iphone - Problem with UITextView -
When a string is generated from a UITextview, with a view controller trying to pass the string near the other view controller There is a strange problem near UITextfield's UITextview.text and UITextfield.text are both types of NSString.
Depending upon the type of field, the following code either takes Textfield.text or Textview.text and puts it in a string named string.
When I check aString on any case, I can see that it has successfully assigned the text to a string. Then I use the string other view controller by using this code. This works fine if aString was generated from textfield.text but no visible string is made by textview.text, but nothing except the View Controller < / P> This is the code that takes Astring and stuff with it, although it does not execute the first line of code "NSLog (@" Returned Object:% @, Field Type:% @ ", Astring, Edited fields); " If any string is from textview.text, any help would be appreciated. NSString * aString = [[NSString alloc] init]; If (fieldType == 3) {aString = textView.text; } And {aString = textField.text; }
[Representative update site: aString: editedFieldKey: fieldType]; [Self. Navigation Controller PopWebControllerUnited: Yes];
- (zero) update site: (NSString *) Astering: (NSString *) of the edited field: (int) fieldType {NSLog (@ "Returned object:% @, Field type: % @ ", Estring, edited files); Switch (field type) {case 0: // string [adicect set value: estring foreke: edited field]; NSLog (@ "string set% @", [adicevite valuation: edited field]); break; Case 1: // Int [Adicect Set Value: [NSNumber NumberAttah: Astring.Invaluation] for: editedFieldkey]; NSLog (@ "Integer Set"); break; Case 2: // Float NSLog (@ "Savings Value Floating"); [Adicect Set Value: [NSNumber Number Exploded: Estring. Floyd Value] for: Edited Farde]; NSLog (@ "float set"); break; Case 3: // Text view [AdSite Set Value: Astring Fork: Edited Field]; NSLog (@ "Text View Text Saved"); Default: Break; } [Self.tableViewReloadData]; Oh, it looks weird but I think your syntax is wrong:
[Rep. Updates site: aString: editedFieldKey: fieldType];
should be
[Representative update site: estring edit field of field type];
And the name of the method:
- (zero) Update site: (NSString *) Astering: (NSString *) editedFieldKey: (int) fieldType; Should be: - (zero) Update site: (NSString *
Can you try it?
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