
Showing posts from March, 2014

c# - Event type can't be Action<>? -

यह काम करता है सार्वजनिक ईवेंट Func & lt; int, int & gt; createEvents; लेकिन यह क्यों नहीं? सार्वजनिक इवेंट कार्रवाई & lt; int & gt; createEvents; सार्वजनिक ईवेंट क्रिया & lt; int & gt; बनाएँइवेंट्स; पूरी तरह वैध है हो सकता है कि आपका इवेंट हैंडलिंग पद्धति कार्रवाई & lt; T & gt; प्रतिनिधि के साथ मेल नहीं खाती हो। शायद आपके पास ऐसा कुछ है: सार्वजनिक इवेंट कार्रवाई & lt ; पूर्णांक & gt; CreateEvents; सार्वजनिक ईवेंट Func & lt; int, int & gt; CreateEvents2; सार्वजनिक इंक ऑनक्रेटइवेंट्स 2 (एंट वैल्यू) {फ़नक & lt; int, int & gt; हैंडलर = एंटेंट्स 2; अगर (हेन्डलर! = नल) रिटर्न हैंडलर (वैल्यू); वापसी 0; } सार्वजनिक शून्य OnCreateEvents (int मान) {कार्रवाई & lt; int & gt; हैंडलर = एपेंट्स; अगर (हैंडलर! = नल) हैंडलर (मान); }

sql - Interview question on stored procedures -

What kind of things will not be stored in stored procedures? This is not a question of whether to use stored procedures. This is a hypothetical interview question, the interviewer wants to be convinced that you understand SP that there is no dumping ground for code and data which is better suited to the system. A proper answer may include the following: The constant or client-specific logic such as data is never in the SP. Passwords or other security tokens are never sp or in any code. Complex processing may not be suitable for primitive SP languages ​​instead today Business logic It may be appropriate, because there may be differences in expressive nature, maintenance, oo design, or other factors in languages. The presentation layer code is probably suitable for UI, not SP. Interview questions such as this one, the goal is not to determine a right or wrong response, rather, the interviewer his ideal reaction to meditation Keeping in, and your job i...

flash - Proper syntax for jQuery's SWFObject plugin -

What is the syntax for the jQuery SWFObject plugin? I have not found examples with more object attributes or the parameters in the plugin home page, among others. Edit var flashvars = {}; Flashvars.clickTag = ""; Var Params = {}; Params.scale = "exact"; Var Properties = {}; = "Shockwave Flash 1"; Swfobject.embedSWF ("test_flash.swf", "test_div", "300", "250", "7.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashwars, parameters, attributes);

php - HTML Character Identities in Twitter -

I am developing a twitter app, and when I do a new tweet with php with the abeams twitter and somebody With special characters it submits to Twitter as HTML identification I have tried all html_entity_decode () and htmlspecialchars_decode () but it is not working thanks :) Edit: Appearance as requested Requests some code in (after logging with oh [i know that works Is] I'm doing this to deposit the tweet) $ position = $ _POST ['status']; $ To- & gt; Post ('Status / Update', Array ('Status' = & gt; html_entity_decode (StripSlash ($ position)); html_entity_decode (stripslashes ($ position), ENT_QUOTES) / html>

ruby - chef-solo example -

We are learning chef-singles and need a good example to understand better .. There is a lot on the net But the ideas are too much confused. Anyone can suggest some examples .. and how they can be run .. We have installed chef -0.8.16 gem but can not be found to work with it. We have the platform of windows Its immediate .. Windows platform support is quite new (), so its ability to configure resources on Windows is quite limited, which is limited to the next release. The new resource providers will add to the platform. A good resource for Chef Solo can help you get more help from it.

iphone - glFramebufferTexture2D performance -

I am computing heavily using GPU, which includes many render-to-texture operations. It is a recursive calculation Therefore, there is enough rendering for a texture, then that texture is rendered in another texture, then renders the second texture on the first texture, and by doing so, every time passing the texture through a shady gives. My question is this: Is it better to have a different FBO for each texture, which I want to present, or whenever I want to be with a fiber once and P> On iPhone implementation, it is affordable to change the attachment, assuming that old and new textures are the same dimension / format / etc Otherwise, framebuffers Un: driver to configure to do some extra work.

ubuntu - regarding jar file in java -

I want to create a jar file in Ubuntu Linux. Nobody can help me or any link. Thanks jar cf jar file input file (files) For more information If you are using Eclipse IDE, instead of using the command line tool you can use Eclipse to create a jar file for yourself .. The following article shows how to do this in Netbeans

eclipse - How to call Java classes from JSP -

I have two JSP files, I have a class file to get a user input and print another result Which is called when the user inputs something and prints out on the result page, how should I use that class? /// When the user redirects to the result page on the click button. gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; / Br & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "search" /> Public class On_Classes {public void printData () {....}} //// class file Previous> /// Results Page Maybe it can help? Unless you wanted to link to the Java page? If so, upload the web class to the web-INF directory and then link it to / servlet / classname in form action? Or if you want to retrieve form data: string RAR name = request.getParameter ("formfieldname"); in the square.

c++ - How to not #include <windows.h> -

Using MSWC-2008, 32-bit on 64-bit systems. I was advised once not to be involved in windows.h, 'This is a real monster and my compile time will slow down considerably'. I tried to leave it and clearly compiled errors. I had included windef.h to define all DWORDs etc., but I quickly came to define what else to define to get the code from oddly received. Now I'm getting: 2 & gt; C: \ program files \ microsoft sdks \ windows \ v7.0 \ include \ winnt.h (6361): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' Identifier 'Reference Record' 2 & gt; C: \ program files \ microsoft sdks \ windows \ v7.0 \ include \ winnt.h (12 9 23) before: error C2065: 'PCONTEXT': Undeclared identifier Can you suggest right here? thanks Simon Internally, windows .h respects several criteria, such as NOMINMAX or WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN. It reduces time significantly.

Modbus driver: C vs Java -

I am going to start a project soon where I have to program a modus driver. My initial approach was to do it in Java, although my boss has contacted a company whose model is in Modus, and said that it is better language to contact C. Modobos. So my boss demanded to stay in a lot of things. My knowledge is not really big, so I will need to learn enough to get the ModBus driver working in a proper and stable order. Questions for you: People with some experience in Studhofflow Modbus: How important can the likes of C Vs Java? The Mondabas site seems to have a Java library, if C is better than Java in every way, then why would those libraries have? Would it be useful to know the right thing for this benefit? I only implemented some implementations in Cd / C ++ (house implementation), but some modbus I believe that if the license is suitable you can be used, you can implement it in Java - this is a matter of choice; In that case you have to justify your choice. Later: is under...

