windows - Access Denied when using popen - Python -

I am using popen to send some commands inside the Django app. .

The problem is that I [Error 5] access has been denied , apparently to me cmd.exe looks like.

WindowsError at / test / cmd /

[Error 5] Access is denied: 'C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ cmd.exe / C dir '

I believe this because the app sits behind a web server with limited privileges.

Can we do anything about it? Help will be awesome!

Why do you have a problem:

What do you do in your question Forgot to mention that you are trying to run on ISAPI> ISAPI_WSGI (or with FastCGI at IS 7/6 for WSGI as FASTCGI cover under ISIS).

This is actually an executed permission issue c: \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe

I had only one problem on IIS 6. The user should fix the "local system" or something similar in spite of what user I set the pool, I always admire the admission. I stupidly assumed that there is something wrong with the piping pipes, ironpathon on the same machine The work is done due to the command that runs under.

Here's how you decide:


Either the IIS service or C: \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe (with tight permissions on the ISIS process, permission to rest on the application pool, has not been able to help me.) My guess is That is limited to ISAPI> ISAPI_WSGI permissions for the IIS process.)

The user must add the current IIS (web publishing) service directly, or read at least one group, c: \ Execute permissions on windows \ system32 \ cmd. Exe

I did not try things: I am surprised that instead of changing user permissions on the IIS service, the user must change the "Anonymous" behind.


If you are serious about working on Windows, then consider doping capping for IronPython + NWSGI (see this on codepacks) I use NWSGI for simple WSGI applications and subprocesses Can run subprocess with. Calli was written for Iron Python (here it is: see the other repo by the same Jedhardi, he has some patches, which specifically make Geneto on the net. IronPython.)


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