iphone - Updating UIView subclass contents -
I try to update a UIView subclass to draw a personal pixel (rectangle) after calculation in the MandelBrowSet set I am here. / P>
I am using the following code, but I am getting a blank screen:
// drawingview ... - (Zero) Direct: (CGRact) rect {CGContextRef reference = UIGFixGetCourtContacts (); CGContextSetRGBFillColor (Reference, R, G, B, 1); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor (Reference, R, G, B, 1); CGRTact = CGRactMake (X, Y, 1,1); CGContextFillRect (reference, shape); } ... //viewController.m ... - (zero) viewDidoad {{drawingView setX: 10]; [DrawingView Set Wi: 10]; [DrawingView SetR: 0.0]; [DrawingView Set G: 0.0]; [DrawingView Set B: 0.0]; [Super viewedload]; [Drawing view setnaides display]; }
Once I understand how to display a pixel, I would like to know how to add another pixel to know how to update the view. To change all the variables once, how do I keep the current view, but how to add another pixel?
Thank you, Brett
ccctntxmovepoint (reference, exclord, wichord) ; CGContextAddLineToPoint (reference, xcoord, ycoord); CGContextStrokePath (reference);
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