
Showing posts from May, 2015

iphone - using PHP to create multidimensional array from simple JSON array -

I have a php query that returns the following JSON format from the table. "Member": "18", "Eugene FK": "30", "Login Name": "Johnson", "Name": "Frank", "Age": "23 "," Location ":" school ",}, this requires the following format: [{" memberid ":" 18 "{ "User": "30", "login name": "John", "name": "frank", "age": "23", "location": "school",}}, I was told in another question that PHP will work and it seems that "transparency" may be appropriate, I have to find out what to put in PHP before returning JSN Hia. My Array. The list will look like the following: Route: dictionary V lines: Array V Item 0: Dictionary Title: String 18 V Child Array V Item 0 Title String 30 etc. Thanks in advance. I'm not completely sure that ...

Visual C++ Compiler Option To Dump Class Hierarchy -

Is there a compiler option equivalent to the MS Visual C ++ GCC -fdump-class-hierarchy? That is, virtual function showing table layouts. Try cl.exe / d1reportAllClassLayout Test.cpp The output is something like this: class request _handler asset size (8): + --- 0 | Name 4 SDL + - The size of the square perfmon feature (8): + --- 0 | Name 4 Register | (Size = 3) + --- is doing: + findstr / i class c1xx.dll> c1xx.txt + and then manually inspecting c1xx.txt Hope it can help, Benedetto PS: This is clearly a typing and unsupported switch See also for a similar switch.

php - Useful ways for multilanguage navigation and static content on your site? -

I have a large site running under Apache and PHP And for some occasions, I should consider adding some different language versions of it, but I am not sure about (or the route) in the right way. My problem is not this user data, because I can use DB tables with different languages ​​(N, D, IT, etc.) to focus my answer on navigation and static content. For now, I can not use Gate Text because I do not have dedicated server and I can not reboot every time I want, but surely there will be future options. So my main problems are: In these sites, I have classical XHTML element such as menu , list , div and are different static texts in different pages (gettext should be a pathpath, but I need an option In the second part of the site, xhtml element which are created dynamically through AJAX some examples exist I i Can I look in some links to solve (or some useful technics)? Note: • The user should be able to change the language • I would like to avoid sev...

C++ "if then else" template substitution -

मैं एक टेम्पलेट को निम्नानुसार घोषित करना चाहूंगा: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; {यदि कक्षा टी के ऑब्जेक्ट्स में विधि foo () है, तो फिर int int = 1 और यदि वर्ग में एक स्थैतिक const int एल है तो const int k = l else const int k = 0; } मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? सामान्य तौर पर, मैं टी (या टी के अंदर परिभाषित टाइपिपीफ) के गुणों के आधार पर स्थैतिक संरचना निर्धारित करने के लिए एक तंत्र चाहता हूं। बाहरी भाग निश्चित रूप से बहुत आसान है। Boost :: mpl :: if_ का उपयोग करने के लिए यह तय करें कि कौन सा int_ टाइप आपके मेटाफ़नशन से वापस लौटाएगा और उसके बाद उसमें मान का उपयोग करेगा। कोई बड़ा सौदा नहीं। जिस भाग में आप यह पता लगाने की कोशिश करते हैं कि टाइप एक्स में फ़ंक्शन है f () अभी भी काफी सीधा है लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से आपको एक सामान्य जवाब नहीं मिलेगा। हर बार जब आपको इस तरह के निरीक्षण की आवश्यकता होती है तो आपको इसे ढूंढने के लिए एक कस्टम मेटाफ़ाइन लिखना होगा। SFINAE का प्रयोग करें: टेम्पलेट & lt; टिनामनाम टी एंड जीटी; Struct has_foo {typedef char (& amp; नहीं) [1]...

iPhone: Core Data save Class object -

I have core data in a unit called space. Inside this I have some fields, such as date However, I would like to save the category item that I called annotations. space (object) | __DATE __ Annotation (Mk Antenna Protocol) You have two options: If your annotation class NSCoding protocol (or if you enter NSValueTransformer For example, you can use the transformable attribute in your core data unit, for example, the core data for your annotation is automatically serialized / named to deserialize NSValueTransfor Mer . You can create a annotation unit in your core data model. You CLLocationCoordinate2D for the unit. You will probably create two support using two double s and then CLLocationCoordinate2D . The advantage of (1) It is easy (if your class is consistent with NSCoding ). (2) The advantage of this is that you can query against the data within the unit Are Even if you are using SQLite continuously store, if you use (1), the data is opaque to ...

php - Using WordPress as a CMS -

Anyone can help to visualize, but I am currently reading WordPress myself and working on my CMS site I am My site will have approximately 5 pages, where the header / sidebar menu / footer will be seen on all these 5 pages. The newbies and questions here are as follows: All 5 pages will contain different content, for example, each page will have an image banner representing For example, on page 5 the "About Us" page has been clicked, on page 4 and so on "Promotions" and some text and then possibly some images inside a carousel have been set. How do I deal with this, ie, I just create a page in WordPress, create the status of the banner image at the top of the page, then some break and then insert the carousel of images - is it correct? If not, then I need to create a separate PHP file called the U.P.P.P.P. It has been said that this is a markup and then in any way can it link to the WordPress page? My site only on my landing page (page 1), just ab...

ruby on rails - ActiveRecord Create (not !) Throwing Exception on Validation -

So I'm using ActiveRecord model assumptions so that any form in a blank application is valid. I have an action that does: @association = and make the end of the form @association = user.associations.create (data) I want to: If the verification fails, just to create an action please present. The problem is that the .create (no!) Method is throwing an exception in cases where the model verification fails. Example: is valid_data_of: URL ,: with = & gt; /(^$)|(^(http|https):\/\/[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[ Yaaz ] {2,5} (([0- 9] {1,5})? \ /.*)? $) / Ix ,: message = & gt; "Your URL is not valid." is created in the model: ActiveRecord :: recordAnonymous exception: Verification failed: URL does not appear to be valid for your URL. I thought. Am I missing something here? Ruby 1.8.7 Patchlevel 173 Android Daily 2.3.3 Read the documentation and carefully. Check both the Callback (in your case verification). If the...

css - How can give third child div within one parent div -

I have a basic div. There are two hair divs on the top of the parent div I am the first hairdryer & lt; Div class = parent1 & gt; How can I give the third child div under? & Lt; Div square = hair 1 & gt; Some text & lt; / Div & gt; / * This parent div * / & lt; Div class = child2 & gt; Some text & lt; / Div & gt; / * This parent div * / & lt; Div class = child3 & gt; Some text & lt; / Div & gt; Is at the top right / * How can I write CSS for this div left as the bottom left * / If you are ready to assign fixed width to your div then use of CSS float Style & gt; Div.parent1 {width: 800px; }. Child 1 {float: left; Width: 400px; } .child2 {float: right width: 400px; } .child3-container {clear: both; Text align: right; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div class = parent1 & gt; & Lt; Div square = hair 1 & gt; Some text & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = child2 & gt; Some tex...

