iphone - Is Quartz 2D the right choice for iPad Game -

I need to create a game with a toolbar of shapes which can be pulled on the screen with the functionality below

  • Shapes can be copied
  • Shapes can be extended and resized
  • Shape can be rotated
  • The color of the shape can change
  • The size can be cut in half and every half now has its own shape
  • Is quartz 2d right from this approach?

    I think you need to better specify your game features,

    I'm assuming that your entire game is in Kwaz 2D and it's for the iPad.

    I have two opinions about it:

    1) If you do not need UIKit (tables, buttons, and other features), then I go to 100% OpenGL , If you plan to make a whole game outside of Quarz 2D, and you plan real-time scaling, drag and drop ... I think your frame rate is much less damaged by using OpenGL ES Will happen. 2) If you need UIKit, and your game is heavily IKit-based, Quarz2D can be a place there, I have Quarz2D UIKit Animation / Effects in rich applications ("Reeder" and "Official" Twitter "See the application") seems to be the best suited for those apps are empowered by Quarz2D and UIKit.


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