PHP header Location works in the middle of HTML -

I have a problem understanding how a header ("Location: Com / "); & lt; Body & gt; can work in the middle. Should not be an error because the header has already been sent due to HTML output, & lt ;? Php ...? & Gt; The way before starting the part. I am referring to the warning header information can not be modified - already sent headers ... I hope to receive. I'm testing it on my local PHP Dev environment (Apache / 2.2.15 (Win32) PHP / 5.3.2). Here's an example: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php header ("location:"); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Any ideas? Thank you. If you have automatic buffering enabled in php.ini, you can use any time before it The headers can actually open the output.

c# - FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo getting old version of an exe swapped at runtime -

I have implemented a program in C # which is sometimes updated when it comes to any new XE Swapping and running. I want a regular checkup program that has been updated and if so, then restart I use the following function to do this. Public Stable Boole DoineedToRestart (string exe_name) {version cur_version = new version (MainProgram.StartVersion); Version file_version = new version (GetProductVersion (exe_name)); MessageBox.Show ("cur_version comparison" + cur_version.ToString () + "with" + file_version.ToString ()); If (file_version> cur_version) {true back; } return false; } Public Static String GetProductVersion (string path_name) {FileVersionInfo myFI = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo (path_name); Return to my IFI; } MainProgram.StartVersion is set when the program starts running version using GetProductVersion (exe_name) set the name of executable to exe_name Has been done that is being updated the main program. The Exe file has been up...

memory management - sql server 2005 32 bit on win 2003 64 bit using only 2 gb -

We have 5 GB RAM with 64 bits running in 32 bits in 2005. What is a way that SQL starts to use more than 2 GB? Some switch or some setting in SQL Server? When I go to my SQL Server property and try to increase the maximum server memory to> 2 GB, then it reaches the old 2 GB. > Thanks, Joy Corrections - Friends: I have never seen that the value mentioned in the SQL Server config is in MB really enough It's stupid - but when you take things, you change the blind even in the most obvious things I was assuming the value described in the byte - the config screen saw 10 times and never ever paid attention to it. See Slavic Oaks article. it has to be done. And your licensing team is shouting about 32/64 bit licensing issues. See that you can match both the processor and the Cal for both the x86 / x64 license. As long as you do not take a shot at yourself using Workgroup version, you can go to 3Gb anyway. AdWords will not work in any way ...

memcached vs. internal caching in PHP? -

I am working on PHP on some older (ISH) software which is $ Cache to reduce the number of SQL queries ARA keeps I was just thinking about putting a banquet in my place and I am thinking that to get rid of internal caching or not. If I keep internal caching or have enough memcache, will there still be a valuable performance increase? It seems that the memcatch (which applies to metal) compares some PHP interpretation caching scheme. Will be faster in Though: If this is not broken, do not fix it. If you remove custom caching codes, you may have to deal with a cache-dependent code. I can not talk about the quality of the code you created, but it seems that among them there is "probably not worth it" things. Keep me this way: Do you believe the code written by the original developer (l) will still work if you remove caching? (I probably would not have) So unless the current caching is not giving you problems, you advise against taking it.

regex - Elegant way to distinct Path or Entry key -

I have an application to load CAD data (custom format), either from the local file system, Or specifies a precise path to a database. Database access is realized through a library function, which leads to the image identifier as a parameter. The identifier's format ABC 01234T56-T while my path is a specific Windows path (like x: \ data \ cadfiles \ cadfile001.bin ). I would like to take a string as an argument to write a cover function which can be either a path or an identifier which calls appropriate functions to load my data. Like this: function codLoader (name or pash: string): tcdata; My question: How can I decode your string beautifully is the path of an idnetifier or a file? Use a regexp? Or search for '\' and ':', which are not visible in identifiers? Try this one function codLoader (name or path: string) : Tcdata; If FileExists (nameOrPath) then & lt; Load from file & gt; Second & lt; Load from database & gt; End...

iphone - MKMapView regionWillChangeAnimated Zoom or Pan? -

I must know whether an area was changed due to zooming or panning. I was able to find out for the area, it was estimated by comparing it with keeping track of the old area period and comparing it with a zoom. Change the problem with the area. Already this is said before the field, so I do not know how long the area's duration will be. Is there any other way to find out? Thank you. You have mapView: regionWillChangeAnimated: in the last code, which is zooming or scrolling Calls many times during You can use code from: MKZoomScale currentZoomScale = (CGFloat) (map.bounds.size.width / map.visibleMapRect.size .width);

MongoDB equivalent of SQL "OR" -

Therefore, finding the MongoDB records is the default for "AND". For example: db.users.find ({age: {'$ gte': 30}, {'$ lte': 40}}); Finds the above queries users> = 30 and & lt; = 40 years old. How do I find a user & lt; = 30 OR > = 40 years old? There will be one or the operator near future At night the Mongodb build is already $ or you can use $ and use javascript or you can use it or view

call JavaScript function within Google Maps Listener -

OK, simple question but is it possible to call external javascript function within a Google Map listener? GEvent.addListener (map, "click", function (overlay, latching) {testfunction (latlng);}); If the test is not run, should I go about it in a special way? I'm new to Maps and Javascript. Try your listener controller with one parameter first: an object that matches latitude / longitude Is where the user clicked on the map. Try it one early: GEvent.addListener (map, "click", function (latlng) {testfunction (latlng);}); If that does not work, then make sure that your testfunction is handling the GLatLng type correctly (the property's property correctly, etc.) .

winapi - In Windows, should I use CreateFile or fopen, portability aside? -

What are the differences, and in which case would one prove better than one or the other? The First of all function fopen using simple portable works only with files Can be done for. CreateFile on the other hand can be used not only for the operation of files, but also for directories (with the use of this option), pipes and various Windows devices. CreateFile a lot of additional useful list, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN That can be very useful, in different circumstances. You can use the CreateFile with a filename of MAX_PATH characters for a long time. This may be important for some server applications or those who should be able to open any any file (for example a virus scanner or backup application). This name space is enabled using cementics, though this mode has its own concern, such as ".." or L "\ xfeff \ x20 \ xd9ab" (Good luck trying to remove them later). In various s...

