dgModule_MouseDoubleClick (Object Sender, MouseButtonEventArgs E) {Menu.LaunchWPFControl ("Accounts", "AccountsControl"); } If you talk about different projects If you are trying to do here is a circular reference, this is not allowed if the project menu references the project module, then the project mod...

optimization - How to optimize my PostgreSQL DB for prefix search? -

I have a table called "nodes" with approximately 1.7 million lines in PostgreSQL db = # \ D nodes table "public.nodes" column | | Type | Modifier -------- + ------------------------ + ----------- ID Integer | Faucet title | Character different (256) Score | Double precision | Index: "nodes_pkey" primary key, btree (id) I want to use information from that table to auto-complete a search field, in which the user has the top ten titles The list shows the fitting score for my input so I used this query (Looking for all the titles starting with "S" here) = # Analysis title Analyze, where the score from the node is Aiaieli the% 'order by Rshk; Question Scheme ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Sort (cost = 64177.92..64581.38 rows = width of 161385 = 25) (real time = 4930.334..5047.321 rows = 161264 loops = 1) Sort key: Score sort method: External mer...

algorithm - Shortest distance between points on a toroidally wrapped (x- and y- wrapping) map? -

I have a toroidal-isch euclidean-ish map. This surface is a flat, Euclidean rectangle, but when a point runs to the right extent, it will appear on the left hand side (same Y value) given by x_new = x_old% width Basically, Points are plotted on: * edit (x_new, y_new) = (x_old% width, y_old% height) Pac Man - Walking from the edge of the screen, you will see in the opposite direction. What is the best way to calculate the smallest distance between the two points? Normal implementation suggests a large distance for points on opposite sides of the map, when in reality, the actual wrapped distance is very close. The best way I can think of is the classical Delta X and Raped Delta X, and the classical Delta Y and the wrapped Delta Y, and Sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) in the distance formula, each pair of lower Using part. But this will include many investigations, calculations, operations - something that I think can be unnecessary. Is there any better way? edit Object mo...

groovy - How to add imports to groovysh on startup? -

I am working on a project where I want users to experiment with Java classes on Grovish. I want to make it convenient for them and by default I want to import some packages, when groovysh is started so that users do not need to import one time each time they start shell. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance, igor you $ HOME / .groovy / Groovysh.rc

c# - ObservableCollection and CollectionChanged Event -

Why does not the stored event fire in the following code, yet I can see new examples of inventory BTO, I Observable Collection? Private Observe Collection & lt; Inventory BTO & gt; _inventoryRecords; Public Supervision Collection & lt; Inventory BTO & gt; Inventory Records {Meet {Return _Inventory Vacancies; } Set {_inventoryRecords = value; }} Private Inventory BTO _ Selected Records; Public Inventory BTO Selected Records {Get {return_selectedRecord; } Set {if (_selectedRecord! = Value) {_selectedRecord = value; OnPropertyChanged (New PropertyChangedEventArgs ("SelectedRecord")); }}} View public inventoryModel () {if (_inventoryRecords == empty) {Inventory Records = New Observe Collection & lt; InventoryBTO & gt; (); This.InventoryRecords.CollectionChanged + = New NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler (InventoryRecords_CollectionChanged); } _inventoryRecords = Inventory LISTBTO.GetAllInventoryRecords (); } The problem is that zero inventory recor...

how to fix gateway timeout error in php? -

Iam is a php file that sends text messages to all users in the special table of my database now entries of 2000 And these numbers are increasing. There is a small form on my page that selects a list of users which can be sent from the drop down, and then the user sends the text into a texterity and then clicks the submit button php script to the stars. Messages for numbers. Now my browser has seen the gateway timeout error while trying to send the message, but the script is running and messages are sent to mobile but not once but 6 times. I checked my script and all the codes are correct. All this has happened to the gateway timeout cuz. Now does the script run repeatedly in this gateway timeout until the browser turns off? Was this the reason why a message was sent to mobile numbers 6 times ?? I mean how can I save my file from this gateway error so that only one number can be sent to a message once? How to fix gateway timeout error in PHP ??? You can not do that the ...

