javascript - How to access a method of a closure's parent object? -

I have defined a class named MyClass and I have defined two methods MyMethod1 and myMethod2 for:

  function myClass () {} MyClass.prototype.myMethod1 = function () {...}; MyClass.prototype.myMethod2 = function () {...};   

inside myMethod1 , I use jQuery and there is a callback ending defined:

  MyClass.prototype. MyMethod2 = function () {$ .jQuery ({success: function} {this.myMethod2 ();}, ...}); }  

The problem is that is not referring to now MyClass . The question is how can I refer to it? At the moment I have allocated it to a variable called thisObj and used it like this:

  MyClass.prototype.myMethod2 = function () {var thisObj = This; $ .jQuery ({success: function (data) {thisObj.myMethod2 ();}, ...}); }  

Closing in myMethod2 is there a better way to reach MyClass.this ?

Thanks in advance.

The method you use is often called "that reference", because the name That is usually used as the name of the copy of the this reference, for example see Crockford talks on javascript.


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