delphi - Loading a Win32 control in C# (specifically WPF) -
I have written a set of one Win32 dlls that contains a delphi frame (see snippet 1 below), and can load them into each other. Delphi program by loading DLL and specifying correct variable (snippet 2) Now I want to be able to do the same thing in C # (I can load DLL in PNWolk, but the basic WPF 'form' can be connected to control).
Snippet 1
Frame: TFrame1; Function CreateFrame (hParent: TWINControl): Integer; Stdcall; Export; Try starting frame: = TFrame1.Create (hParent); Frame.Parent: = hParent; Frame.Align: = alClient, in the end result: = 1; the ending; the ending; Export CreateFrame Name 'CreateFrame';
snippet 2
DLLHandle: = LoadLibrary ('Library /Demo.Frame.dll'); DLLHandle is, 32 then Start ReturnValue: GetProcAddress (DLLHandle, 'CreateFrame'); the ending; TS1: = TTabSheet.Create (PageControl1); Start PageControl with TS1:; Name = PageControl1: = 'tsExternal'; Caption: = 'External'; Aligned :. = AlClient; ReturnValue (TS1); the ending;
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I believe It's not that this can be done - especially when using WPF, you can try changing your Delphi frame to COM control and use it from within your app.