web services - Is it possible to overload a method in webservices? -

क्या वेब सेवा में एक विधि अधिभार करना संभव है? हाँ, आपको वेब विधि की संपत्ति का उपयोग करना होगा। इस आलेख को देखें।

jboss - patching java reflect calls using AOP -

I do not have much experience with the Job AOP and if it is possible to change all the calls, I'm curious. / P> field F = foo.class.getDeclaredField ("bar"); F.set (object, value); area f = foo.class.getDeclaredField ("bar") with something like ; FieldSetCaller.invoke (f, object, value); Using the Jabos AOP FieldSet Collar is my own class. Without compiling the code, I need to change all the field set calls on the fly. I can not compile any third party code as I do not have the source. I can get it through this setting and I am wandering if Jabs AOP can do this too. Just for information - My code is running on Jboss Server 4.3.0

wix - Msiexec REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vamus is not working -

In my installer (built using YX) I firmly restores everything by installing MSIXAC reinstallation = All reinstallloads = vamus / qr / i setup .msi command it was working fine, but after adding a new component (an exe file) it stopped working Nw if i try this command then this file The installation does not vary in the directory. To resolve this, I tried to add a new file as part of an existing component, but that does not work. To resolve any thoughts / solutions? Does the MSI check all the existing files (installed by the previous package) and may fail, when I use the above command, I do not get any files?

"The given key was not present in the dictionary" ASP.NET error on IIS7 -

This error on my site I search has not found any dictionary of any type in the project. Read somewhere this URL may be due to rewrite the module on IIS 7 which I am using for certain redirects. error appears on all pages of the site, 99% believe that thought only / p use In this System.Data.DataView.System.Collections error stack the System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewPagedDataSource.EnumeratorOnIList.get_Current (on System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item on System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException () (TKey key)) System.Web.WebControls.ListView.CreateItemsWithoutGroups (ListViewPagedDataSource Data Source, Boolean Data Binding, InsertItemPosition insertPosition, ArrayList keyArray) on System.Web.UI.VebControls.ListView.CreateChildControls (IEnumerable) on .ilist.get_Item (Int32 recordIndex) Data source, b Ulian Detabanking) on ​​System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListView.PerformDataBinding (IEnumerable data) System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.OnDataSourceViewSele...

cocoa touch - UIModalPresentationFormSheet on iPad in landscape mode -

I created a UIViewController view on the UIModalPresentationFormSheet with model presentation style from XIB and everything works great in portrait mode. Why are any thoughts happening and how to solve it? Thank you I was also with this problem, I have a modal controller And for the calling controller, there was a set of autoretat functions set on the portrait.

regex - I need to remove Java Script tags using regular expressions and JRegex -

I have to remove all java script tags and content from the HTML code of the web pages, between the middle and style tags. So far I have come up with this expression: "(& lt; [\ r \ n \ t] * script ([\ r \ n \ t & gt;] | & gt; ;) {1,} ([\ r \ n \ t] | |) *? & Lt; / [\ r \ n \ t] * script [\ r \ n \ t] * & gt; Lt; [\ r \ n \ T] * noscript ([\ r \ n \ t & gt;] | & gt;) {1,} ([\ r \ n \ t] |.) *? & Lt; / [\ R \ n \ t] * Noscript [\ r \ n \ t] * & gt;) | (& lt; [\ r \ n \ t] * style ([\ r \ n \ t & gt; ] |>) {1,} ([\ r \ n \ T] | |) *? & Lt; / [\ r \ n \ t] * style [\ r \ n \ t] * & gt; ) " I use the JRGax library to work with regular expressions when I do test it in any ReJex tester Works fine, but once I run my program - all this crashes with this error report: Exceptions to the thread "thread-0" java.lang java. Use.regex.Pattern $ branch.match at java.util.regex.Pattern $ BmpCharProperty.match (unknow...

encryption - HSM - cryptoki - opening sessions overhead -

I have a question about sessions with HSM. I know that if there is an overhead, you will start and finalize the Cryptoki API for each file, which you want to encrypt / decrypt. My questions are, Is there an overhead in opening and closing a person session for each file, you want to encrypt / decrypt. (C_inilize / c_finelize) In addition to affecting the display, how many sessions can be the maximum number of simultaneous HSM? Is the best method for processing individual files or opening a session and opening and closing sessions for processing multiple files and then closing the best way to session ? thanks First of all, the normal form There are very detailed documentation from threads, applications and sessions about observation. Secondly, this depends on your HSM Hardwa again and how does PKCS # 11 module implementation represent your PKCS # 11 provider slot? Do you use the same key all the time? What are the authentication mechanisms for the key? H...

