android - How to adjust line height in TextView with multiple type sizes? -

I have a textView that has a span label, string contains a bunch of text, the first word typing double Repeats as

The problem is that the line between the first and the second line is larger than the space line, before the differences between the rows coming out due to the increase in word size.

The span label was created using the following code snippet:

  / / value foursway text = "$ 30 to pay the price To reduce the number of laborers and employees, to pay per person, and for some time. " Last pattern value ridge x = Pattern.compile ("^ (. [0- 9] +) \\ s. *"); Last Meter M = Value Rex. MATTURE (text! = Zero? Text: ""); If (m.matches ()) {text = New SpannableString (text); (SpanBolString) Text) .setSpan (New Relative Lessons (2), 0, M. (and) (1), Spanable. SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); }  

How can I fix my textview so that all the lines have the same distance?

You can try to use one of these textview properties:

  android: lineSpacingMultiplierAndroid: lineSpacingExtra  

At least all lines are equal elevations (similar to the first one).


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