recursion - How can invoke a shell to make a new environment to run a make inside another make? -

I want to have a goal rule in my GNUmakefile that opens a new shell and then with a clean slate of new shell

What is the syntax for doing this?

I tried to do this but it does not work:

  .phone: setup setup: shell cd myDir; Make; CD.  

It becomes infinite repeat of the following error:

  create [1]: directory `/ disk4 / home / user / parent ' Shell cd myDir; Make; CD. / Bin / sh: shell: command not found [1]: Directory `/ disk4 / home / user / parent / shell 'is entering CD myDir; Make; CD. / Bin / sh: shell: command not found [...]  

requires parance Not in any method, each row is applied in its own shell. There is a mandatory shell string in your recipe, which will try to execute your shell as command (/ bin / sh (your shell, not to create) ; shell: command not found ).

In addition, make -C parameter is easy in this case.

In addition, use shell, $ {MAKE} macro.

  .proney: setup setup: unset macflow; $ {MAKE} -C myDir  