.net - Dowloading a bunch of files asynchronous wait till last finished -

I am trying to download a lot of files after downloading a SQL statement. I will upload each file from synchronously I'm using System.Net.Client to download, yet it can be asynchronous. There is no relation or reliance between each download. First of all I tried to use WebClient.DownloadFileAsync, but he closed the program and killed all download processes / threads. Second, I tried to wait something like this; while (processed files & lt; totalFiles) threads Sleep (1000) All this was frozen, can anyone tell me what is the suitability to implement this ASC? Ideally you can only download DownloadFileAsync Wrap the event to inform how you can wire the incident here:); Public static empty download file inbox math2 (string address) {web client client = new webclient (); Uri Uri = new Uri (address); // specify that DownloadFileCallback method when / Client.DownloadFileCompleted + = new asyncCompletedEventHandler (DownloadFileCallback2); // Specify a progress notic...

.net - Instantiating ReportDocument on Windows 7 machine crashes app -

When I try to crash my report to a report - even when wrapped in an attempt / catch block It is only on Windows 7 machines (it can also be on Vista - I have not tested it) There is no problem with XP running machines. tryDocument doc = new ReportDocument (); // This is caused by crashing the app) Catch (Exceptional) {Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString ()); // This is never executed Specific DLL reference CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine version 11.5.3700.0 Any ideas? We had this same problem. We have installed the full build on Crystal Reports XI R2 Service Pack 4 Client Windows 7 machine, and have solved this problem. It is my understanding that this "full" service pack is the complete install of Crystal Reports XI R2. I have read in a message board that CRXIR2 Service Pack 6 was required for Windows 7 compatibility, but SP4 was adequate. The service pack can be downloaded from the SAP website, but they may need to register a login, the website is not in...

Android - Passing Value from ListView to a new Activity? -

I have a list view that shows a list of names. When you choose a name, I want to send the person's identity to the next profile (profile) and recover their data based on my ID. I am able to load View Profile, but find out how to pass ID on profile from ListView here is how I am loading profile: lv.setOnItemClickListener (new OnItemClickListener () {public void onItemClick (parent, view view, integer position, long ID) {intent MyIntent = new intent (see.Titiventext), subview .class); // When a row is raised, the subview is class. Krenaktivetivfor Reslt (Maiainntent, 0); // display Sbvikclas}}) loads; An intent contains additional bundles: myIntent = new intent (view.getContext (), SubView.class); MyIntent.putExtra ("id", id); StartActivityForResult (myIntent, 0); // display subView.class In the oncreate method of your profile activity you can use additional: int id = getIntent (). GetIntExtra ("id");

windows - How can I add a computer to a domain programmatically (using .NET)? -

I have to write a program or script that does a few things with a server (or) after a Windows install. Adding a domain to the server. Is there a way to use this program or script command? If you want to do it with the domain controller: Pure Computer \\ computername / add If you want to do this from workstation: netdom JOIN / DOMAIN: [DOMAINNAME] / USERD: [USERNAME] / Password: [password]

Gridview with linq and transactions -

This link is executable with 2 SQL entities, which is a gridview that can be executed after a button click or after all updates Allows the rows to be taken together if a user clicks on a cancel button, then a way to revert the changes Thanks! If you in-memory transaction (which means that you One can roll back the changes without retrieving), then it is not possible to use LINQ 2 SQL entities because they do not apply the IEditableObject interface.

AjaXplorer [written in PHP] is too slow on IIS -

I have installed AJAxplorer (very good web file explorer) in PHP on my IIS (Windows Server 2008 SP2x64) ). It works very slowly for me. What could be the reason? What are some settings in php.ini? Or, perhaps, is there something wrong with the IIS? I use 32-bit PHP, php-cgi.exe as interpreter. Regards, First of all, CGI will always slow down for each request Try the FastCGI (, or) to boot the entire PHP runtime ... After that, try to see why it is slow. This is because PHP script takes a long time to execute (this is a code problem), or because it is due to server config, to modify it at the beginning of the entry of the PHP program (index.php) Do: define (START_TIME_CUSTOM, microtime (true)); Function at Endtime Compute ($) Time = Microtim (True) - START_TIME_CUSTOM; "Full in echo": ". Number_format ($ timeTaken, 4) "Seconds \ n"; } Register_shutdown_function ('onTimeCompute'); Write Completed in n seconds at the end of the gene... - HTTP POSTed files automatically uploaded to root directory -

I inherited just one ASP.NET webform web application that was assigned to me with refactoring. One of the features is a file upload and while debugging I saw that as soon as a file is posted on a certain page / handler it automatically uploads to the root directory of the application. . The file is then moved to the appropriate location. I can not seem to know what is happening due to this automatic upload of the file. Is there something that is appearing in the ASP.NET webform, which allows it to happen? Is this an IIS configuration or something? Exit, whatever was posted in any posted root directory, which was an HTTP module To do this, it has been removed from the web.config file.

c# - How to select ComboBox value after Data filled from DataSource -

I want to set the selected value for a known value. However, after the InititializeComponent () is called, the data is not yet filled in a datable limb, so I can not set the value I selected. Which incident has started since the data has been added to the debugband object in the cumbobox? Is there any other way you would suggest handling it? Many thanks to You incurred a combobox Datasource switch But if you do this then you must first set DisplayMember and ValueMember or you can not use the combo box. Selected value comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name"; ComboBox1.ValueMember = "id"; ComboBox1.DataSource = DataTable;

python - How can I receive percent encoded slashes with Django on App Engine? -

I am using Django with Google's App Engine. I want to send a notification to the server with a request such as the percentage encoded slash http: / localhost / turtle / waxy% 2Fsmooth such as URL to r '^ / turtuz / ( ? P & lt; type & gt; ([A-Za-z] |% 2F) +) $ ' . The request server is retained, but compared to earlier than it has been compared to regex,% 2F is converted to forward slash. What can I do to prevent% 2Fs from being converted to a forward slash? Thanks! os.environ ['pathhimpho'] has been decoded, So you lose that information, maybe os.environment ['REQUEST_URI'] is available, and if it is available it is not a decode. Django reads only PATH_INFO: You may do something like this: request_uri = environ ['REQUEST_URI'] request_uri = re.sub ('% 2f', '****' , Request_yuri, again I) Environ ['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.unquote (request_uri) Then all cases of% 2f from **** Has been changed (or...

