delphi - How can I read values' names and data from the registry? -
I have collected a list of items GridView down as the registry: In the registry editor, I have this: STK group I close the form and then open it again, GridView All values have gone in. From the Registry: (\ Users \ Tea Picture \ POS Item Images \ image1.jpg eg.c) and put it in GridView when I load the form how can I get the President (.YUPI_GUM_HB) and its value?
FrmPOSConfigSet .tblCatItems.First; While not frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Eof be started RegItemSetting.WriteString ( 'STK Group \ Candy', frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsCODE.Text, frmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItemsSPHOTO.Text); FrmPOSConfigSet.tblCatItems.Next; End;
- Candy
-> YUPI_GUM_HB, C: \ Users \ tea \ images \ POS item images \ image1.jpg
-> YUPI_GUM_SBKISS, C: to \ Users \ tea \ images \ POS items images \ image2.jpg
this does not look quite like you using TRegistry
(also several criteria write string
), but if you were, you can use to get back the registry it. I suspect you're stuck because you want to call but you do not know the names of the registry values, so you do not know whether to pass in ReadString
You can get a list of the names of all the prices by calling. It has a TStringList
(or any other TStrings
descendants), and the law will be the list of all the value names.
var name: teestring; Name, Data: String; I: integer; Start RegItemSetting.OpenKeyReadOnly ('Stuck Group \ Candy'); Name: = TStringList.Create; Try RegItemSetting.GetValueNames (name); For: = 0 Principals (names.Count) start name: = name [i]; Data: = RegItemSetting.ReadString (name); End; Last Name free; End; End;
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