jquery plugins - DataTable + JEditable + AutoComplete(BAssistance) + Server Side Processing -

Text after "

About a week I use Json to create DataTable + JEditable + Bassistance with server-side processing Has been able to work after struggling for. I thought it would be useful for anyone.

  $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# example tbody td'). Editable (function (value, settings) {processEventForTable (this, value); return ( OTableexample = $ ('# example') DataTable ({"bInfo": true, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "value"); " True, "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {var data = {"name": "kObjectId", "sAgaxSource": "getPaginationData.aspx", "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bPaginate" Data "{name}:" installation ID "; data = {" name ": aoData.push (data); data = {" name ":" objectName "," value ":" example "}; aoData.push (data); data = {" name " , "Value": instance id}; aoData.push (data); data = {"name": "isa UEEQUEST "," value ": ISNErOAdedit}; IsNewRowAdded = 0; aoData.push (data); debugger; $ .ajax ({" data type ":" jason "," type ":" go "," url ": ssoos , "Data": Aodata, "Success": FN-Callback}}; "FnDrawCallback": Function () {Debugger; SetDataTableID AndAttachJEditable ("Example"); $ ('# instance tbody TD') Editable (function Value, settings) {var apos = oTableexample.fnGetPosition (this) ;. ProcessEventForTableNew (apo [0], apo [1], value, "example"); Return (value);}); }}); $ .editable.addInputType ('autocomplete', {element: $ .editable.types.text.element, plugin: function (setting, original) {$ ('input', this) .autocomplete (settings.autocomplete.url , {Data type: 'jason', pars: function (data) {return $ .map (data, function (item) {return {data: item, value: items .key, result: item.value}})}, FormatItem: function (line, i, n) {return row.value;}, should match: false, focus: function (event, UI) {$ ('# example TBS TD [title]') Val (ui.item .label); Details are false;}});}}); Edit ("# Example Toddy TD"> Duration [Title] "). Editable (function (value, settings) {return value;}, {type: "auto-integer", tooltip: "click to edit ...", auto-complete: {Url: "autocompleteeg.aspx" }}); });  

This code works perfectly well.

Databases use server-side processing. And I'm submitting JEditable changes in Javascript function. From there, I am submitting the entire change array to the server.

This code is too long, anyone can help me refactor it. If there is a better way to accomplish the same task then I am waiting for it. :)

Yes cool friends! Just a small syntax error in your code.

 }, {// opening bracket "height" is missing: "20px"}  

Thanks a lot

< / Html>


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