Host a Silverlight application in Winforms application -

I need to host a Silverlight application as a module in an existing WinForms application. My plan is to host a web page that hosts the Silverlight app in Web Browser control in the WinForms application. The part of which I have not understood is how to start Winforms application from the Silverlight application, the Silverlight app is required to notify the web page that it is shutting down and the Browser controls the WinForms module Indicates that the application has expired. After working, I should be able to send several different events to the WinForms program. It does not seem that it will be hard to do, but I hope someone can save me many experiments and stop me from wasting time after the wrong path My Environment Silverlight 4. The Winforms app is currently hosting some WPF controls. Like a backward view on other platforms Silverlight is a workaround to make WPF available If you are running Winform, then host it only as a WPF window. It's really easy ...

php - Apache not handling files correctly (Handler Help) -

I am trying to set up my .htaccess file correctly and I have a problem. The only file for my .htaccess file is: AddType application / x-httpd-php .php .html .htm P> This is because my server is unable to find PHP in my html files. However when it is included in my .htaccess file, when I open a page in my browser, the user is asked to save or open the file locally. I believe that setting up an action to complete the answer to my issues (running with php) though I can not find the path to my php files. Any help is appreciated. You will need to edit the configuration for the enabled module. On the Debian / Ubuntu type system it will be on / etc / apache2 / mods-enabled The file you want is php5.conf So far everything you have done is specified (dot) HTML, HTML Or php files - by default - should be served as / application-x-httpd-php, and in my knowledge there is no web browser that will try to explain such content - so save- Like dialogue Either you can not d... - Strings in ASP? -

"itemprop =" text "> I have some APSX code that I'm trying to modify for a programmer that is out on medicaly leave . I'm not an ASP male, but rather C ++ So what I want to do is Delare is a string, check the first 4 characters and if it does 'http' do something else If not, then Here's what I have: string strYT = left (objFile, 4); If (strYT == "http") {pnlYT.Visible = true PnlIntro.Visible = false; PnlVideo.Visible = false; } And {pnlYT.Visible = false; PnlIntro.Visible = false; PnlVideo.Visible = true; PrintText (objFile); } But I get these types of errors: Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'ASP.zen_aspx' does not exist in the name 'ASP.zen_aspx' Various instances of doing my goggle in this way .... itemprop = "text"> Here VB Is in dim string string = "" if str.StartsWith ("http: //") then '' # is the true stuff pnlYT.Visible = t...

Is Objective-C++ a totally different language from Objective-C? -

As the title says ... are they considered in different languages? For example, if you wrote an application using a combination of C ++ and Objective-C ++, then you wrote it in C ++ and Objective-C, C ++ and Object-C ++ or all three is? Obviously C and C ++ are different languages, even though C ++ and C are directly compatible, what is the situation with Objective-C ++ and Objective-C? Objective-C ++ combines purpose-only C and C ++ code (with precautions) mixed with It is not actually a language as a mechanism to allow two languages ​​to intermix.

ocaml pattern match question -

I am trying to write a simple recursive function which returns the list and returns a pair of integers it is C / Easy to write in C ++ / Java, but I would like to type the conflict It goes to cause the OCaml solution to detect the solution so that somehow new to the new kind. REC test pl = ... ;; Val Differently: ('a -> bool) - & gt; 'A list - & gt; Int * int = & lt; Funny & gt; Test (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) [-3; 5; 2; -6] ;; -> int * integer = (2, 2) So problem how can I return the value to recursively Tupl .. has been removed from OCaml for a bit, but I think the comment in this comment relates to details of REALFREE Will go to Rick Test l = match L [] - & gt; (0,0) | X :: xs - & gt; If X & gt; 0 then with (x, y) (test xs) - & gt; Match (X + 1, Y) from second match (Test X) (X, Y) - & gt; (X, Y + 1) ;; You used nested match statements to exit the pieces of tuple Edit can modify: I syntax Pascal Cuoq in his co...

How Do I Import a 3D Object into Adobe Flex? -

I want to know how to import a 3D object (i.e. Maya 3D model) in any Abda Flex app is? I needed to create a simple Flex application that would rotate the 3D object by dragging me, but I do not feel like starting to do this because I'm trying to figure out how to import my 3D model into Flex I am / P> This is what I wanted to do: I hope someone can help me a lot :) Thanks There are at least 3 ways to do this: Using: Using and exporting 3D models Using and exporting 3D models You can export from Maya to Kolada and from there 3D package (3dsmax, cinema4d, blender, etc.). Apart from both PapeVision 3D and Avey 3D, Colada + is the importer of many other formats (OBJ, 3DS, MMG, etc.) If you want to use the AS3 library or not, then load your model. On loading the model, you can control the rotation and write your implementation. HTH, George

.net - Error at the transport level when sending a request to the server -

Strange system.Data. SQLlient.SqlException The error at the transport level when sending a request from the server (Provider: Shared Memory Provider, Error: 0 - There is no process from both ends of the canal.) After every time I restarted my SQL server, this exception has been found on my web site on such a simple request: if (System.Web.HttpContext. Current.User.IsInRole ("Administrator")) But after me Thank you. class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If connection pooling is enabled Check> Disconnecting If the connection already pre-existing in the pool becomes invalid (a server may cause restart) The first attempt to use the result in an exception (only when removed from an invalid connection pool ) When you restart the SQL Server, you will be able to clear or clear on the Aperture server Ltd. (clearing center section) must. Context

c++ - strange results with /fp:fast -

We have some code that looks like this: Inline ant calms_group ( Double X) {If (x> 0.0) {// Some Return 1; } Else {// return something else 0; Unfortunately, when using Flag / fp: fast , we get the calc_something (0) == 1 so we are clearly taking the wrong code path This is only when we use the method on many points in our code with different standards, so I think there is some inflammatory customization here from the compiler (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, SP1). In addition, the above problem is solved when we use the interface inline inc calc_something (const double & x) { P>) but I do not know whether this fix is ​​strange behavior can anyone explain this behavior? If I do not understand what is happening then we have to delete the / fp: fast switch, but it will slow down our application very much. y = x + 20; sit in that comparison. Y = y - 20; y is already on the FP stack, so instead of load x the compiler compares against just y . But due to...

