python - How can I receive percent encoded slashes with Django on App Engine? -
I am using Django with Google's App Engine.
I want to send a notification to the server with a request such as the percentage encoded slash http: / localhost / turtle / waxy% 2Fsmooth
such as URL to r '^ / turtuz / ( ? P & lt; type & gt; ([A-Za-z] |% 2F) +) $ '
. The request server is retained, but compared to earlier than it has been compared to regex,% 2F is converted to forward slash.
What can I do to prevent% 2Fs from being converted to a forward slash? Thanks!
os.environ ['pathhimpho']
has been decoded, So you lose that information, maybe os.environment ['REQUEST_URI']
is available, and if it is available it is not a decode. Django reads only PATH_INFO: You may do something like this:
request_uri = environ ['REQUEST_URI'] request_uri = re.sub ('% 2f', '****' , Request_yuri, again I) Environ ['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.unquote (request_uri)
Then all cases of% 2f from ****
Has been changed (or use whatever you want).
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