android - How to handle out of memory error? -
I am using the following code to display a bitmap in my ImageView. When I enlarge the size image by 1.5 MB, then gives me an error Anyone gives me a suggestion?
Try {URL aURL = New URL (myRemoteImages [val]); URLConnection conn = aURL.openConnection (); Conn.connect (); InputStream = Faucet; Try {is = conn.getInputStream (); } Hold (IOException e) {return 0; } Int a = conn.getConnectTimeout (); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (is); Bitmap bm; Try {BM = BitMap Feature Encodestream (bis); } Hold (exception before) {bis.close (); is close(); Return 0; } Bis.close (); is close(); Img.setImageBitmap (BM); } Hold (IOException e) {return 0; } Return 1; Log Cat: 06-14 12: 03: 11.701: Error / Android Random (443) Heading out is 06-14 12: 03: 11.861: Error / Android Randomime (443): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: The size of the bitmap is more than the VM budget 06-14 12: 03: 11.861: error / Android Random (443 ): On Android. Graphics. Bitmapfactory native diskstream (native method)
InSampleSize option to reduce memory consumption Should be decoded with.
Another option in the zestedcodebows can help you find the right sample value
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