javascript - How to insert URL parameter in DIV? -

मेरा कोड है & lt; a href = "#" target = "_ blank" Class = "floatLeft" onclick = "change ('http: //localhost/allwidgets/widgets.html');" & Gt; फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तन (यूआरएल) {अलर्ट (यूआरएल); document.getElementById ( "mainOuter") innerHTML = url। } असल में मैं चाहता हूं कि उस यूआरएल को अंदरूनी एचआईएल के मुख्य ओर से जाना चाहिए और उस पेज को उस में दिखाना चाहिए। कृपया सुझाव दें .... धन्यवाद ऐसा लगता है कि आप वास्तव में एक चाहते हैं: & Lt; iframe id = "someIframe" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; Document.getElementById ("कुछ आईफ्रेम")। Src = url; यदि आप वास्तव में एक DIV के आंतरिक एचटीएमएल को संशोधित करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको वांछित एचटीएमएल प्राप्त करने के लिए एक AJAX अनुरोध का उपयोग करना होगा, फिर आंतरिक एचटीएमएल का उपयोग करना होगा। पुस्तकालय यह आसान बना सकते हैं।

ASP.NET - GridView - How to programmatically add and read new controls to the cell? -

Here's the setup: I am using the program to query my GRDUL SQL query from LINQ. Then I enter the edit mode and want to change some standard textbox controls from the dropdown list like this: 'Excerpt from GridView1_RowEditing dim ddlist1 new dropdown list slow reset 1 = item select items Mydb.Items 1 Lkkol 10 ddlist1.DataSource = res1 ddlist1.DataBind () GridView1.Rows.Item (0) Ksel (1) .Controls.Add (ddlist1) At this moment I have the Gridview standard text box control and the new DD list control (column 1). The problem is - I can read values ​​from DDLI in RWUpdating method. It seems that the DD list control is not in Gridview 1. Ro ITEM (0) .Cell (1). Collection of Controls The Row-updating method only looks at the standard text box control and it can value the value. Welcome any suggestions I just do not understand something here: (Use TemplateField , And then you can find out using your dropdown FindControl & lt; ASP: GridView id = "GridView1...

c - Need for prefixing a function with (void) -

I recently came across an unusual coding conference in which "zero" returning function with a call (zero) Was prefixed. For example (zero) my function (); Is it different from the function call: My Function (); Does this have any advantage or is it not a requirement, but to codify any kind of conference? Some functions, such as printf () return a value that is not used in the actual code ( In the case of printf, number of printed characters). However, some devices, such as Lint , expect that if a function returns a value, it should be used and compliant as long as you write something like this: int n = Printf ("hello"); Use of zero cast: (zero) printf ("hello"); There is a way to tell such tools that you do not really want to use the return value, thus keeping them quiet if you do not use such devices, you get annoyed There is no need to do so, and in most cases, most tools allow you to configure them to ignore return va...

asp classic - accessing variables declared outside the asp code -

& lt; स्क्रिप्ट आईडी = "clientEventHandlersVBS" LANGUAGE = "vbscript" & gt; S = पास () y = s & lt; / script & gt; & Lt;% सत्र ("पासवर्ड") = y रिस्पांस। लिखना (सत्र ("पासवर्ड")) प्रतिसाद। लिखना (y)% & gt; मुझे यह कोड है। लेकिन सत्र चर के अंदर कुछ भी नहीं जमा हो रहा है और कुछ भी छप नहीं रहा है। Cant मैं एस्प कोड के बाहर घोषित चर का उपयोग या उनके किसी भी वाक्य रचना गलती है। "post-text" itemprop = "text" % विकल्प स्पष्ट% & gt; प्रत्येक .asp पेज के शीर्ष पर। आप तुरन्त देखेंगे कि आप बिना घोषित वैरिएबल s और वाई । ऐसा कुछ नहीं सत्र चर में संग्रहीत है। क्या आप इसका उपयोग नहीं कर सकते & lt;% S = पास y = s% & gt; और इतने पर? & lt; स्क्रिप्ट का उद्देश्य क्या है ... यदि आप vbscript का उपयोग कर रहे हैं कोई भी कैसे?

c# - Getting Excel add ins to modify array formula parameters; or perform 'ctrl-shift-enter' -

I'm trying to add a C # excel that changes the parameters of an array formula; That is to do the same as modifying any array formula and killing ctrl-shift-enter. Setting an active cell. The formula does not receive properties; It throws an error 'You can not change part of an array'. Do anyone know how I can get it? A solution that works in VBA, will be great. I have tried to make some arguments that 'walks' for the circumference of the array formula and it first removes it, but this impending formula does not account for sources and I believe that It is unnecessarily harsh. CurrentArray property looks like you This is a multicell array formula in VBA All cells in the array formula will enter into a cell containing the Z99 range ("Z99"). CurrentArray.FormulaArray = "..."

session management with Flex+Java Servlet using Httpservice -

I'm new to Flex I'm just thinking how to manage session and cookies to log in, Flex Closing in? I am using Flex HTTP service and Java servlet. Thank you! When you are using Flex, then you have the power RIA gives you the "Statements" at rest Allows to apply, for which is fighting. Just stay stateless and send credentials to each request. Keep your session on the client side.

Hide other domains' menus from node edit form on a Drupal site using domain access -

I'm in the process of making some improvements to a live Drupal site that is using the Domain Aces module microsites I am trying to find a way to ban the menu from which the user can post the content from the node editing screen. One of the users should be able to post content in the menu associated with that domain. Is there any easy way to get this? I think I can use a few hooks, but till now I am unable to recognize them. I do not want to get it and to install the module and want to be able to add some code to the existing site to replace the forms. This site is already struggling with a large number of modules that we had already installed. For the module, you need to set certain permissions in user management: To enable this feature, you must edit the 'Edit Domain Name' and (Optionally) 'Delete Domain Names' for certain roles then assign it as domain editors Specify individual user accounts for specific domains. With my experience several month...

visual studio 2010 - Data-Tier Projects and Linked Servers -

I am trying to use a data-level application linked to the linked server and run in a strange problem . What do I have here: 1) A VS2010 solution that includes data-level projects. 2) The data-level project targets the SQL 2008 R2 server. 3) SQL Server has a linked server connection working for an Oracle database. 4) The linked server connection is linked to the linked server using the visibility link within the data-level project, the linked server connection is valid; Fixing, and thinking directly on the server works fine too. However, whenever I try to create my data-level application, I get the following error: SQL03006: See: [DBO]. [VwMyExampleView] has unreleased reference to [MyExampleLinkedServer] to object Basically the problem It is that there is no way of SQL Server database project Resolve links to Oracle database tables I had a similar problem when trying to reference a table in a different database on a similar server In my case I was using SQL S...

