url rewriting - Passing URIs as URL arguments in Drupal 6 -

I am trying to pass the full URI as a parameter with a clear url.

I have set the hook_manu () like this:

  function mymodule_menu () {return array ('page /%' => array ('title' => 'debipedia display Test ',' page callback '=>' mymodule_dbpedia_display ',' page logic '=> array (1),))); }  

and in the page callback:

  function mymodule_dbpedia_display ($ uri) {// Make an HTTP request for this URI // and then submit some Doing things return $ output; }  

I am hoping to pass a complete URI (such as "" ") on my page callback.

  • I could probably use $ _GET to remove the entire query string, but I think I'll get more 'Drupal' solution I'm hoping. Any suggestions? Instead of using
    class = "text"> itemprop = "text">

    % Menu_trail . % menu_trail will give the remaining URL as a single string in which the menu callback will be passed in your example as $ uri .
