JSON Syntax, what is this? -

I understand the concept of JSON, but after starting the use of eBay API, I got an indication that I Did not see it before, and wondered if someone could explain what is happening with it? ["FindItemsByKeywordsResponse": [{"ack": ["success"], "version": ["1.5 0"], "timestamp": ["2010-06-16T08: "[Pg. Number:" ["0"], "pages on entries": ["10: 42: 21.468 Z"], "search result": [{"country": "0"}], "endorsement output": ["10 "]", "Total Pages": ["0"], "Total Entries": ["0"]}]}]


@ country "is the thing? I saw that when I refer to it in Chrome, it throws an error:

But JSON Lint in Firefox does not report that it is valid as I Hope this was a ...

This is the name of a property, it's a @ character.

Use to access properties with properties that you can not use in dot notation.


  Current value [0] ['currency currency']  


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