What is the abbreviation of JAVA language? -

Anyone know what is the abbreviation for the Java language? James Gosling
Date: August 24, 2007 8:16:

From: 58 PM PDT
To: Jonathan Schwartz
Subject: How was the name of Java?

The story is like this:

We needed a name, we were using "oak" (which was essentially selected by me randomly) , And when the team was connected to it, then the trademark lawyers put it out. We had lots of e-mail debates about the name, but nothing was solved. We ended up in a strange situation where we stopped stopping the # 1 item from shipping.

Our marketing leads know someone who was "naming consultant" (I do not remember his name, but he was very good). We could not afford neither the price nor the time of a traditional product naming process. He agreed to do something strange, but effective and quick: he worked as a facilitator in a meeting where nearly a dozen people used to close themselves in the room for noon. He started asking us questions like "How do you think it works?" (Excited!) "And what do you feel like this?" (Java!) We ended up with a mandatory cover board with random words. Then he kept us through a sorting process where we ended up with the ranking of names. We ended up with more than a dozen name candidates and sent it to the lawyers: they worked till the bottom, until they touched one by one, the fourth name was "Java" in the list. The first name in the list was "Silk", which I hated but everyone else liked it. My favorite song was "song", third in the list, but he did not pass the lawyer's examination. I do not remember where the names of other candidates are.

So, who keeps the name of Java? Marketing organized the meeting, the counselor took part in it, and our whole pile made a lot of noise from random words. I honestly do not believe who said "java" first, but I'm pretty sure this was Mark Operman.

Surely there was no great marketing mindset that went through a coherent thought process. / P>

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