java - Tool used to retrieve code metrics in xUnit Test Patterns? -
I'm studying with Gerard Massazoros.
On any one page, it refers to some software matrix:
While it requires wrapping lines to keep it in 65 characters, this code is actually It looks longer than that, it is still unnecessarily long, it contains total executable statements, including initial announcements, 6 lines of control statements, 4 in-line comments, and 2 lines, the test method To declare - Total 37 lines unblock source code.
To find these matrix, does the count of statements count anybody have no idea if they have used any particular tool to calculate the matrix?
(If you have any suggestions for the device that will calculate the same metric I
P> Sorry to disappoint you, but I calculated by hand (well, with eyes) this code has only 25 lines! I only through half-colon and deductible lines And counted, which were not performed unanimously (such as unpublished variable declarations.)
Html> Not at all
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