how to extract web page textual content in java? -

I'm looking for a method to extract text from web pages (initially html) using jdk or any other library I am doing Please help thanks Use if possible; Many are available for Java. Or you can use regex as many people, this is usually not appropriate, though, unless you are doing a very simple process. Related Questions Text Extraction:

java ee - GWT complex app, many screens. Architecture? -

I am creating a GWT application that has several screens, there will be a menu on the left and clicking on the menu option, The relevant module will open in the area. Clicking on items in the content area will be linked to other modules which will open in the same content area. How do I apply this architecture? Do I have different content modules? How do I separate each module into my package? Can all these be within a single eclipse project? And what else do I think? I am also working extensively on a GWT application (my first) And started with these questions too. What I have searched for - one of the best ways to achieve this is using MVP (model-view-presenter) architecture Google itself supports it for large-scale GWT applications and Pushes your issue; A breakdown of architecture is described on their website, a presentation by them: and the most useful examples for me are examples using these very methods. It was a great way for me to start it all in the sa...

ruby - Using two or more databases in rails project -

I am using external user database for various projects. Now I have got a school model in my project, which many users and users have many schools. class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Installation_connection "# {RAILS_ENV} _tunnel" has_many: membership has_many: schools, via => : End of membership class school & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: membership has_many: users ,: through = & gt; : Subscription to the end membership of the subscription & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: User is_to: school end So now I have a problem: I can not call school. The table is in my project db, neither is external user in db), but i can call the user I can not update like this: (params [: id] ). Update_attributes (params [: school]), because it only opens the connection for reading in this way. I understand how I can stop this problem, that is, school. Users can call me like this: class school & lt; ActiveRecord ...

php - tinyMCE automatically parses links -

मैं tinyMCE का उपयोग करते हैं जैसे: $ usetinymce = "tinyMCE.init ({entity_encoding: \ "पाठ \", मोड: \ "सटीक \", थीम: \ "उन्नत \", थीम_अगला_बटोन 1: \ "बोल्ड, इटैलिक, रेखांकित, स्ट्राइकथ्रू, विभाजक, \" "Justifylft, justifycenter, justifyright, justifyfull, formatselect, \" + \ "bullist, numlist, outdent, indent \", theme_advanced_buttons2: \ "लिंक, अनलिंक, एंकर, छवि, विभाजक, \" पूर्ववत, फिर से करें, सफाई , कोड, विभाजक, उप, समर्थन, जादू \ ", थीम_advanced_buttons3: \" \ "}"); "; यदि मैं एक लिंक डालता हूं तो ऐसा लगता है: http: // \ "> / कोई भी मदद Itemprop = "text"> आप अपने init फ़ंक्शन में convert_urls: false को जोड़ने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं। यह आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले TinyMCE के संस्करण को पोस्ट करने में मदद करेगा।

Changing URL with Routing, ASP.NET MVC -

I'm still very new to routing with ASP.NET mvc, so maybe it's clear and just answer me Is missing .. I have a controller called 'Page', and he has many action results, 'information', 'history' etc. Each action results a string, and from that, it is named after a view-based string ... Page / Information / Page / Information / Product Page / History / About Employee etc. The name of the controller has been 'Page', of course. I am thinking that I can use routing to remove the 'page' portion of the URL in favor of the user, just for a more user-friendly approach? Yes, you can: context.MapRoute ("Pages_History_Employees", "History / Employees", // URL Parameter new {controller = "page", action = "history"}); Just specify the controller as the page and specify the URL you want as the second parameter. What is it saying that I want to take the History / Employee URI in the way of the Page...

html - NUnit's TestResult.xml displayed nicely? -

I run the nunit-console program to test some assemblies after the build script is run I am here. TestResult.xml is copied to a static web server. Im looking for a tool that can format XML output in a good HTML page that displays the results as similar to the result. The NUnit GUI does this if something fails, then I have easy scanning Looking for a color coded hierarchical display for Know any such device? Or maybe I forgot something in Docs and NUnit can already do what I ask. I'm not how useful it will be to you, but at this time I can think that only one thing Cruise control. There are XSL stylesheets distributed as part of the net. You can download it from: If you go to the zip file, then the XSL / Webbation / XSL / Test. Is in xls (if i remember correct)

php - What characters are NOT escaped with a mysqli prepared statement? -

I am trying to harden some of my PHP code and better validate user input and injection attacks Using mysqli ready statement to stop. I stopped by mysqli_real_escape_string However, when I prepare my query as a spicy statement, the same flaw is still present. The query has pulled the salt value based on the user's name, I do something for the password and other lookups. Code: $ db = new sitedatalayer (); If ($ stmt = $ db-> _conn- & gt; Ready (like "Username" WHERE from "SELECT` salt 'administrator? LIMIT 1")) {$ stmt-> Bind_param ('s', $ username); $ Stmt- & gt; Executed (); $ Stmt- & gt; Bind_result ($ salt); While ($ stmt-> fetch ()) {printf ("% s \ n", $ salt); } $ Stmt- & gt; Close (); } And false return; Am I writing the statement correctly? If I am then other characters should be examined? What are the other flaws? What is the best practice to do these types of selection? Thanks, % ...

c# - How can I display more info in an error message when using NUnit Assert in a loop? -

निम्नलिखित कोड पर विचार करें: [टेस्ट] सार्वजनिक शून्य विजेटटेस्ट () {foreach ( विजेट विजेट विजेट) {Assert.AreEqual (0, widget.SomeValue); }} यदि कोई असफल रहता है, तो मुझे नीचे दिए गए एक बहुत ही बेकार त्रुटि संदेश मिलेगा: 1) परीक्षण विफलता: विजेटटैस्ट TestSomeValue अपेक्षित: 0 परन्तु विजेटटस्ट में। 1 थाः कुछ वैल्यू () तो, सवाल यह है कि मैं एनयूआईएनटी को अधिक उपयोगी जानकारी कैसे दिखा सकता हूं, जैसे कि विजेट का नाम, या लूप का पुनरावृत्ती आदि? यहां तक ​​कि एक लाइन नंबर अधिक उपयोगी होगा, क्योंकि यह स्वचालित तरीके से चल रहा है और मैं कोड में डिबगिंग के बिना असफल होने का दावा करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं। आप अधिभार का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जो एक संदेश भी लेता है: आशंका.आरे एक्वाल (0, विजेट। कुछ वैल्यू, "विजेट" + विजेट + "0 का कुछ वैल होना चाहिए");

datetime - Format date on x-axis in cfchart -

I want to format the date on x-axis of my cfchart as mm / yyyy, as the full data value Contrary to the return of SQL Server (yyyy-mm-dd hh: mm: ss). How do I do this? I have not dealt with it in a while, but I remember that the date field is special " Saferch for clean things "processing in the loop. Therefore, the query given through the query will be done for the query q and the date field Thedate loop, your date value will be changed with the synchronized date values. Something like this: & lt; Cfloop = "1" = "# q.recordcount #" index = "i" & gt; & Lt; Cfset q.thedate [i] = datformat (q.thedate [i], 'mm / yyyy') & gt; & Lt; / Cfloop & gt; Depending on what your data looks like, you want to make further changes, such as sorting of records with questions of questions, etc.

