iphone - How to reference THE UIWindow from sub UIViewControllers? -

I'm trying to add another voucher based on the event based on an event (for example, the user has a button )

My problem is that I'm having trouble referencing the UIWindow (another only) example, I get it from my app deliate, because the main window. Exb and app deliaget have been wired. But I can not reach anywhere else UIWIndow (I can not take that connection in IB, can I?)

Is the techno preferred in terms of one (only and only) UIWindow ? ... so that I can use the following code from my various UIViewControllers in return:

  [myOneAndOnlyWindow addSubview: oneOfManyViews.view]; [MyOneAndOnlyWindow make and knowledgeable]; Call    

After the call, you can retrieve the pointer in your application's key window < Code> [UIApplication ShareApp] Keyboard A window key is created after you make a call [Window MacKey & Devibal]


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