Android - Notification bar height from a service -

The application I'm working on is a service that runs in the background in Android. The problem is that I need to set the height of the notification bar for some functionality of the service. I find many solutions for this, for regular activities - a scene can determine its own within an activity without the height of the notification bar, its actual visualization size is its on-size playful phenomenon After checking with it, it has already been drawn. However, this is not applicable for any service that has no physical view. I really appreciate any idea to get the size of the notification bar at the system level, perhaps? Thanks a lot! Vitaly Say no activity appropriate for your service Use Size There is a possibility of changing the height of the status bar, or the size of the screen, while operating the service.

Full image in Background in a vBox in Flex -

The following code was written to set me a background image in a vBox. vBox.setStyle ("background image", "previewbackground page"); VBox.setStyle ("Background Virtual", "Fixed"); Where the height and width of the vBox were 250 x 350 and the height and width of the background image was 400 x 400. The problem is that the background image does not show the whole image. Image Croped How can I show the whole image as a background image? In advance thanks vBox.setStyle ("background size" , "100%"); Check the style of container category

c++ - help for hindi programming -

# शामिल हैं & lt; wchar.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {fputws (एल "मै एक भारतीय हूँ।", Stdout); वापसी 0; } ?? ?? ?????? ??? जब मैं इसे उबुंटू पर चलाता हूं, तो क्या कोई मुझे मदद कर सकता है? यूनिकोड के उपयोग के लिए टर्मिनल को कॉन्फ़िगर करें।

c# - Can't get a return value from a foreach loop inside a method -

is a method in my C # finds a node with the name node_name node list the Arg , and returns the value of the node (assuming only one node with such a name). If such a node is not found, then it should return empty string. public string get_nodes_value (Aksmelanidiist args, string Nod_nav) {foreach (Aksmelanod Ajiaranodi in args) {if (! Arg_node.HasChildNodes) {If (String.Compare (arg_node.ParentNode.Name, node_name ) == 0) {return arg_node.Value; }} And {get_nodes_value (arg_node.ChildNodes, node_name); }} Return ""; } The above code always returns an empty string. What do I remember here? will be returned to the node recurring invitation, but as long as it is not at the top - Livl that price is just ignored possibly want something like: else {string value = get_nodes_value (arg_node.ChildNodes, node_name); If (value! = "") Return value; }

iphone - Completely Removing Views from memory -

I have a view that has a slideshow setting, and another view that has a slide show. Unfortunately, these ideas Resists because they are still in memory. As far as I know, to see DDU, Dellok is called only in low memory conditions, and Delok should not be asked directly, so why should I completely remove one view Ideas are in the way of the Uninvision Controllers. If you have added a view with the UIAgent controller pseudocode: UIView * newView = [[UIView alloc] init]; // Maintain = 1 [UINavigationController pushView: newView]; // maintain = 2 [new view release]; // maintain = 1 [UINavigationController popView]; // maintain = 0, the object will be lost

mysql - SQL LEFT JOIN help -

My scenario: There are 3 tables to keep TV show information; Season, Episode and Episode_translation. My data: is 3 seasons, with every 3 episodes, but there is only one episode translated for it. My Correction: I want to get a list of all the seasons and episodes for a show. If there is a translation available in a particular language, then show it, otherwise show zero. My attempt to get serie 1 notification in language 1: SELECT Season_Number AS Season, Number AS episode, Nationwide Join Episode from Season National Left Join Epistophone WHERE id_serie = 1 AND id_lang = 1 ORDER BY Season_Number, number Result: + - ------ + --------- + --------------- ----------------- + | Weather | Case | Name | + -------- + --------- + ------------------------------ - + | 3 | 3 | Translated into Episode Long 1 | + -------- + --------- + ------------------------------ - + Expected Result + ---------------- - + -------------------------------- + | Weather | Case | ...