php - Is it best to make fewer calls to the database and output the results in an array? -

I'm trying to make a more concise way to call hundreds of DB calls. Every time I wanted to output a field, instead of typing the whole query, I tried to close that code in a class that used to work all the queries. This is the category so far: class mysql = new mysqli (DB_LOC, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB) or die ('Could not connect'); } Function getListingInfo ($ l_id = "", $ category = "", $ subcategory = "", $ username = "", $ status = "active") {$ condition = "` status` = '$ status' "; If ($! Below ($ l_id)) $ bet = "And` L_ID` = '$ l_id' "; If ($ ($ category) empty down! = "And` category` = '$ range'"; If (below! ($ Subcategory)) $ bet = "And` subcategory` = '$ subcategory'"; If (empty! ($ Username)) $ bet = "AND`Username '=' $ username ''; $ result = $ IT- & gt; MYSCL- & gt; query (" Select where $ a bet is from ...

c# - Default namespace when created xml document -

क्या XmlDocument.CreateElement () और XmlNode.AppendChild () नामों को निर्दिष्ट किए बिना बच्चों का उपयोग करना संभव है और इसका इस्तेमाल करना है एक "डिफ़ॉल्ट" नेमस्पेस? वर्तमान में, यदि मैं एक नेमस्पेस के साथ एक रूट नोड बनाते हैं और हर बाइटनोड पर नेमस्पेस निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं, तो आउटपुट xml रिक्त नामस्थान परिभाषित करेगा। नीचे जो उत्पन्न होता है, यदि मैं प्रत्येक तत्व के लिए नाम स्थान निर्दिष्ट नहीं करता है I क्या कोई शॉर्टकट है जहां मुझे नाम स्थान हर बार निर्दिष्ट करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है? & lt; root xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; child1 xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; child2 / & gt; & Lt; / child1 & gt; & Lt; / जड़ & gt; कोड: XmlDocument doc = नया XmlDocument (); Var रूटनोड = doc.CreateElement ("root", ""); doc.AppendChild (rootNode); Var child1Node = doc.CreateElement ("child1"); rootNode.AppendChild (child1Node); Var child2Node = doc.CreateElement ...

javascript - what's more efficient? checking == or just mutating the variable? -

Imagine that I have a variable named X. Let's say I wanted to make X = true every 5 seconds. (It can either be true or false in the middle of this 5 seconds, but resets when up to 5 seconds). Is it already true if the investigation is already correct, if not, to re-assign it to the right? Or just X = true? In other words, who will run faster? if (x == wrong) {x = true; } versus x = true; On the one hand, the first program can not change the variable if it is not on the other hand, the second program does not need to check the equivalent of X; It is directly in the drive It almost always does not matter. Write code that is easy to understand and maintain. Only customize it if necessary. The best way to ensure this is to check which may be fast depending on the browser. Depending on whether the variables are generally true or usually false. said that, I think that in most scenarios it will have to establish a variable without testing, it will be fast...

layout - WPF: Aligning the base line of a Label and its TextBox -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक लेबल के पास एक साधारण पाठ बॉक्स है: & lt; स्टैकपैनेल & gt; & Lt; स्टैकपैनेल ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" & gt; & Lt; लेबल मार्जिन = "3" & gt; माईलेबेल & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt; टेक्स्ट बॉक्स मार्जिन = "3" चौड़ाई = "100" & gt; माइस्टेड & lt; / textbox & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; ... & lt; / स्टैकपैनेल & gt; यह निम्न परिणाम उत्पन्न करता है: जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, MyLabel और MyText की आधार रेखा गठबंधन नहीं हैं, जो बदसूरत दिखती है । बेशक, मैं मैच के समय तक हाशिये के साथ खेलना शुरू कर सकता हूं, लेकिन यह एक ऐसी आम आवश्यकता है क्योंकि मुझे यकीन है कि WPF बहुत आसान और अधिक सुरुचिपूर्ण समाधान प्रदान करता है, जो मुझे अभी तक नहीं मिला है ... यह व्यवहार, मुझे लगता है, इस तथ्य के कारण होता है कि Textbox स्ट्रेच के ऊर्ध्वाधर संरेखण के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट, जो इसे उपलब्ध स्थान को भरने के लिए और पाठ के तहत अतिरिक्त दो पिक्सल रखता है यदि आप इसके बजाय इसका उपयोग करते...

c++ - Problem with "not declared in this scope" error -

I have found: Error not declared in this area Can anyone explain why this code is the reason? quiz.h #ifndef QUIZ_H_ # Define QUIZ_H_ #include "quiz.cpp" // I removed this line // and deleted the quote quote (int i ) Written; Class A {Private: integer player; Public: A (Intuitplayer); // written here = 0 ~ A (); Zero foo (); }; #endif / * QUIZ_H_ * / Quiz CPP #include "quiz.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Using std :: cout; Using the Std :: endl; A: A (int plateer = 0) {// deleted = 0 player = initPlayer; } A: ~ A () {} Zero A: Fu () {cout & lt; & Lt; Player; } main function #include "quiz.h" int main () {quiz (7); Return 0; } quiz function #include "quiz.h" zero quiz (int i) {a a1 (i); (); } After my modifications I have several definitions of an error quiz (en) You should not include the .cpp file in the header. Remove: #include "quiz.cpp" Additionally, the defau...

cluster analysis - k-means clustering in R on very large, sparse matrix? -

I am trying to do some k-mean clustering on a very large matrix. The matrix is ​​approximately 500,000 rows x 4000 columns yet very rare (only a couple of "1" values ​​per line). The whole thing is not fit in memory, so I converted it into a rare ARFF file. But R can not read clearly the rare ARFF file format. I also have data as a plain CSV file. Is there any package available in R to efficiently load such rare matrix? I use regular algorithm from the cluster package to proceed. Thank you very much packages (or the families of packages now - see them) There is a running example of expanded analytics on data. Specially look in the sub-package, which includes the k-mean function.

