Cross domain XMLHttpRequest in classic ASP -

By migrating to another server with firewall if my code works fine since I, a part of my code does not work its xmlhttp POST seems problem can anyone tell me in the right direction and to determine whether the firewall problem my client asked me to use the classic ASP, so I do not upgrade on the net can.

  dim objHttp SUBMIT_URL = "" call process () public sub-process () sets objHttp = Server.CreateObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) 'set timeout values ​​in milliseconds or lResolve = 1 * 1000 lConnect = 1 * 1000 lSend = 2 * 1000 lReceive = 2 * 1000 "post", SUBMIT_URL, wrong objHttp.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application / X-www-form-urlxod "objHttp .rf if err.number & lt; & Gt; 0 Then react Type "Error:" & amp; ErrkDescription ErrkClear End If End Sub  

It works almost exactly for me It seems that there is a redirection on the landing page that you are calling that can not be handled. It seems that the firewall problem (perhaps proxy application such as Charles or Fiddler you communication problems due to your firewall that can help you see it, but I do not think it).

Try to point to the final destination page:


Do not give me 'till you cut the code before posting here, actually see the point on timeout variables.


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