information schema - What does the information_schema database represent? -

I have a database in mysql.

But when I login into phpMyAdmin, I server?

How will this affect my current database if I modify this information_community database?

You can think of information_schema as a "master database" Keeps information about things such as names and types of tables, columns and users.

What is information_schema?


INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata

Data about metadata data, such as the name of the database or table, column Data type, or access privileges Other information that is sometimes used for this information is the data dictionary and system catalogs.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is an information database, in which the maintenance of MySQL server stores information about all other databases. There are many read-only tables inside INSUMMATION_SCHEMA. They are actually ideas, not base tables, so there is no file associated with them.

What information is stored in the ASKMA?

You can see the types of things stored

if I modify info_schema

In reality, I Information_schema is a collection of read-only scenes is. As such, it should be impossible to modify and do any damage. However, this is to say:

23.7.3: Can I add or otherwise modify the tables found in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database?

Not because the application can rely on a particular standard structure, so it should not be modified. For this reason, we can not support bugs or other issues that result from improving the Information_CHEAMA tables or data.

This means that if you find yourself capable of modifying information_screw (which should be impossible, and in MySQL, but other SQL vendors may be allowed to apply ) You should not do least if you can damage / modify info_schema You will harm the actual structure of your other database (such as table name, column type).

Does every user have their own copy of Information_schema?

Each user can see the information_sama that is related to tables and databases. Some users with limited limited rights will still see information_schema but will see only tap value for any information_schema query. However, it is important to remember that information_schema is not a real database, but SQL provides a convenient way so that you can select information about your database (database) and table.


Each MySQL user has the right to access these tables, but only those of those items can see, for which the user has the right access privileges Are there. In some cases (for example, ROUTINE_DEFINITION columns in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table), users with insufficient privileges will see zero.

Where can I find more information?

  • MySQL Reference Manual


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