php - How to split a space separated file? -

I'm trying to import it: The format As is: AAS Air Force AFG 004 Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of EU AXAA 248 Åland Islands EU L ALB 008 Albania, Republic of AF DZ DGAA 012 Algeria, People's Republic of Congo OC ASM 016 American Samoa EU Edi and 020 Andorra, Air Force AO AGO 024 Angola's Principality, NA AIA 660 Anguilla Republic If I which works fine except for countries with more than 1 word. How do I divide it Can I do the first 4 bits of data (characters / inputs) and 5th bit data which remains? This is in PHP Thanks The function takes an optional boundary parameter. Change your function call: & lt; php explosion ("$$$$$);? & Gt; and you'll see the The name of the country will be found, in which there will be empty space.

c# - List<a> to List<b> converting when a and b have the same structur? -

I use C # 3.5 Dotnet Framework and Linux. I have 2 views, schema, but in linq which are completely different things. How can I change the list to list B? You can create a new list of B: list & Lt; B & gt; ListOfB = listOfA.Select (a => newb {fu = auf, bar = one. Bar, // etc ...}). ToList ();

c# - Determine if method is unsafe via reflection -

I see a way to filter out methods that have unsafe through reflection Modifier is It does not seem to be a method specialty. Is there any way? Edit: It seems that this information is not in the metadata, at least I can not see it in IL. Although reflector unsafe modifier shows in C # view. Edit 2: I ended up with an inquiry for my needs, it believes that if any of the parameters of the method or return type is an indicator, Then the method is unsafe. Public static bool justice (this law enforcement method infographics) {If (Hansensea Parameter (LegalInfo)) {Back to Truth; } Return methodInfoRetType Ispinter; } Private static boolean usuf parameter (methodbase method) {var parameter = methodbase. Gate parameter (); Bool hasUnsafe = parameters.Any (p = & gt; p.ParameterType.IsPointer); The return is; } It does not handle in a fixed position, where an unsafe block is executed in a method, but again, the interest I am interested in is the signature. Thank you!...

Is there a CakePHP offline manual -

Used there, but no direct link is visible. A few excerpts were answered about a few excavations which I thought it would be useful to share. There are links in a page from manual - useful for offline use or to create a PDF using the script of Dardo Sorardi Bogdan: 1.2 manual in one page 1.3 manual in one page Also see this thread: ...

jquery - change checkbox border color -

Can I change the border color of the checkbox using CSS or jquery? I only have to change the border color of the check box. If you want to do it with pure CSS, you will not get results which works in all browsers is. If you use jqueryUI then there are some implementations of the checkbox or the like, otherwise you have to do something similar to yourself using images. Edit: Please Note: Today (March 2015) This post is about 5 years old - Then IE6 Market share was about 10% and even the latest IE (version 8 at that time) was as dirty as hell. This answer is technically outdated nowadays .

How insert the contact info on the existing contact in Android 1.6? -

I have the contact's name, phone number and e-mail information. I just insert additional email and phone for existing contact Want to My questions are How can I get a contact or already exist or not? How to insert values ​​in additional or secondary address options? Thanks in advance. There are new conticts APIs in the official document. First, look at the raw contact ID along with your criteria, such as name: last string name = "reader"; // Find the contact strings of "Reader" = String.format ("% s =? And% s = '% s'", data .digre, data .mmttee, phone.contENT_ITEM_TYPE); String [] project = new string [] {Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID}; Cursor c = getContentResolver () Query (Data.CONTENT_URI, project, selection, new string [] {name}, null); Long raw resource id = -1; If (c.moveToFirst ()) {rawContactId = c.getLong (c.getColumnIndex (Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID)); } C. Close (); Second, use rawContactId to add an entry in Contacts: ...

python - How does Qt work (exactly)? -

When you type an application using QT, can it only be run in different operating systems? ? And (if I'm wrong then correct me) Do not you have to install QT already in all platforms, where do you want to execute your application? How does this work properly? Does the QT compile the desired platform, or keep some "DLS" (Libs), or how does it? Is it different from Java program programming, which runs cross-platform If you use Python to write a QT application with Python binding, will your end user have to install Python? The QT is a cross-platform library written in C ++, that means you can once write your C ++ or Python (or other language with binding) code, and a "window" (A form, a dialog box, some on the screen) and it is not to deal with platform differences of buttons in Control (buttons, and all) and Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Because it is a library, it can be packed in many ways, it is "fixed connected" (made in your executable /...

policy - Help to argue why to develop software on a physical computer rather than via a remote desktop -

In my case we need to be physically present in the office during the development of the software. I see that to help in the argument that software developers will have a dedicated physical software development computer, productive and cost effective, as a business case, we have argued that productivity is 25% It will be reduced, though it is my feeling that reality is probably close to 50%. This business case has not really been accepted and I find it very difficult to defend. Background information: I work in a company that is not meant to develop core business software. / Stability is such a major priority, non-production systems / applications are deployed in a separate network. The company has set up a standard policy to access the testing network, which will be accessed through the test network only through a remote desktop client, practically from a production computer Has to open a remote desktop client on a virtual computer located in a test network. On the remote...

Looking for jquery/javascript image rotator controlled by XML file -

I'm trying to find something like this: which is controlled by an XML file, which includes image space, thumbnail space And text for title / description. Although the net should be jquery or javascript - no flash based content. I have found the weight of great components but can not be found which is controlled by XML, can anyone be seen anywhere around one? This is what you want:

iphone - How can I click a button behind a transparent UIView? -

Assume that we have a view controller with a sub view. The subview takes 100 px margins on all sides of the center of the screen. After that we add a bunch of very little stuff to click inside that subview. We are only using the sub-view to take advantage of the new frame (actually in the 100x100 subclasses x = 0, y = 0) Again, imagine that we have a There is something behind Subway, like the menu. I want the user to be able to select "small things" in the subview, but if there is nothing there, then I want to touch it (the background is completely clear) at the back button How can I do this? It seems to touch the baggo goes, but the buttons do not work. Create a custom view for your container and override the point End: Within a qualified child's view , Such as: @interface PassthroughView: UIView @end @implementation PassthroughView - (BOOL) pointInside: (CGPoint) Doc with point: (UIEvent *) event {for (UIView * self.subviews See) {if !! View.hidden &...