python - Does OOP make sense for small scripts? -

I mostly write small scripts in Python, about 50 - 250 line codes. I usually do not use any object, just direct procedural programming. I know OP basics and I have used the object in other programming languages ​​before, but for small scripts I do not know how the objects will improve them. But it may be that I have limited experience with OOP. Am I not trying hard to use the objects, or did the OP not make much sense for small scripts? The problem I believe best is most appropriate in the hands - it is procedural, OOP, Functional, ... not a size of the program is a criterion, though a big program (by little margin) can be more likely to take advantage of OOP's powers - a class, sub-clinging and overriding, special method overload, OOP Many examples of design patterns etc. Oi is also fully occur in a small script as well, just high somewhat unlikely that it will be a big one. In addition, I hate the global statement, so if a natural procedural approach is required, I...

mysql - Storing one column in a NoSQL DB? -

In an app I am working, we use a MySQL database and want to store articles in a table Are there. Rather than store them in a SQL DB, we were just looking at handling the key of the article in the NSQL DB. Is this a good problem that you can solve using NOQL, or can we just create another table in MySQL and keep a large amount of text there? We are using MongoDB to store the text. First of all I am doing this, check that mysql is with 'data in bulk' How does it run if you are getting acceptable performance, then there is no point in trying to make the system even more complex. Putting the text contents in a separate table in MySQL will not do anything. Putting it in a different DB may be , but unless you make sure that it is a significant obstacle to MySQL, and you can not do anything else, like customizing your queries

WPF: capturing XAML into subclassed control -

I am compressing what I want my wpf button to look like using XAML Now I would like to create a sub classified button control, which I can only use again to write that markup & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; /Button.Template> & Lt; / Button & gt; How can I set all these properties using C #? There are several ways to do this: [Note: In this reply for the sake of , I think that you are creating a button in a simple window.] 1) Assign all the properties in a non-reusable and kind of dirty path window in a loaded event. Will happen. Giving the name of the button object, you can get it reference and provide value to the properties, register on the event and assign a template. I think you were having trouble with template properties. To create a template in the code, you can either use (which is deprecated) or use the XamlReader.Load method. (Which is a favorite approach). 2) Create a custom control for which a custom template is created in ...

.net - How-to diagnose and fix such "on-site" crash of dotnet application? -

I am working on some application which has automatic update function. Implemented ideas are as simple as: - There are some "starter" applications that are installed on "program files / jo / ...". This is an application that can be started by the user. - Every time a "starter" application is executed, it checks for the server for updates and downloads it to "% APPDATA% / some / ...". And then it starts some application from that folder. The above approach is working under the XP on my development machine (Vista) and some other machines, but some different machines (running Windows 7) are working when "starter "Impresses the actual application so it crashes with some unknown problem (signature = System.UnauthorizedAccess). When the actual application is executed manually with% APPDATA% / some / folder, then everything is working fine. I have tried to set up a single working directory in ProcessStartInfo, so the "Starter"...

html - News Aggregater of sorts -

is a website that my company uses updated information about 3 specific things throughout the day. We use information from 1 of them and what we want to do pulls this information because it adds to their site and adds it to its own page for easy viewing. Is this also possible? Can anyone tell me about this setting? This is all the text that we want to draw. Select a language (e.g., search for an HTTP library (e.g.,) and get it Run through an HTTP parser (for example). You want to pull out the bits and push them into a template (for example) then dump the cron file or stick the program into the Windows scheduler.

iphone - How to make an NSURL that contains a | (pipe character)? -

I am trying to access the Google Maps forwarded Geocoding service from my iPhone app. When I try to create an NSURL with a string with a pipe, I get only a zero indicator. NSURL * searchURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @ " address = 6 + and + pine & amp; border = 37.3316689, -122.030731 | 37.331,689, -122.030731 & amp; sensor = false "]; I'm not looking to send boundary coordinates with a pipe in Google API in any other way. Any ideas about how you can do this? Have you tried changing the pipe with % 7C ( Four for the URL encoded value | )?

Android ListView: getTag() returns null -

Hello all, I have a list view that contains one button per line, the following code GetView () is part of the method see public getView (final integer status, seeviewview, ViewGroup parent) {see line = see convertview; TextView TV; Save Button Button; Edit text editor FITB_ViewWrapper wrapper; If (line == zero) {layout inflector li = (layout inflator) getSystemService (reference. LEOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); If (ChooseMode_Act.modeInfo.equalsIgnoreCase ("Training")) {row = li.inflate (R.layout.exercise_for_training_fitb, parent, wrong); } And {line = li.inflate (R.layout.exercise_for_exam_fitb, guardian, incorrect); } Cover = new FITB_ViewWrapper (line); Row.setTag (cover); If (ChooseMode_Act.modeInfo.equalsIgnoreCase ("Exam")) {saveA_button = wrapper.getSaveAnswer_Button (); OnClickListener l = New OnClickListener () {@Override Click Public Zero (see V) {integer MP = (integer) v.getTag (); Logs. I ("mp", "my position is:" + mp); }}; SaveA_b...

How does a Windows batch file detect that a file is > 0 bytes? -

I have a windows batch file that has been used in my visual studio tool series that lists the files in a particular directory , And then uses "searchstrokes" to restrict this list to only those files, whose names contain a specific string; And then some works on these files. dir / b \ mypath \ *. Wav & gt; WavRawList.txt searchR / b / v "desiredString" wavRawList.txt & gt; WavListWithDesiredString.txt / B> Visual Studio often reports errors from this batch file, and I think it's because wavListWithDesiredString.txt often ends up having files with a length of 0 it happens. Are there many types of "wavListWithDesiredString.txt" where I can change the meaning of an order instead of "exist" which means "if it exists and its file length is more than 0 For more or less inline ways, for : In% x (wavListWithDesiredString.txt), do not %% ~ zx == 0 (...) Or you can use a sub-rootin: : size set size =% ~ z1 goto: ...

hibernate - Eclipse JPA structure view, detail view, and persistence.xml editor not working? -

Eclips have views of JPA structure and extension of JPA, as well as a persistence.xml editor and a JPA perspective. However, I can not seem to "turn on" them. I was working them all months ago, but something has changed. Are any suggestions as a secret sauce necessary to get them to work again? I do not really use it but if I remember correctly, you can get your project ( Right), click on a project , go to Properties> Project Aspect and select Java instability ). Perhaps take a look at the guide.

java - Save JSON outputed from a URL to a file -

How do I save Jason to a file in a file? For example, from Twitter Search API (this) The language is not important. Thank you! How will I edit / add more updates to eof? Edit 2 // People with great answers really, but whatever I thought was the most beautiful. Thanks! :) It is easy in any language, but the mechanism is different. Wget and with a shell: wget '' -o hi.json To add: wget '' -O - & gt; & Gt; Hi.json With Python: urllib.urlretrieve (' ',' Hi.json ') to add: hi_web = urllib2.urlopen (' Search? Json q = hi '); Hi_file with Open ('hi.json', 'ab'): hi_file.write ( ())

linux - How to take user input during install -

So when I create a Debian package, I can write a post-installation shell script which just works fine. Currently I have been configured to do this echo "Please enter your MySQL database user (default route)" Read MYSQL_USER echo "Please enter the MySQL database user password (default route) "Read -s MYSQL_PASS DBEXIST = 0 cmd =" ​​create database loportal; use lportal; " (Mysql -u $ MYSQL_USER -p $ MYSQL_PASS -e "$ CMD") || ((DBEXIST ++)) if [$ DBEXIST -ne 0]; Then the "echo" setup has ended, but MySQL already has a lportal table, it can be from Liferay's previous installation. If you want a fresh installation of this bundle, please remove the lportal table and reinstall this package. "Fi This works fine for Ubuntu, however, I can not get user input to work with RPM for Fedora Is a good way to get user input? What I think, RPM was not designed to be interactive installed. However, I can not see a better way of doing t...

