c# - Merge two lists of objects which hold different data -

I have an object Project which has many fields, one of which is names < / Code>. I have a spreadsheet of projects in which some of these fields are included, and the rest in the other. However, both spreadsheets have the name field.

I have read them and two list & lt; Project & gt; , the popularity of the available field is made popular that looks like a project from a special source such as List 1:

  {name = "MyPoraj", type = " Form ", priority = null}  

from where a project list 2:

  {name =" myProj ", type = null, priority =" high "}  

Now, I want to merge these two lists

How can I get this? Is there a good way to do this well?


Maybe to find values ​​ ?? Use a operator A dictionary can be useful.

  // Put one in a word for fast access dict2 = list2.ToDictionaty (x => x.Name, x); // merge using list ?? Var merged = list 1. Select (x = & gt; {var p2 = dict2 [x.Name]; return new project) {name = x.Name, type = x.Type ?? P2.Type, priority = x. Priority P2.Priority}}); Join lists by name  


  var merge = list1 // .Join (list2, x => x.Name, x = & Gt; X.Name, (p1, p2) = & gt; new {p1 = p1, p2 = p2}). (X => New project () {name = P1.Name, type = P1.Type ?? p2. Type, priority = P1 primacy? P 2. priority}};  

There are hundred types of this type. You can only merge the data from one list to another, to join the foreach in a result and process the results. e.t.c.

When projects can disappear in one of the lists, it is more complex, then none of the lists is complete. It can then be useful to make a complete list of project names in the beginning.


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