xaml - WPF ListView Button - Associate multiple images -

I have a list view in a WPF application that has a button in one of its columns, I connect an image with the button control I want to configure different images for this button based on how I can write XAML in this scenario ??? This is what I already have: & lt; Control template x: key = "iconbutton adpriel" target type = "{x: type button}" & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Image x: name = "myimage" source = "rofile.png" height = "27" width = "65" /> & Lt; Border & gt; & Lt; Content display content = "{TemplateBinding content}" /> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Security" width = "50" & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Button template...

java - stop thread that does not get interrupted -

I have a thread that sits and reads Object Objects of InputStream: Public Zero Run (try {ois = new ObjectInputStream (clientSocket.getInputStream ()); Object o; While (o = ois.readObject ())! = Null) {// do something with the object}} hold (exception pre) {// log exception}} does not readObject throw the exception exception and as far as I tell No exceptions are given when this thread is interrupted. Call call on the socket input stream . You should be able to do this.

javascript - call function from external js (php) file -

I have a file where I place all the scripts so that my pages are not messy (I have a php file that requires JavaScript Generates). I basically look like this: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "script.php" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" onClick = "return blah ();" / & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; script.php & lt ;? Php header ("content-type: application / x-javascript"); ? & Gt; Function blah () {alerts ("blah"); } $ (Document) .ready (function () {}); jquery cover is $ (document) in script.php. The funny thing is that when I put all the jquery related stuff together, I got a "blah not defined...

microcontroller - Alternative languages for embedded programming -

मैं एम्बेडेड (माइक्रोकंट्रोलर) प्रोग्रामिंग के लिए वैकल्पिक प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं (विधानसभा, सी, सी ++ और मूल से) की तलाश कर रहा हूं। / P> क्या यह उदाहरण के लिए, सी # या जावा में प्रोग्राम माइक्रोकंट्रोलर्स के लिए संभव है? शायद रूबी या पायथन? यदि संभव हो, तो कृपया विकास उपकरण और हार्डवेयर का इस्तेमाल करें। वहाँ भी Lua है देखें।

polygon - SQL Geography River Removal -

How can you remove 'hole' / linestrings / .etc from a geography compilation? Secondary, how do you get involved in MPolygons do not pierce a polygon? We have a zipcode role for a geographic map, but we have a hole in shape. It did the research and that, but I could not find any good way to remove the inner hole. Convexhall forms a funky shape that is not really what we want or the target area to close 'fit' together so that they can see the human map on the map. Regular helps, but it does not remove everything. I really just want an external envelope that minute (short) convex only if there are 2 polygons next to each other. Thoughts? Redirect?

javascript - Why does the assignment operator return a value and not a reference? -

I explained the example given below and I thought both answers could be 20 and not back 10. He wrote that both commas and assignments give a value, not references. I do not quite understand what that means. I understand the passage in the work or methods near the variable, that is, by the primitive type reference, passed by value and objects, but I am not sure how this applies in this case. is. > I also understand the value of the reference and the value of 'this' (after the help of stack overflow), but in both cases I still thought that I still apply it as a method I am doing () which means foo is the reference but it seems that both functions result in the call bar () Why is this and what does all this mean? var x = 10; Var foo = {x: 20, bar: function () {this.x return;}}; ( = (); // return 10 (, (); // return 10 It does not have to be of value vs. references, Code> with this value (as you suspect). In javascript,...

c# - LibraryContainer in a ScatterViewItem: resizing and background rectangle -

Simple one: Want to add a Library Container to a Surface Sketterview. I know that I want to add the container inside the scattervium to rotate / move .. but the SVI adds a rectangular box around the control, and this does not do the shape correctly, I think I'm missing something simple but it Can not understand ... My current XAML is as follows: Background = "{static resource windobject}" Allow = "true">. . Any ideas are appreciated ... how I am looking at samples, but library controls which are shown are stable items (i.e. they are not running) ... Update: I understand what you are saying. This makes sense but does not behave as expected, is a complete sample of Library Container below. It is empty but shows me strange behavior, i.e.: no resizing, background rectangle I can not get rid of myself .. Any suggestion is appreciated. & lt; S: SurfaceWindow x: Class = "SurfaceApplication1.SurfaceWindow1" xmlns = "http://schem...

c# - How to inherit from a generic parameter? -

I want to do this originally: class UILockable & lt; T & gt; : T where t: UIWidget {} However, it does not work I have noticed that people recommend that you do this: Class UILockable & lt; T & gt; Where T: UIWidget {Private T_base; } This will require me to override each function UILockable and it must be forwarded to T. Since T can be obtained from UIWidget and its exclusive abstract / virtual methods can be obtained. Are you just in succession? You can not take the heirs from normal type parameters to C # generic C ++ templates are very different from them. To inherit type parameter, the class requires a completely different presentation based on type parameter, which is what happens with NAT generics. They are identical at IL and at the original level (for all reference type arguments).

Amazon S3 - HTTPS/SSL - Is it possible? -

I saw some other questions about this without any real answer or information (either it appeared). I have an image: Which is redirecting to this: I need it (https): So I have set up Wildcard SSL on retail (we have other subdomains), but it was not working. I went to check And it was not working, which means that https was not working on the Amazon S3 website itself. How can I do this work? This is a response I got to their premium service Hello, This is actually an issue that justifies the SSL names in which there is a duration, '.', 'Character'. We have documented this behavior here: For this, using a bucket name that sets the sole straight-forward in which it does not belong, Furniture-retail sale-us can use the name 'bucket', it will allow you to use HTTPS with , of course, to make it more favorable You can put a CNAME DNS record For example, IN CNAME Furniture- tailcatalog-us.s...

