Building lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows -

I am trying to make LXML for Python 2.7 on a Windows 64 bit machine. I could not find LXL eggs for the Python version 2.7. So I am compiling it from sources. I am following the instructions on this site

Under the stable linking section I'm getting the error

  C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ Desktop \ lxmlpackage \ lxml-2.2.6 \ lxml-2.2. 6> Python bdist_wininst --static building lxml version 2.2.6. Note: Trying to create without Cython, pre-generated 'src / lxml / lxml.etree.c' needs to be available. Error: 'xslt-config' has not been identified as internal or external commands, operative programs or batch files. ** Make sure that libxml2 and libxslt's development packages are installed ** Use the libxslt building's build configuration against libxml2 / libxslt in one of the following directories: .. \ libxml2-2.7.6 - win32 - w2k - x64 \ Lib .. \ libxslt-1.1.26 - win32 - w2k - x64--0002 \ lib .. \ zlib-1.2.4 - win32 - w2k - x64 .. \ iconv-1.9.1-- win32 - w2k - x64- 0001 \ lib is running bdist_wininst running build_py running build_ext running build_ext Building 'lxml.etree' extension error: unable to find vcvarsall.bat  

Can anyone help me with? I tried to set the path of Microsoft Visual Studio .. I can run vcvarsall.bat from the command line. But the dragon is having trouble

I'm sure you want to do VS for it. 2008 are not used.

The function with the following comment in the Dptilis (assumed what it is, is vcvarsall.bat to see it)

Firstly, s. 2008 seeks to discover the product. If he fails, then it is VS90 Comentlus NYV. Comes back on.

If you are not using VS 2008 then you do not have the registry key nor the appropriate environment variable and that is why the distributes are not available Vcvarsall.bat file No checks whether the bat file path is accessible through the path environment variable.

The solution is to define the VS90COMNTOOLS variable to point to the Tools directory of Visual Studio.

It is being said that take a look at the section in Python Docks which

Typically, the extension module needs to be compiled with the same compiler which is used Python was used to compile.

Michael V. Lois is the same as the one with the title on the Python-list mailing list

Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.1 are all built with that release (i.e. 2008). Due to another long tradition, the Python extension module should be made into the same compiler version (and, in particular, the CRT version) as the Python itself. Therefore, to create an extension module for any of these releases, you need VS A copy of 2008 or VS 2008 Express is required.

In the light of the above given details, you should use VS 2008 if you want to build LXML for Python 2.7, although VS90 Cometulus The vcvarsall.bat takes care of finding the file, this is not a solution.

It is being said :) Try using old CRT with old compiler:

I thank Cave Dyer Want to indicate the significance of the VS version (which is used) and Stephen Behale (to indicate the distillates as a place to deal with the compiler's configuration) in the thread on the lxml mailing list To confirm from the IRC channel that the IRC channel contains the code in the distutils which appears for the vcvarsall.bat file, I would also like to thank agronholm .


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