c# - A problem with .NET 2.0 project, using a 3.0 DLL which implements WCF services -

I have created a client to access my WCF services in a project, and all classes that work with the services They get from this class:

/ P>

  Public Essentials Service Client & lt; TServiceClient & gt; : IDSposable where TServiceClient: ICommunicationObject  

This is the class where I like to settle, the client is called, logging etc. Some common stuff that all service classes normally do.

Everything worked fine, as long as I did not get the job done to apply it to an older system. When I used this project (DLL) in any other project, which can not give me the System.ServiceModel reference, I have found a problem (because it is an old.NET 2.0 software Which I still maintain, and upgrading it to 3.0 out of the question). Here, if I leave where TServiceClient: ICommunicationObject the project may be created, but can not use ServiceClient , for example, client So, my only solution is to leave the statement to on code or .close () or and rewrite the service class. is?

If you can not upgrade that project to 3.0, then this (or wrapper class) is your Is the only option. >


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