Using perl's Regexp::Grammars, how do I make a capture dependent on $MATCH? -

I found a token like this: And what I have to do is to delim2 and it can be set to the value of delim when I run it , delim2 is set but is never captured. I think this is an error in my argument: I am trying to sort this form: & lt; ALIAS = (PATTERN) & gt; Match for match, $ MATCH {ALIAS} and save this form: (? {MATCH {delim}}) like this & lt; ALIAS = (MATCH {delim2} match with the value of {MATCH {delim}}}> $ MATCH {delim} but it does not seem valid only. I can verify the works of my original token with & lt; delim2 = ((? {$ Die $ MATCH {delim}}) will die with the price, and, if I work hard I do the right capture and everything works So how do I know about achieving sensible results while having a dynamic pattern ? (? {$ MATCH {delim}}) does not emphasize that in the input $ MATCH {delim} appears; Only that this is the correct value Regexp :: Grammars should have a "named-backference", such as perl \ k but it is...

c# - Multiple grids in one area -

I am currently creating a WPF application in Visual Studio 2010 using C # and XAMM. I have a master grid in that master grid I have a group bar in which you can choose individual items. Depending on what you choose, the master grid can be completely different between them. What was I thinking, what is the best way to program the central part? Right now, I have established it in such a way that everything in the middle is programmed in C #, and everything is programmed in XAML C # I programmed: For each group bar item, there is a grid that goes with it (so that different content can be displayed on it). Each grid is a child of the master grid. Is it the best way to approach whether every grid view or hiding is necessary? The best example of this is Outlook 2007, where you have your own group bar on the right hand. When you select individual items on the group bar (Mail, Calendar, Work), the right to the right of the group bar changes completely. The easiest way to do this in...

javascript - Auto Check Radio Box if it is the only one being displayed -

तो, मेरे पास प्रपत्र का रेडियो बक्से है gt; & lt; input प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "नाम" मान = "ब्लाह" & gt; & lt; a & gt; कुछ पाठ (blah) & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; इन रेडियो बटनों के 100 प्लस हैं। अब, मेरे पास से एक jQuery फिल्टर है फिल्टर अच्छी तरह से काम करता है लेकिन, मैं एक jQuery स्टेटमेंट सेट करना चाहता हूं जो स्वत: रेडियो बटन का चयन करेगा, अगर यह दिखाया गया है, शेष एक मात्र। फिल्टर शो () और छिपाने () का उपयोग करता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि वह इसे प्रदर्शन से स्विच करता है: प्रदर्शित करने के लिए ब्लॉक: कोई नहीं; if ($ ('li')। Attr ({"display": " ब्लॉक "}) आकार () == 1) {$ ('इनपुट [cvs_name]: eq (1)')। ​​एट्र ('चेक', 'चेक'); } मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? Var $ दृश्यमान = $ ('उल')। ढूंढें ('ली: दृश्यमान'); अगर ($ visible.length == 1) {$ visible.find ('input: radio') एट्र ('चेक', 'चेक'); }

php - How to gray out HTML form inputs? -

What is the best way to shred text input on the HTML form? When a user checks the check box, I need brown inputs. Do I have to use Javascript for this (I'm not very familiar with Javascript) or can I use PHP (which I'm familiar with Do I?) Edit: After reading something, I got a little code, but it is giving me problems. For some reason, Enabled or disabled) or my checkbox status (check or uncheck), my script can not be found to work, but when I base it on the values ​​of the form, my script works fine. I have actually written my code online as many examples (primarily) but it has no benefit. None of the commented material will work. What am I doing wrong here? & lt; Label & gt; Mailing address as resident address & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input name = "checkbox" onclick = "disable_enable ()" type = "checkbox" style = "width: 15px" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Script...

At what page event are clientIDs assigned? -

मुझे कुछ ऐसा करना है: पैनल divPanel = नया पैनल (); DivPanel.ID = "divPanel"; this.Page.Controls.Add (divPanel); स्ट्रिंग स्क्रिप्ट = "फंक्शन alertID () (चेतावनी (" आईडी है: "+ divPanel.ClientID +");} "; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock (this.GetType ()," scripttests ", स्क्रिप्ट); लेकिन जब मैं यह कोड पेज_लोड में डालता हूं, तो मुझे पूर्ण आईडी नहीं मिलती, जो ctl00_ContentMain_divPanel है, मुझे सिर्फ divPanel मिलता है। क्या कोई दूसरा इवेंट मुझे उपयोग करना चाहिए मैं यह काम कैसे कर सकता हूं? प्रीरेन्डर ठीक है, हालांकि इसे पेज_लोड में भी काम करना चाहिए क्या आपकी स्क्रिप्ट रेंडरिंग कोड पृष्ठ_लोड में भी चल रहा है? क्या आप ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण में एक साथ हैं, लेकिन शायद वे एक साथ कॉपी / चिपकाए गए हैं? अगर यह कोड कस्टम नियंत्रण में है, तो आपको अपेक्षा है कि आप काम करने के लिए ClientID को नियंत्रण घोषणापत्र में INamingContainer इंटरफ़ेस जोड़ना होगा: इसके अतिरिक्त, अगर यह एक कस्टम है नियंत्रण, आपको नियंत्रित नियंत...

How to find error in TCL code -

I'm learning TCL and want to know how I can get errors in my code. I mean line number error is occurring or how can I debug it. The following is the code I am trying to: proc ldelete {list value} {Set ix {$ Ix> The following is [lsearch -exact $ list $ value] [$ list $ ix $ ix]} and {return $ list}} Thanks aditya If you are running like this: tcl foo.tcl You are getting an error message that you are on line 1 line (The problem is that There is a lack of space between the near criterion and the open brace.) As a general rule, if you are working interactive, useful messages (such as Tak trace) are frequently found error INFO, so it's often useful to: % puts $ errorInfo

javascript - simple jquery second counter -

What is the easiest way to increase a variable in 1 second? var counter = 0; Set interval (function () {++ counter;}, 1000); Additionally, if you need to turn it off again, it makes this possible: var counter = 0; Var myInterval = setInterval (function () {++ counter;}, 1000); // counter to stop interrupt (myInterval);

How to convert MP3 to WAV in Python -

If I have an MP3 file, how can I convert it to a WAV file? (Preferably, using a pure dragon approach) In a comment on the answer to sbery2A, you said Was that you want to put an MP3 decoding feature in Google App Engine. Your only possible hope is to send MP3 data to any other server to send MP3 data, and decode the MP3 on that server and then return the decoded data back to Google on the App Engine Server You are not really putting a heavy burden on the app engine server's CPU by decoding the MP3 on the server. Google prevents you from running any of the C code; See App Engine FAQ You do not have permission to generate sub-processes or to use Python threading too. App Engine has Java API, I just tested and found, and this is LGGL, so you do not have to worry about licensing more. I do not know what is the way to call Java code with the Python code in the app, but you can try to look into it.

