html - Can jQuery select elements with IDs that start similarly? -

I have multiple comment IDs that I want to reset to a default value.


  & lt; An id = "comments_inner_toggle_45" & gt; Example 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; An id = "comments_inner_toggle_608" & gt; Example 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; An id = "comments_inner_toggle_28" & gt; Example 3 & lt; / A & gt; ...  

How can I write the correct tag on jQuery and take some action on it to select every tag with an id of "tags_inner_toggle_"?

I think this is something like this:

  $ ('a [id | = comments_inner_toggle _]').  

This is incorrect, but because the above code only matches the tag with "Comments_inner_toggle_" and does not end with the attached number. How do I fix it? Thanks for the help! :)

$ ('a [id ^ = comments_inner_toggle _]').

The carat selector starts to mean. | It means or starts with it and has a hyphen.


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