objective c - Replace an Array with an Array -

I have more NSMutableArray and I want to change it with others, but if I try to do it. .. agoAre = Seconds; ... then it starts erasing the entire ARR and I get this error message .. the application ends without exception exception 'NSR Exchange Exception', Reason: '*** - [NSCFRRA ObjectAntindex]: Beyond Index (0) (0)' ' ... and Limits (6) No (0 ) Should be. Is there any correct way to change the array? PS: I have already checked the other arrays and it works fine. You are specifying first point pointer on the second row point, so you have to reference the first object Lose, and it gets leaked. If you want to change the object in the first object then use something like -replaceObjectsInRange: withObjectsFromArray: or just -release . Assign the object and the first array to [SecondArray MutateCopy] . I would like to read Objective-Memory Management Rules along with Sea Points, to ensure that you have firm understanding on the fundament...

reporting services - How do I bake relative dates into a data set in SSRS? -

I am trying to create a report which will always show the number of tomorrow but the SSR document is weak on examples of this area. Tomorrow is one of the relative date values ​​for use as filter criteria - but where? Use a hidden parameter on the report, which has a default value: dateadd ("d", - 1, today ())

sql - Multiple OR Clauses in MySQL -

I am trying to draw content where id = 3 or id = 9 or id = 100 ... keep in mind, I have some of these hundred ids What is the most effective way of writing my query? $ sql = "Select from the cast name WHERE (id = 3 or id = 9 or .... id-100)" .... WHERE ID in (3, 9, 100, ...)

web services - sharepoint development -

मेरे वर्तमान प्रोजेक्ट को हम विभिन्न दस्तावेज को स्टोर और पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए शेयरपेज के साथ इंटरफेस करने की आवश्यकता है। यह माइक्रोसॉफ्ट को सीधे संदर्भित किया गया था। Sharepoint डीएलएलएस सीधे और वहां से जा रहे हैं। जैसा कि मुझे शेयरपेज के बारे में बहुत कुछ नहीं पता है, फिर भी मैं कुछ शोध कर रहा हूं। अधिकांश उदाहरण मैं वास्तव में शेयरपॉइंट वेब सेवाओं को स्वयं का उपयोग करने के लिए संदर्भित करता हूं (विभिन्न vti_bin वाले दिखाए गए हैं)। मैं दृष्टिकोण में मतभेदों को ढूंढने में असमर्थ हूं। यह वर्तमान परियोजना कुछ साल पहले लिखी गई थी, इसलिए हो सकता है कि वेब सेवा तब उपलब्ध नहीं थी? मैं शेयरपोस्ट से डेटा जोड़ना और पुनः प्राप्त करने के समाधान की तलाश कर रहा हूं और अंतर के रूप में थोड़ा स्पष्टीकरण भी वेब सेवा बनाम रिफर्न्स का उपयोग करने में चीयर्स Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL को संदर्भित करना क्या केवल कोड पर समर्थित है जो SharePoint के भीतर चलता है यह अक्सर उन परियोजनाओं पर काम करता है जो SharePoint का हिस्सा नहीं हैं लेकिन जो एक SharePoint सर्वर पर चलाए जाते हैं, लेकिन य...

wpf - Function call within XAML code? -

I think that you want to set a style all my text box control the following when the keyboard focus : 1) background color 2) to highlight all the text I have this amount so far. SelectAll () Change calls pre> & gt; Style target type = "text box" & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "IsKeyboardFocusWithin" value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Background" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; Solid color brush color = "#fffd1d9" /> & Lt; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; Is there a way to call also. Select () ? Thank you. You can do this through the attached behavior. Example public static class TextBoxBehaviour {GetSelectAll (TextBoxBase target) {return (bool) target.GetValue (SelectAllAttachedProperty) bool public static; } Pub...

apache - How can I access password protected Excel workbook in Java using POI api -

I want to read and write with a password protected excel file. How can I use Apache POI API? PoI should be able to open both protected xls files ( org.apache.poi Hssf.record.crypt ) and protected xlsx files (using org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt ) have you tried to do them? If you are using HSSF (for an XLS file), then you have to set the password before opening the file. You do this with a call: org.apache.poi.hssf.record.crypto.Biff8EncryptionKey.setCurrentUserPassword (password); After that, HSSF should be able to open your file. For XSSF, you want something like this: POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem (new FileInputStream ("protect.xlsx")); EncryptionInfo Info = New Encryption Info (FS); Decryptter D = new decryptor (information); D.verifyPassword (Decryptor.DEFAULT_PASSWORD); XSSFWorkbook wb = New XSSFWorkbook (d.getDataStream (fs)); Alternatively, in newer versions of Apache POI, you can do something like this: workbook wb = WorkbookFac...

performance - Which of these Array Initializations is better in Ruby? -

Which of these two lines is better to start in Ruby? Method 1: DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = (0..6) .to_a HOURS_IN_A_DAY = (0..23) .to_a @data = (DAYS_IN_A_WEEK.size) .map! {Array .new (HOURS_IN_A_DAY.size)} DAYS_IN_A_WEEK.each Do it. Day | HOURS_IN_A_DAY.each do | Hours. @ Data [days] [hours] = 'some end' method 2: DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = (0. .6) .to_a HOURS_IN_A_DAY = (0..23) .to_a @data = {} DAYS_IN_A_WEEK.each Do it. Day | HOURS_IN_A_DAY.each do | Hours. @data [day] || = {} @ Data [day] [hour] = 'end of end' The difference between the first method and the second method is that the second does not allocate memory initially I think the second one is very inferior, when it comes to performances due to several copies of the effect on it. However, it is not straight forward in Ruby to know what is happening. So, if someone could explain to me which one is better, then it would be great! Thank you Before I answer the question you asked, I I am going t...