triggers - How to make hudson build only most current build -

question How do I set up Hudson so that a person triggers a build, put Hudson Will the queue get a chance to speak for 2 minutes, and during those 2 minutes if any other construction starts it will replace the old build in line with the new build? In this way if there are 2 builds in those 2 minutes, then Hudson will complete only the last creation. - WCF - call same service from client and server side -

I have a simple WCF service that I call server side from the code back through service context Used for work and was automatically setup by Visual Studio and using SOAP because I think that is the compulsive WSHttpBinding. I want to use the same WCF service, but it's AJAX (). I am trying to implement this by them. But if I make changes to work on behalf of the client, then I have to add the decoration below which I think that will break the work on the server side and also the system.serviceModel in web.config Sections change. [WebInvoke (method = "post", bodystyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] I How can I use a WCF service that can be called both from server side and client side (jQuery / AJAX)? Or in any other way, it may be in the wrong words, can there be several bindings in one endpoint? contract hence a closing point in WCF ABC Address binding contract t...

c# - casting, converting, and input from textbox controls -

Working on some .aspx.cs code and decided that I would forget to change a text box value to a usable integer or decimal. Please warn me I'm very new to .asp I wish I could say the same for C, the value going to my text box (strawberry_textbox) is "1", which I guess I can reach with .text property I am Which I then read pars error in an int that format exception was coded by the user code. My second question: Can I work on a session variable? secure void submit_order_button_click (object sender, EventArgs e) {int strawberryp; Int strawberries; Decimal plus 1 = decimals Purse (moneybox1.Text); Decimal plus 2 = decimals Purse (moneybox2.Text); Decimal plus 3 = decimals Purse (moneybox3.Text); Decimal plus 4 = decimals Purse (moneybox4.Text); Decimal money 5 = decimal Purse (moneybox5.Text); Strawberryp = int.Parse (strawberryp_Textbox.Text); // The problem is right here! Strawberry = Int. Percy (strawberry .text); // need fix int strawberryc = int.Parse (strawberryc_Tex...

Covariance in Java -

Why does the following not work in Java? It will work in C #: Public stable final list & lt; String & gt; Split (string string, four delimiters) {if ((str == null). "" .equals (str)) {New CopyOnRightAralyst & lt; String & gt; (); }} I get an error saying that this method is to be returned to the list. Does the CopyOnWriteArrayList List Interface apply Co-operation on Java does not apply to return value? It looks like you are back to another for the branch list & lt; String & gt; .

java - Why should virtual functions not be used excessively? -

I have just read that we should not make excessive use of virtual functions; people thought less virtual functions were less insects. And maintenance decreases. What kind of worms and disadvantages can be seen due to the virtual function? I'm interested in C ++ or Java. I can think that one reason the virtual function can be slower than normal work due to v-table lookup. You have posted some blanket details, which I would think the most practical programmer is wrong or wrong Explain incorrectly. However, there are virtual virtual experts present, and their code may be as bad for performance and maintenance. In Java, when you say everything is virtual by default, you should not make excessive use of the virtual function. It's very strong. In C ++, you have to declare the function virtual, but it is perfectly acceptable to use them when appropriate. I just read that we should not use the virtual function more. It is difficult to define "important...

javascript - Is it so bad to have heaps of elements in your DOM? -

. I have kicked in doing whatever I want to do: Add AJAX per panel At the end of the current set, go Go to some new panels and insert them This works fine, but this is the wrong code of the jQuery remove () there is an ugly collision on the first elements. I am not sure any resource will be free from calling hide () , because the element will still exist (and the element will shut down the screen). I saw, and carousel.reset () tried from within a callback. It just clears all the elements. It will be running on Google Chrome on Windows XP, and will only be displayed on LCD TVs. I wonder, if I can not do to get an appropriate solution to remove additional DOM elements, will it bring an application on my crawl, or some Chrome Will collecting clever garbage collection? Or, how do you solve this problem? Thanks Can you reuse old articles and delete them Instead of adding?

design patterns - Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application? -

How to create complex single-page JS Web applications on client-side? In particular, I'm curious about how to properly design the application in terms of the interests of my model objects, UI components, any controller, and objects handling server. MVC sounded like being fit for the first time but with different UI components (each model has its own way of acting / reacting on data, and with each event occurring, Can not handle themselves or directly), it does not seem that MVC can be implemented explicitly (but please correct me if that is not the case.) - (Ajax use two su As a result of the avoids, which is obviously the most insignificant other than each other, page AP.) The most elegant IMO of MVC architecture I learned a lot from this. I find Nicholas Zak also helpful in researching client-side architecture options. Two other tips I have seen, focus and input management, those who have special needs attention in one page web app I have a js library Also f...

sql server 2005 - how to list out all triggers in a particular table OR database? -

How can I list all triggers on a table? This view contains information about triggers, if you want only one table, then you can enter parent_id Filter (see with the object ID or () function of the table) () can be used to retrieve the text of the trigger, if necessary.

r - subset a data.frame with multiple conditions -

Suppose your data looks like this: 2372 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, Atrazine 1.3 city ​​07/05/2006 9104 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, atrazine 0.34 minutes 23/07/2006 9212 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, atrazine city 0.33 11/02/2007 2094 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, atrazine 1.4 2007/05/06 16,763 Kansas KS2000111 city ​​Humboldt, city atrazine 0.61 2009/05/11 1076 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, METOLACHLOR city 0.48 12/05/2002 1077 Kansas KS2000111 Humboldt, METOLACHLOR city 0.3 2006/05/07 i Anilit Door Subsets and I want to be able to date a partial match (ie I want to just old). I am trying this, but I know that this is not exactly right. data [data $ $ = $ "atrazine" & amp; Grep ("2006", as.character (data $ date)),] Any suggestions? I approach in response to the Apprentice line to remove years from date of issue but My suggestion is compared to matching normal string: data [data $ $ = $ "atarazine" & amp; As.POSIXlt (data $ date, form...

java - How to go from one JSP page to other by clicking submit button? -

I want to jump from one JSP page to another JSP page by clicking the submit button. How to do it in a simple way? use & lt; Submit form = " or form form =" targetServlet "& gt; to the servlet, and Then: Redirect to Page 2, or by using response.sendRedirect ("page2.jsp") Forward to 2, using request.getRequestDispatcher ("page2.jsp"). Next ()