html - Monitor resolution changes look of website -

I have a website that is fine in my resolution and even in the more general 1024 x 768. However, in someone else's browser, in 1024 x 768, this is very wide and the website is not even well at the center.

Is there a proper width layout, which can not be changed when the resolution is changed?

/ * Body * / Body {background: # 535353; Font-family: aerial; Font-size: 12px; Art color; } Form {margin: 0; Padding: 0; Display: inline} * {margin: 0; Padding: 0; } / * Header * / #header {margin-left: 100px; Margin-right: 100px; Hidden flurry; } / * Logo * / #logo {background-color: white; } / * Menu * / # Menus {margin-left: 100px; Margin-right: 100px; Margin-top: 0 pixels; Margin-down: 0 pixels; Padding: 0 0 0 0; Align text: left; Background color: # AB0000; Font-size: 14px; White color; font-weight: bold; } #MonusA {font-size: 14px; White color; font-weight: bold; } #Menu A: Hover {Color: Yellow; } / * Spacer * / # spacer {background-color: # 8C8C8C; } / * Sidebar * / # Sidebar {margin-left: 100px; Margin-right: 100px; Padding-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; Align text: left; Background: URL (images / left border .jpg) repeat-x left-top; Background color: # C2C2C2; } # Sidebar p {color: black; Font weight: normal; Font-size: 11px; } #sidebar one {color: black; Font weight: normal; Font-size: 11px; } / * Quick Links * / #quicklinks a {color: White; Font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; Text-decoration: none) / * content * / # content {margin-left: 200px; Margin-top: 10px; Padding-left: 10px; Padding-right: 10px; Background color: # C2C2C2; } # Content p {font-size: 12px; } #Content One {Color: Black; font-weight: bold; } / * Gallery * / # GalleryLinks {border-color: black; } / * Foot space * / #footerspace {background-color: # AB0000; } / * Footer * / # footer {width: 891 pixels; Height: 70px; Margin-left: 100px; Margin-right: 100px; Margin-top: 0 pixels; Margin-down: 0 pixels; Padding: 0 0 0 0; Text align: center; Background color: # C2C2C2; font-weight: bold; Art color; } #footer a {font-weight: bold; Art color; } #footer a: Hover {Color: Yellow; } If you do not want to change the width with resolution / browser size, Use the full width in your CSS as opposed to percentages (as opposed to 90% as 860px).

However, if it looks different in any other browser, then due to their font and font size is different


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