javascript - Tabindex is not working in ie 7 -

I have used a tabandex in my code, firefox, ip8, everything works very well in safari But it is not working properly i.e. 7, when i used a tab index in id7, it came in two input files and then it came back to the index; Example: & lt; Div tabindex = 1 & gt; & Lt; One onclick = "slide_down ()" style = "cursor: pointer, width: 160px; padding-bottom: 10px;" & Gt; Sample Links & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div tabindex = 2 & gt; & Lt; One onclick = "slide_down ()" style = "cursor: pointer, width: 160px; padding-bottom: 10px;" & Gt; Sample Link 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div tabindex = 3 & gt; & Lt; One onclick = "slide_down ()" style = "cursor: pointer, width: 160px; padding-bottom: 10px;" & Gt; Sample Link 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Thanks Tabintax in any element as IE5 It is possible ...

What does "Document-oriented" vs. Key-Value mean when talking about MongoDB vs Cassandra? -

Do you buy at a KV store with a document-based NoSQL option, and vice versa? A key-value store provides the simplest possible data model and Its name suggests: This is a storage system that stores values ​​indexed by a key, you are limited to the query by the key and the value is opaque , about the store anything Do not know this allows for very fast reading and writing operations (a simple disk) Kses) and I see this model as a non-volatile cache (that is well suited if you need instant access to data with long-lasting). An document-oriented database increases the previous model and the value is stored in an structured format (a document, hence the name) that can understand the database is. For example, a document may be a blog post and comments and tags stored in a denormalized manner, since the data is transparent , store more work (Such as the indexing field of the document) and you are not limited to the query by the key. As I have indicated, such a databas...

jQuery ajax only works first time -

I have a table of data that click on the button, some values ​​are saved on the database, while other values Recover. I need a continuous process, but I can get it to work only for the first time. At first I was using .ajax () and .replaceWith ()) to rewrite the whole table, but because it Overwrites the DOM, he was losing the events associated with the table. I can not use .live () because I am using stopPropagation () and .live () due to event bubble Does not support it. I was essentially able to force the click event on the table within the .ajax () callback, but there was nothing in the second call event to click on the button. I changed the Ajax and .html () for the result of using the .get () in the code table (server-side The code now returns the complete table without & lt; table & gt; tag) I do not have to click the click event again in the table, but clicking on the button just does not do anything . Finally, I changed it to .load () , but...

coldfusion - regex find content question -

using regex refind tag, trying to find content in brackets in this example using coldfusion Joe Smith & Lt;> The result should be the text use it & lt; Cfset reg = refind ("/(?<=\<).*?(?=\&&ic=http://www/>") /> No luck, no suggestions? Maybe a syntax issue, it works in an online regex tester I use. You can not use lookehind with CF's regex engine (uses) However, if you can, however, that supports them, and I've made a cover CFC it becomes even easier. Available from: (UPDATE: .. COPY CFC has been developed in a complete project mentioned above for information) Besides, /.../s stuff is not required here / relevant So, with your example, but with better regex:. & lt; Cfset Jrex = createObject ('component', 'jre-utils'). Init () /> & Lt; Cfset reg = jrex.match ("(? & Lt; = & lt;) [^ ] + (? = & Gt;),...

Compiling a DLL in Visual Studio Express for use in a VB Script -

I see a DLL converting written in VB in C ++. DLL is called as a part of a login script to perform various functions. My C ++ is a bit thicker, and I only got Visual C ++ Express. I can create a DLL just fine with C ++, but I can register it using regsvr32. I'm assuming that I have to add something in the build options to make a comic in com, but I'm not sure what to do. My second option Any non-com DL any way about VBScript from any idea about it? Cheers Luke You get a com colabal wrapper (ccw). Searching for MSDN for this period should start sufficiently to get you started.

persistence - Android - Where to store generated bitmaps? -

I got an app that dynamically moves around the screen for a user to get 6 to 100 small bitmaps Generates the given session I currently make them in onCreate and store them on the SD card, so that after changing an orientation I can drag them out of external storage and display them again. Can I However, it takes time (loading) and I want to keep bitmap references between spouse changes for fast reach. My question is, is there a better place to store my generated bitmaps? I was thinking about building a stable storage library in my base activity, something that only the app needs to fully reload from memory (shutdown, other applications require resources, 30 minutes restart, etc.) would be required. Ideally, I want to be able to get the user back on the title screen, click the "Resume" button, and I have just got it in onCreate Rather than being used for those resident bitmap references instead of loading them again by storage, I do not think that activity Then CN...

