Assigning a value to an integer in a C linked list -
itemprop = "text">
I have a question about linked lists. For example, I have the following strings and functions.
struct node {int value; Structure node * next; }; Structure entry {structure node * first; Structure node * final; Integer length; }; Zero addnode (structure entry * entry) {struct node * nextnode = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); Int temporary; If (entry-> first == faucet) {printf ("Please enter an integer. \ N"); Scan ("% d", and temporary); Nextnode-> Value = temp; Nextnode-> Next = null; Entry-gt; First = next node; Entry-gt; Final = next node; Entry-> Length ++; } And (entry-> last-> next = next node; printf ("please enter integer. \ N"); Scanf ("% d", nextnode-> values); Nextnode-> ; Next = null; entry-gt; final = next node; entry-> length ++;}} If in the first part of the I statement, I have to input a floating variable And then assign the field to that string. The second branch, I tried to specify it directly which did not work.
scans ("% d", and (nextnode-> value));
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