c++ - Problem with "not declared in this scope" error -
I have found:
Error not declared in this area
Can anyone explain why this code is the reason?
#ifndef QUIZ_H_ # Define QUIZ_H_ #include "quiz.cpp" // I removed this line // and deleted the quote quote (int i ) Written; Class A {Private: integer player; Public: A (Intuitplayer); // written here = 0 ~ A (); Zero foo (); }; #endif / * QUIZ_H_ * /
Quiz CPP
#include "quiz.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Using std :: cout; Using the Std :: endl; A: A (int plateer = 0) {// deleted = 0 player = initPlayer; } A: ~ A () {} Zero A: Fu () {cout & lt; & Lt; Player; }
main function
#include "quiz.h" int main () {quiz (7); Return 0; }
quiz function
#include "quiz.h" zero quiz (int i) {a a1 (i); A1.foo (); }
After my modifications I have several definitions of an error quiz (en)
You should not include the .cpp file in the header. Remove:
#include "quiz.cpp"
Additionally, the default value in:
A :: AE (at leastplayer = 0) {
) should be in the header file instead.
And edit your question All your files, we will tell you how to compile and link them.
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