regex - JavaScript Regular expressions, match and replace link -

कृपया मेरी मदद करें & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; Http:// & lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मुझे लिंक के साथ प्रतिस्थापित करना चाहते हैं और जैसे & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; a href = "" & gt; http: //< / a & gt; & Lt; a href = "" & gt; http: //< / a & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; महान धन्यवाद आप HTML को पार्स करने के लिए।

perl - Why did File::Find finish short of completely traversing a large directory? -

A directory contains a total of 2,153,425 items (according to the Windows folder properties). In it, .jpg and .gif image files are located within some subdirectories. To get some related information and to store it elsewhere, the images were to be transferred to different locations when querying the name of each file. File: A script that uses search, which ended on 20462 files, with curiosity, I wrote a small recursive function to count those items, which have 1,734,802 numbers. I think the difference may be that the folders were not counted, only the files which passed the -f exams The first questions asked for the file name can be solved differently instead of the problem. While running on the directory, I'm just thinking that the file: ending in a small fraction of all the files What could be the reason for this. The data is stored on the NTFS file system. The script of the script; I think the DBI stuff is not included, because I reconstruct the script with no one el...

java - NullPointerException when showing JFileChooser -

I show a JFileChooser with this snippet: public file getDestination () {JFileChooser Selector = new JFileChooser (); Chooser.setFileSelectionMode (JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); Int option = chooser.showSaveDialog (faucet); If (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {return chooser.getSelectedFile (). GetAbsolutePath (); } Return new file ("."); } Usually, for the first time shown, it displays & amp; The work correctly the second time, it will always throw this exception: formula exception "original L & amp; F file loading thread" SunkawtkshellkWin32ShellFolderManager2kisFileSystemRoot (unknown source on JavaklangkNullPointerException (unknown javax.swing.filechooser on .pidlsEqual) on (unknown source). Source on Win32ShellFolder2.equals (unknown source) Javax.swing.filechooser.WindowsFileSystemView.istrraversable on FileSystemView.isFileSystemRoot (unknown...

html - load page with inactive scrollbar -

I have a page that scrolls through images, some are taller than others when a long image If loaded, the browser automatically creates a scrollbar in the window, due to which the width is shocked. Is there a way to load a scroll bar, whether it is necessary, and when a prolonged image activates itself, then activates itself accordingly, when the image turns into a small image? Thank you! div {overflow: scroll; } Should do this. This scrollbar will tell if they are called for or not. You can div {overflow-x: scroll; } If you have a horizontal scrollbar or div {overflow-y: scroll; } If you want vertical scrollbars from your question it seems that you are interested in the latter solution.

Collections in C# -

Changing a component to C #, I get this error Common Type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection & lt; T & gt; This is what I did In VB.NET it was Private _bufferCol as collection I did it in C # private collection _bufferCol = new archive (); My manifesto is using Microsoft Visual stale; Using System.Collections; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Collections.ObjectModel; Is any body able to help me? Write a type declaration from your collection, this is how your collection is? For example: // strings private collection & lt; String & gt; _bufferCol = new archive & lt; String & gt; ();

c# - Select latest group by in nhibernate -

I have a Kunien and Cannihandler objects in my application CanineHandler object is a PersonID (a completely different database reference), An EFFECTIVEDATE (which specifies when starting with a handler dog), and an FK reference for the dog (CanineID). Looking at a specific PersonID, I want to find all the dogs they are currently responsible for (simplified) query I will use in SQL: sELECT * fROM dog inside on (joining CanineHandler CanineHandler.CanineID = Canine.CanineID) select the inner join (CanineID, Max. (effective date) Maksafektivdet (currently Handlr from Kaninhandlr group by CanineID. Kanenaidi = Kaininha Non- refundable. Do Kaneniid and Chaluhandlr. Maksafektivdet = Kanenhandlr. Kanhinhandlr as the effective date). Hendlrpisraidi = @ Praysid / Edit: mapping files added below: & lt; class name = "caninehandler" table = "caninehandler" schema = "dbo" & gt; & Lt; id name = "CanineHandlerID" type = "Int32...

