seo - Best methods to make urls friendly? -
We are working to modify the URL structure for some of our movie content, but we are not exactly sure at all The way to handle strange characters is, for example,
'303/302' '8 1/2 woman' 'Man, where is my car?' '9 1/2 weeks'
So far, we are thinking:
/ movies / 303-302 / movies / 8-1- 2 - Women / movies / dude-wheers-my-car / movies / 9-1-2-weeks
Is this the best solution? Are we forgetting anything?
Use this format: / movies / 123456/8 -1-2-women
Set up your web server so that the movies can be identified with the numerical ID (123456), and the remaining route is ignored (only works for SEO)
(Stackhouse Flow uses this approach)
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