- CC.NET Dashboard Error: Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding' -
Late last week I upgraded to CC.NET and build servers locally. The build server is still fine, but locally I am getting the following error:
Exception Description: Exortech.NetReflector.NetReflectorTypeLoadException: Unable to load type from assembly system .ServiceModel, version = 3.0. 0.0, Culture = Neutral, Public Key Token = B77A5C 561934E 9 9: Failed to load 1 out of 3612 types defined in assembly. Exception: - Unable to load type: System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding' assembly 'system, version =, not loaded by culture Could be done = neutral, public key token = b77a5c561934e089 '
I'm afraid it starts in the morning after a batch of windows. I had two more updates that were 9 9 7 9 9 and 982168 (I had an update that would not run in the last month).
Anyone else have a problem? Thanks!
EDIT: I can connect via CCTR and CCNET is running properly. I can not go to the dashboard
Edit Thank you both. I uninstalled everything you suggested and stopped Windows updates according to our IT department. It did not work yesterday after reboot, but after the rest night and another reboot, it is working now.
I got the same exception this morning, not seeming anywhere.
Some Windows updates were installed on weekends after uninstalling KB976765 and KB979909 update, the problem went away.
I hope this helps
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