windows - Access Denied when using popen - Python -

I am using popen to send some commands inside the Django app. . The problem is that I [Error 5] access has been denied , apparently to me cmd.exe looks like. WindowsError at / test / cmd / [Error 5] Access is denied: 'C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ cmd.exe / C dir ' I believe this because the app sits behind a web server with limited privileges. Can we do anything about it? Help will be awesome! Why do you have a problem: What do you do in your question Forgot to mention that you are trying to run on ISAPI> ISAPI_WSGI (or with FastCGI at IS 7/6 for WSGI as FASTCGI cover under ISIS). This is actually an executed permission issue c: \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe I had only one problem on IIS 6. The user should fix the "local system" or something similar in spite of what user I set the pool, I always admire the admission. I stupidly assumed that there is something wrong with the piping pipes, ironpathon on the same machine The work is do...

c# - calling a WCF service object method in another WCF service -

I am using two WCF services. WCF service is hosted in my .NET Winform application and WCF Service B Is hosted on Windows Service. I am able to instantiate the client to WCF Service B and I am using methods - that is to call the WCF service hosted by the NIT Winform app on Windows Service. I am not able to complete the reverse with WCF Service A - that is, call the WCF service hosted on .Net Winfarm application from Windows Service. Call for method time. I have used the WCF Test client from Visual Studio Command Prompt and it can successfully call WCF Service A. Is that reason subboost I think That's the only viable approach (without having to have excessive messaging infrastructure), WCF callback for service. A good example of this can be found here: It is good to deal with events that are server-side and allow the customer to respond. If the events are not looking for you, then your customer can register with the server (by specifying the callback contract)...

php - Regex: Strip non alpha numeric or punctuation -

How do I use PHP to extract alpha, numeric, space or all non-paranoid characters? I have tried the following, but left this punctuation mark. preg_replace ("/ [^ a-zA-Z0- 9 \ s] /", "", $ str); preg_replace ("/ [^ a-zA-Z0-9 \ S \ p {P}] / "," ", $ str); Example: php> Echo preg_replace ("/ [^ a-zA-Z0- 9 \ s \ p {P}] /", "", "⟺f✆oo☃. Ba⟗r!"); Foo times! \ p {P} matches all Unicode punctuation (see Unicode). If you want to allow only specific punctuation marks, then add them to the denoted square class. Example: preg_replace ("/ [^ a-zA-Z0-9 \?.] /", "", $ Str);

iphone - UITabBarController's 'More' navigation controller disappears under UINavigationController -

I am using a UITabBarController as well as UINavigationController on my app. In my UITabBarController I am automatically receiving more 'items' using more than 5 items. I have been able to add a savings process so that the order of those items will be kept when someone has made changes in order etc. With 'more' active I get more navigation controllers with 'edit' items Both the navigation controllers located under my UINAVigationController are visible. When I click on 'edit' and more navigation controller disappears and is hidden under my UINAVigationController and so I can not see / use the 'rich' function to save my new system It seems that You have UINavigationController as your app's main VC and as a title for your code in the form of UITabBarController . I believe Apple has actively disappointed people by doing this in their apps, and I also do it. This is never done in iOS, and I have never seen it in any third party ...

LINQ nested joins -

I am trying to include SQL in LINQ. I need some help in nested joining in LINQ. This is my SQL query, Ive reduced it to show nested joins in SECL: specific TxtTaskStatus as TaskTitus, txtempfirstname + '+ + + + as the Burofeela name, txtTaskPriorityDescription taken as txtemplastname Caryprdita described as as itemdateTime dtmtaskcreated, dbo.tblTask.lngtaskid TaskID, built as dbo.tblTask.dtmtask DateDateTime, (varchar (512), dbo .tblTask.txttaskdescription) & gt; ProblemStatement, dbo.tblTask.lngtaskmessageid, dbo.tblMessage.lngmessageid As MessageId, is the case when isnull (dbo.tblMessage.txtmessagesubject, '') as & lt; '' So MessageSubject, dbo.tblMessage.txtmessagedescription MessageDescription, the case when dbo.tblMessage.dtmmessagecreated is not clear if the rest of the cast (FLOOR (CAST (decimal as dtmtaskcreated dbo.tblMessage.dtmmessagecreated (as as txtmessagesubject rest left (txtmessagedescription, 50) end 12, 5))) as DATETIME) Message...