python - PIL's brings up *two* different viewers -
While tuning with images in the dragon shell, I see the image. I use the show (), where the image is an example of the image some time ago nothing happened, but after defining the miracle of the mirage named "
For the past few days, Show () will also take both the imagemagic display and Mirage. It is not clear whether the show () is to be run, it gets information about it. The documentation was not useful just how to behave and bring up only what xv thinks?
Well, for one thing, is the only purpose for debugging, to make it work
However, you can always see the source (open "PDO pil", FILE section tells where a module is located):
In Windows, PIL will use "/ wait file name"
In Macs, this "Open-A / Applications / Preview.ap"
and on Linux, either 'Display' Uses if legs Or otherwise 'xd-open'.
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