c++ - How to fit a custom graph to the boost graph library template? -

I'm rusting on the C ++ template and I'm using the Boost Graph Library (a deadly combination). I have searched the web and can not find any direct directions about taking custom graph structure and fit enough for the BGL (Boost Graph Library), which I can overcome the boost graph algorithm. Anybody familiar with the library to help me?

EDIT: So, the main problem I am facing is where one source is where where the total requirements of maping arbitrary graphs in a BGL graph are actually new to templates, so for me BGL's specification / examples are difficult to read. Maybe I should look for a general source on a template?

My suggestion will be to completely use BGL unless you already have it written on it There is not a significant amount of code left. I was recently testing it for future use on a large graph analysis project, and it was not nearly useless due to the highly complex and poorly designed API.

There is no simple task in BGL, only complex people, and I was constantly fighting the compiler due to the highly complex template hierarchy of BGL. There are no useful documents (at least where it is not really necessary) and not enough examples to increase the case. There is no way to write this code.

It is stable, written in C ++, to easily understand and in code, provides a graph of many special forms to meet the needs of different uses, and it provides BFS And DFS supports both search / visitor functions. It is also equal to map of property for its nodes / edges, so you should be able to fit your own graph structure and other data on it.

Try Neon; It tastes much better and will lead to fewer ulcers; -)


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