cakephp - How to add some action after login (and before redirection)? -

My kind of application is trying to develop some type of login tracker for the application.

I know that I need a code like:

  $ this-> Data ['login session'] ['user name]] = $ _SERVER [' REMOTE_ADDR ']; $ This- & gt; Data ['login session'] ['ipAddress'] = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ This- & gt; LoginSession-> ($ This-> data);  

... in (I think) users_controller, but I do not know at all that

I would also like to track successful but failed logins.

Can you please help me with this? Thank you in advance!

Do you already have the login function?

  function login (if ($ this-> AUTH- & gt; user ()) / your tracking luggage / db call here $$ - this- & gt; Redirect ($ -> - AUTH- & gt; Redirect ());}}  


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