SharePoint 2010 custom search from Layouts page -

I am using SharePoint 2010 Search using FullTextSqlQuery. The query returns the results until I run it from the webpage. However, for some reason, I need to run the same query from a custom ASPX page posted under the layout. I query gives a WCF exception. Have tried to run a custom query from pages positioned in the Layouts folder under more than 14 hives? Thank you, Phase I was able to find the reason in the custom webpage, query Was rolling out to the proprietary 25 rider. However, in the layout page, the threshold was set in 2000. I saw SharePoint 2010 custom search by default for Rimel's limited property, max 500 values. Cheers.

c# - Are static delegates thread-safe? -

इस कोड स्निपेट पर विचार करें: सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक वर्ग ApplicationContext {निजी स्थिर फ़ंक्शन & lt; TService & gt; अनिर्धारित और & lt; TService & gt; () {नए अमान्यऑपरेशन अपवाद (); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर Func & lt; IAuthenticationProvider & gt; प्रमाणीकरणप्रदाता = अपरिवर्तित & lt; IAuthenticationProvider & gt; (); सार्वजनिक स्थिर Func & lt; IUnitOfWorkFactory & gt; UnitOfWorkFactory = आरंभिक & lt; IUnitOfWorkFactory & gt; (); } // global.asax में भी हो सकता है अगर वेब ऐप में उपयोग किया जाता है सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {ApplicationContext.AuthenticationProvider = () = & gt; नया LdapAuthenticationProvider (); ApplicationContext.UnitOfWorkFactory = () = & gt; नया EFUnitOfWorkFactory (); } // कहीं कोड में .. एक MVC नियंत्रक ApplicationContext.AuthenticationProvider ()। साइन इन (उपयोगकर्ता नाम, सच); स्थैतिक वर्ग ApplicationContext धागे-सुरक्षित में प्रतिनिधियों को उस सूत्र में कहें, जो बहु-धागे उन्हें ...

java - Spring - SessionAttribute problem -

I want to apply something like this: @Controller @ session attraction ( "Promotion") {@RequestMapping ("ShowPro") Zero Shows Promotion Info (@RequestParam ("promId") String Promotional Id, @model Unbreakable Promotion, Errors Errors) {promotion = Promotion.get (promotionId); If (promotion == empty promotion. Validates () == incorrect) {errors.reject ("promotion.invalid"); } Return "Prom"; }} The code is invalid, does not work and there are some bad errors, but I do not know how to write it better. When the user has a URL "showPromo? PromId = 15", if the promotion is valid (old / non-existent / etc) controller must be valid. If it is valid - it should show its information and save the model and session promotion. If it is not - should show some error about the promotion. There is a problem, I need to save the promotion in session (for many requests) and do not want to use direct session management Is it currently ...

What error handling should be used in VB.NET -

What error handling should be used in VB.NET? Does any " error geto error handler on ... exit sub ErrHandler ... sub " pattern or you should use " . .} Hold {...} Finally {...} "Pattern" For the most obvious reasons, I could be away from the top of my head, I got empty from ... should be: Go to error type of exceptions. on error goto It does try / hold / at the end (for example, try a victim of the nest Hold inside any of the blocks). Go to Error Finally (for which I know) No pattern. I believe that in many cases, the error on the clever use to use can be GOO , which delivers the VB. Try NET / / in the end feature. But what will be the matter?

javascript - on .bind('click') it is not deleting the first div -

When I click on a particular div, it is easy to fade out that div, Clicking on Divine HTML code Selc_d" class = "selc" style = "status: full; left: 15px; top: 200px; width: 260px;" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sel5" class = "sel" & gt; Some & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sel6" class = "sel" & gt; Some & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sel7" class = "sel" & gt; Some & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; jQuery code are sel_id, sel_1 variables $ ('. Selc_d'). FadeOut ('slow'); $ ('#' + sel_id) ('' 'sel_id = $' ('. Sel')) Att ('id' ('' click ', function $ (' # '+ Sel_id) '); Alert (sel_id) .remove (); $ (' search_box '). Attachments (sel_1);}); $ ('. Sel'). Dam ('click', function () {var sel_id =; // to this line ...

iphone - multi Image: scroll as well as resize -

I have 5 images, I want to display each image on the page (paging) and the image on that page per page Size may change (other pages are still not changed). How can I do this? Thank you. Check for two examples from the Apple ScrollView Advanced One (including Zooming ) More and more basic (about paging etc.), etc.)

nhibernate - Compare term to current date in HQL (with .Net) -

I want to compare a column value to the current date, using HQL. I tried IQuery someQuery = session.CreateQuery (String.Format (@ "Select from Inventory Printstitat where s.ValidFrom & lt; current_date ( ) ")); of NHibernate It's been a while while using, but I think that there is an HQL function called "HTC" that does different bid implementations in "NHibernate map" for its own SQL dialect. Variant. If you do not, you can always change it in the parameter.

php - Can I setup a specific login action for each module? -

I am working on a SIMPhone 1.4 project that includes a front and backend. I want to know whether it is possible to configure different logins for each module. I have tried to add the settings.yml file to each module's config folder but it does not work. Thank you, I do not think the settings.yml file can be copied Module You can attempt to forward the base login verb by analyzing the "module" parameter of the request.

.htaccess - one page over 9 different urls -

I am using Prestashop as a cart for my site. I have a problem; Website is used in dynamic url. I enabled friendly URL writing. The problem is that one page has more than one URL, you can access the same URL from the dynamic url and static url. Actually there are 9 different URLs in one page. It clearly creates problems for SEO because search engines punish my website for it. Here are examples of more than 2 URLs () () () You can see here that the static url has 2 languages ​​defined and the other Has been defined unconditionally. Right below is one for the top three urls. What can I do to solve this problem? I have no knowledge of programming. Here is the HTAC for the website. Any sample code or help is actually appreciated. 550 pages and each page is published in 17 different languages. I want to use a 301 auto redirect. What is the easiest way to do this? I have no idea of ​​coding. Rewrite # URL (^ [a-z0- 9] +) \ - ([a-z0- 9] +) (\ - [_ a-zA] - Rewrite # URL to rewri...

android - create a slide scrolling series of panels -

I am writing my first Android app. The app shows the bus stop information, I want to make a panel for each, stop it, that the user can scroll each and every city like a weather app with a panel. By looking at God guide, I do not think how to do it. Should I Use Layout Objects / View Groups? Or should I look elsewhere? Looks like you have an example of its use.

why hyperic can't auto-discover my Jboss AppSvr? -

I have installed jbis AS at xx.12.48. I launched ./bin/ -b xx.xx.12.48 The JMX Web Console indicates that everything is fine. On xx.xx.12.49, I have installed the latest (latest). I had established a hypique agent on Xpex. 02.18.48 I can see both the succession agents on both the servers. But there is nothing about my JBS AS server !!! Why can not I find my biobose server? Is there any easy way to configure? Thank you To locate JBs for the HQ, you must edit the conf / After that, jboss.installpath = C: / jboss After that, log in to your corporate headquarters server and add the jboss server manually under the inventory. Take it a few minutes, local agents will pick up the instructions and see the Jboss server's for.

c# - DataGridView population+modificaion by SQL Server DB View -

I searched for my problem, but none of the same / related solutions could be found. I have some tables in SQL Server 2005, and in my Winform / C # application, use tables that are considered as an admin app where the administrator will: - 1. Edit Aad / Users 2. Performing Roles 3. Accept the Privileges 4. Zone Assignment 5.Air assignment 6. Town assignment Each of these results is less than two tables (S L Server DB) to be settled in coming, and each person the result of each TabPage and DataGridView . The administrator will see the first result, and then he / she can modify the SelectedRow of DataGridView , and in response to this response Database (i.e. SQL Server). Since I'm new to programming, my question is that I want to use a SQL Server View , so that all of this is done, but with respect to View is not used by DataGridView . However, I am able to populate single DataGridView with SQLServer Binded DataSource , bu...

c# 3.0 - How to programmatically end an ASP.NET session after a given amount of time -

We have to stop the user session some time later in the ASP.NET site (say 20 minutes). We know that we can use timers and code for every page to end on timer tick but we are searching through a single IIS configuration in a fast way? In the way of doing such things? We are using ASP.NET 2.0, Framework 3.5, IIS6, C #. TY. ADDON: I think it is better to expand on the question ... we want to achieve something like "demo" mode, where a user is completely site for minutes bouncing , The "demo" time passed due to the site being disabled is expected to be clear. There are some ways to do this, for example web.config and IIS this article explains that the timeout How to use different methods to change the value.

sql - Finding simultaneous events in a database between times -

I have a database that stores phone call records. Each phone call record has a start time and an end time. I would like to know how to know if our phones are more than the number of phone lines available in the bank, what is the maximum amount of simultaneous phone calls, how can I go about solving this problem ? Given the fact that the maximum number of connections going up is a starting point, you can CountSimultaneous to Phonecalls T1, Phone Call T2 WHERE T1 as Top 1 Count (*) Start time between T2.StartTime and T2 The different DESC calculated by the T1.EndTime group by the T1.CallID command will return the number of calls simultaneously for each call. Either order them to descend and select one or SELECT MAX (CountSimultaneous) from the top (without any command and without the top)

php - .htaccess cross browser -

I try to load a custom error document to a .404 error on the Linux server using the .htaccess file I am redirecting the page to another site based on the current page url then the ID received from the URL (which is taken from DB). The current error documents are stored here: / error_docs / - I do not have permission to upload anything other than the HTML files already existing /HTTPDocs/301redir.php The site is root where the .htaccess file is. I used the following to load the 301reedir.php page as an error dock, which works in FF but there is no other browser ErrorDocument 404 / Using 310redir.php .htaccess is my only real option to change this, is there a way to find this problem and work it in all browsers? Your file may be too small, see the following quotes with the following: Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) by default will ignore the error messages generated by the server when they are "too small" and move their own "friendly" error ...

php - Changing background images like this -

If you guys check this webpage: How do they fade in this background Have been When I check this source & lt; Img id = "wrapper-background" src = "images / body-background-0.jpg" alt = "background" /> And I think that any type of script is probably php or js or both, that changes every 5 seconds background: images / body-background-1.jpg Images / body-background-2 JPG Picture / body-background-3. Jpg and so on .. So how did they do this? One example would be great, because I want to know how to do it. If I was going to do something like this then I think that I only manage to do a script in php which refreshes you every time. Thanks, it will expand my knowledge "post-text" itemprop = "text"> They use the mootools framework See it:

iphone - request for member view in something not a structure or union -

I have this error when I build my application iphone: the member has requested not to see a certain structure or association in [on CommuneSlider . View removeFromSuperview]; Code: - (zero) CommuneSelected { COM = [[CommuneDetailsViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "CommuneDetailsViewController" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * navig = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: com]; [Self setCommuneDetails: (CommuneDetailsViewController * navig]; [Navigating navigation bar: Yes]; [Com release]; [Reverse release]; [UIView startup permissions: zero reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: .8]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView: Window Cache: Yes]; [CommuneSlider.view removeFromSuperview]; [Self.window addSubview: [see CommuneDetails]]; [UIView commitAnimations]; } is required If this is an error line: There is no structure or association on [CommuneSlider.view removeFromSuperview] f...

visual studio 2010 - Is ILMerge broken when merging assemblies containing Lambdas in VS2010? -

I am trying to use ILMerge to merge assemblies in VS2010 and as a result the primary assembly is getting unusable is. It only appears when the conventions are merged, in which the Lambda expressions are. In addition, it seems to work fine in VS2008 I have underlined my investigation in more detail. Any insights in how to solve this will be greatly appreciated. Recent YLRJRs have been updated to fix several VS2010 compatibility issues. And to target .NET 4.0. Download the latest and greatest.

PHP: Copying file permissions with fileperms and ftp_chmod -

Total goal: Copy files permissions from the local file system when uploading them to FTP using PHP. Problem: While ftp_chmod appears to be successful, and according to the print statement in the code I am setting correct permissions, it sets completely false permissions. Code: & lt ;? Php $ perms = fileperms ($ src); If ($ perms! == false) {// We only take the last 3 digits, since we are only interested in 'normal' file permissions, not extended $ Perms & amp; = 511; $ Permsm = sprintf ('% o', $ perms); Print "Debugs: Settings Permissions: $ perms ::". Decoct ($ perms) ":: $ permsm :: $ dst \ n"; Ftp_chmod ($ conn_id, $ permsm, $ dst); }? & Gt; Result: Source / Expected file permissions (local file system): -R-R - R - 1 Allen user 15572 Jun 2 12:40 ft .docx -rw-r - r-- 1 Allen user 16877 Jun 2 12:40 baradox dow x r-xr-x2 allen user 4096 Jun 15 14:01 Configuration DWXR-XR-N 9 Allen user 4096 15 Jun 14: 01 Material drwxr -xr-x3 All...

Join a list of lists together into one list in Python -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास सूची है जिसमें कई सूचियां शामिल हैं I यहां एक उदाहरण है, [[Obj, Obj, Obj, Obj], [Obj], [Obj], [[Obj, Obj], [Obj, Obj, Obj]]] क्या इन सभी वस्तुओं को एक सूची के रूप में शामिल करने का कोई तरीका है, इसलिए आउटपुट कुछ ऐसा होगा [Obj, Obj, Obj, Obj हां, ओज, ओबजे, ओबजे, ओबजे, ओबजे, ओबजे, ओबजे] I: flatten (elem) में: के लिए मैं और अन्य: उत्पन्न elem def flatten (lst): lm में elem के लिए: प्रकार (elem) में (ट्यूपल, सूची) / Code> कृपया ध्यान दें, यह एक जनरेटर बनाता है, इसलिए यदि आपको एक सूची की आवश्यकता है, तो उसे list () में लपेटें: flattenedList = सूची (समतल (नेस्टेड सूची))